Cleveland Cavaliers Fans Make Chant Sheet For LeBron’s Return – Check what it says!

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl – wow they are takin this so serious!!!  Can’t wait to see the ratings for this game.

Check the Chants Sheet after the jump….

Cavs Chants x Laugh at LeBron
The official “Chant Sheet” for 12.2.10

Throughout the game:
Whenever LeBron is introduced, laugh as loud as you can
Wade – Boo
Bosh- Boo
Arroyo – Boo
Z – (We’d encourage Cheering)
LeBron – Laugh as loud as you can

12:00-6:00 1st Quarter
Whenever LeBron has the ball or is at the free throw line the
chant is:
NO-Ring-King (To the beat of “Lets-Go-Cavs”)
6:00-0:00 1st Quarter
Whenever LeBron has the ball or is at the free throw line the
chant is:
Ak-Ron Hates-You (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
12:00-6:00 2nd Quarter
Whenever LeBron has the ball or is at the free throw line the
chant is:
Wit-Nessed Noth-Ing (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
6:00-0:00 2nd Quarter
Whenever LeBron has the ball or is at the free throw line the
chant is:
Sideeeee-Kick Sideeee-Kick (No Claps, derisive singing)
Start of Third Quarter
To the tune of “My Country Tis of Thee”
Our King he betrayed Thee
Couldn’t play any ‘D’
He has no RING!
Playoffs He Barely Tried
Embarassed Akrons Pride
No Doubt he really lied
(Repeat as Necessary)
12:00-6:00 3rd Quarter
Whenever LeBron has the ball or is at the free throw line the
chant is:
Scott-ie Pip-pen (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap) Apologies to Pip
6:00-0:00 3rd Quarter
Whenever LeBron has the ball or is at the free throw line the
chant is:
Traiiii-tor Traiiii-tor (No Claps, Derisive Singing)
12:00-6:00 4th Quarter
Whenever LeBron has the ball or is at the free throw line the
chant is:
De-Lon-Te! De-Lon-Te! (To the beat of “Lets-Go-Cavs”)
6:00-0:00 4th Quarter
Throughout the last half of the Fourth Quarter:
Cleve-land Rocks!
Cleve-land Rocks!

Show your civic pride, make Cleveland Proud!
– – CavsChants.Wordpress.Com –



  1. Snackz on December 1, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    Lmao… Y u so mad at Lebron Cleveland? Let it go… Cheer for Z and negative chant Lebron? Because that makes sense… I’m a Lebron fan… Who cares what team he is on.. I live in N.Y. I’m not bitter that he didnt come to the Knicks… Who cares… He is here to entertain people with his amazing ability to play ball… Nothing else… So for all of Cleveland.. Go ahead… Spend your money to watch him destroy the cavs while you chant non sense… I can bet any amount of money… You guys will still be mad… LOL U MAD BRO?! Get over it!! It’s only a game…

  2. John Doddsworth on December 1, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    Love it!!

    But don’t boo D.Wade. He is my favorite player of all time. Marquette is a top 5 college program and needs to be respected. You will see them in 2-3 of the next 5 final fours.

  3. dumb on December 1, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    this is dumb..just pop the mfucker and dip out before traffic..for real hate that nigg

  4. Eric on December 1, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    god damn Cleveland get over it. Lebron had a legit reason to leave- to join 2 superstars and win championships. Amare left Phoenix for MONEY, not championships. He didnt care about no rings; all he wanted was money. You think thats a better reason than leaving to go win championships?? Phoenix suns fans should be mad at Amare because he was selfish and greedy. But there not. Cleveland, your mad because an amazing player left your shitty team cause he knew as long as he was a cav, he would never win a ring.

  5. Beantown on December 1, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    Man, Cleveland doesn’t care that LeBron left. Half of them would leave too if they could. They can’t compete with Miami or NY. It’s HOW he left. If he had said “it’s time for me to move on,” and then gone to Miami, no big deal. But he rubbed their noses in it. That’s not cool. If your boss fires you, that’s one thing. You didn’t do your job. But if he calls in the entire office and tells you you’re done and the new guy is better, man, that’s embarrassing. If your girl leaves you, well, ok. But if your girl calls up your buddies, leaves you and starts grindin’ on the new guy she’s going to, that’s not cool. That’s what LeBron did. It’s a matter of pride now.

  6. one and only on December 1, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    Amare left phoneix cuz he’s originally from NY

  7. ains on December 1, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    I Fuck All Of You ! U are useless and your lives are miserable ! the best thing that you could do is to take you’re mouth and put it on your fuckin’ ass sons of bitch !
    here is the reason why LeBron leaves Cleveland ! You’re hypocrit ! FUCK YOU CLEVELAND

  8. RCH89 on December 1, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    I’m a Cavs fan, as well as a LeBron fan, and I’m from AKRON. Akron can’t be mad, its not like he played for Akron U or anything…lol…Plus he still does his charities and everything here SO, I’m not mad at him. Although I didnt like they way he left, I won’t be participating in any of these chants…

  9. David on December 1, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    THIS IS AMAZING!! I live in Canada and most of us hate Lebron too, the guy is a total sellout and will NEVER EVER win any rings, Eric Dampier?!?!? they will get eaten alive inside. I LOVE THE CHEERS!! Can’t wait to hear all of these cheers!!! GOOD LUCK AND GOOO CAVS

    ps throw in a few boo’s for Bosh, he screwed the raps over too.


  10. Bernie Lomax on December 1, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    These are some of the worst chants I’ve ever seen.

    Really, this is what you came up with? Really?

  11. marcus on December 1, 2010 at 6:10 pm


  12. Celtics & Lebron Fan on December 1, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    Really?? The man plays 7 season with you, makes your city RELEVANT to the rest of the US again, pretty much helps your city economy, becomes a FREE AGENT, and leaves in order to reach HIS goals in a profession HE chose and love….Who’s the real traitor here? I feel bad for Lebron, not Cleveland, but then again I can’t wait till Lebron drops 40 on you LOL! He sucks??? He averages a damn near triple double. If that sucks than I guess Michael Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain were horrible…gimme a break Cavs fan.

  13. Phil on December 1, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    2 things that Cleveland fans look forward to this year and in the future. Cavs vs Heat and and an early offseason.

  14. radeesh on December 1, 2010 at 6:29 pm

    WHY don’T the cavs fans just turn around during tip off??`?

    this is what soccer fans in europe do, when they are not happy with the team… (standing with the back to the field!!)

  15. Jacob on December 1, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    Eric – He left two 60 win teams, thats leaving a losing team for a .500 team thus far? Get your facts straight, You only go as far as your best player.

    Snackz – You just don’t understand (will smith song kicks in)

  16. Ava on December 1, 2010 at 6:46 pm


    I can not wait to watch this game!

  17. aeonsage on December 1, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    1)Ak-Ron Hates-You (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
    a)That’s a lie….Cleveland hates him
    2)Sideeeee-Kick Sideeee-Kick (No Claps, derisive singing)
    a)Lies again….they don’t say Dwade & the Miami Heat they LEBRON JAMES & THE MIAMI HEAT
    Question: what is the point of playing a professional sport?
    Answer: To show you have skills (which he did @CLEVELAND by bringing back a forgotten team, bringing them to their first playoff appearance since 1998, won the franchise first ever Eastern Conference Championship bringing them to the finals against the *SPURS*….I can go on) & win a championship (which he was not able to do with that team) CASE CLOSED….GET THE FUCK OVER IT CLEVELAND

  18. Adiel Cruz on December 1, 2010 at 8:07 pm

    This is real sad that a group of adults are going to act this ignorant. I say Lebrons a sell out and all that but, too actually lower yourself to try and degrade a person and do what most not all but most of the people in that city are doing because he left the team. Damn I never new adults could be as ignorant as the kids they talk about. Horrible presentation for the City.

  19. jason on December 1, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    any one betting against the cavs is a fool. heat playing back to back games. get in cleveland at 3am then play in that environment C’mon Son Heat got no chance

  20. Alicia on December 1, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    Non-Clevelanders need to stop commenting on this dissing Cleveland for being salty about Lebron leaving. You do not live in Cleveland, and you therefore have not experienced the decades of sports and economic-related disappointment that we have. Lebron was our pride and joy, he was our MVP, he was our King, and we worshiped this man for years like he was royalty and then he didn’t even have the decency to let us know he was leaving before he went on national television and embarrassed us and shattered Cleveland’s heart. He even came to some of his “Lebron Please Stay” rallies as if he was going to stay here. Like Jacob said, y’all just don’t understand. Go find some other city to pick on.

  21. Sean on December 1, 2010 at 8:37 pm

    This is the coolest thing ever. Anyone who supports lebron has no idea what they are talking about. Everyone in Cleveland knew he was leaving. It was the fact that he scheduled a nationally televised “decision” that gave the fans hope and subsequently brought their hope crashing down. Don’t defend LeBron he deserves everything that’s coming to him. Most people in their lives try not to burn bridges, this is what happens when you do it on a national stage. And Z deserves to be cheered, Cleveland didnt try to sign him again and he took out a whole page ad in the Plain Dealer thanking Cleveland.

  22. DGh on December 1, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    People that don’t know what they are talking about need to stop commenting. Fu Lebron

  23. Russ on December 1, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    From a Suns fan…

    1) A’Moron Sodomizer is NOT from New York, he’s from Florida.
    2) The intelligent Suns fans DO hate A’Moron

  24. Voltaic on December 1, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    Sure, LeBron didn’t really announce his “decision” in the best way ever (even though the money with promotion went to his charity), people need to calm the FUCK down. He left. Get OVER it. Maybe if he had a better team, then they would have had some rings. It is funny how everyone wants someone who is loyal to basketball and not for the money, and here he is, yet people still manage to act like babies because he wants some rings. He can’t do it by himself and he was with the Cavaliers for 7 years. Gave them 7 chances, full of games. Nothing.

    People are acting ridiculous. Whoever came up with this and agreed are fucking morons. And if someone was a true fan (regardless if they were mad or not), doing this is being hypocritical. And apparently, no one was a true fan. God, people these days. Ignorant, close-minded fucks who can’t put themselves in his position and move on.

  25. Voltaic on December 1, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    PS: I can’t wait until the Heat kicks their ass.

  26. Alicia on December 1, 2010 at 9:24 pm

    Z does deserve cheers; he did not leave us in a classless way like Lebron did. I agree; people need not defend Lebron- he’s a big boy, he made all of his own decisions and deserves every single thing that has come his way this season.

    People need to realize that the majority of Clevelanders are CAVALIERS fans, NOT Lebron fans, and we therefore have more than enough reason to be bitter towards him.

  27. LeBooHoo on December 1, 2010 at 9:59 pm

    F LeQueen Shames. He started all of this. Clevelanders get to have their say and revenge tomorrow night.

    Every time he has the ball, they should chant, “What should I do?”

  28. LeBooHoo on December 1, 2010 at 9:59 pm

    The world will be watching to laugh at the hate that the queen has coming to him.

  29. Brian on December 1, 2010 at 10:12 pm


    Cleveland fans, you really need to let it go. What did he owe you? He gave you the best 7 years of sports your town has witnessed in decades, and your owner and GM couldn’t put good pieces around him (what, one all star in 7 years?) So he leaves like anyone who truly wants to win a championship would, he sees the writing on the wall that says the Cavs can’t build a championship worthy team, and you guys crucify him for it?

    Put yourselves in his shoes – at 25, you have the option to go play in Miami with some of your best friends, and it gives you the best chance to win championships. What rational person says no to that? You know who says no? The fat slobs in Cleveland who says that ‘loyalty matters’. Those who would never, EVER in their lives be faced with this situation. Deep down, everyone knows they would have made the same EXACT DECISION.

  30. Matthmatic6 on December 1, 2010 at 10:49 pm

    LMAO. You guys suck. You want chants? Go to the UK, watch a ‘soccer’ game. The kids there come up with better than this. Fair dues, you may feel disrespected as Cavs fans, but c’mon. If you’re gonna try and disrespect a baller like James, at least TRY and make it intelligent. Ugh. With fickle, shallow fand like you, I’d have taken a paycut to get out of Cleveland!

  31. CAVSSUCK on December 1, 2010 at 11:39 pm


  32. Scott on December 1, 2010 at 11:51 pm

    I felt bad when LeBron left, thought he should have stayed… until now. Get over yourself Cleveland. You’re a joke. The Cavs have and always be terrible. Browns, Indians? No wonder you’re so bitter. I would be too if all my hometown teams were known for being losers and I had to live in the mistake by the lake. Grow up and act like you know what being a real fan is. Maybe then you and your teams won’t be the laughing stock of professional sports. Go ahead and laugh at LeBron. We’ve all been laughing at you for a long time now.

  33. jim on December 1, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    Hey all you haters of Cleveland out that shut up and go back to being band wagon jumpers. LeBron James is a hell of a basketball player but when it comes t being a person well he fits the look. Go cavs.

  34. CAVSgirl on December 2, 2010 at 12:08 am

    fact is anyone that doesnt live in cleveland doesnt no what its like, what we felt. they have absolutly no right to talk, so get the fuck outta heree. k thanks. and yes im upset lebron left but thats not why i hate him. i hate him because incase u didnt watch the last 2 games last year he absolutly gaveup. i new then and there that he wanted to leave. he gaveup and then bounced. he promised us that hed bring a championship and he didnt.he gave people hope that he was staying then outta noowhere announced to the world that he was going to heat. he embarrassed cleveland on national television. with the decision then then that damn commercial too like really? what should you do lebron?shut the fuck up cleveland already hates you enough. ur no jordan. he might kick our asses tomoro, but i hope he feels good when he sees that where hes from hates him.

  35. dug on December 2, 2010 at 1:17 am

    Best response to Lebron in Cleveland would be total silence whenever he touches the ball. Message is – He’s not worth the air that we breath!

  36. Celtics & Lebron Fan on December 2, 2010 at 1:42 am

    Cavs fans are so fair weather! You even said, you “worshipped” him for 7 years. That’s like worshipping God your whole life, then getting cancer and blaming God. SHIT HAPPENS! How you gonna hate a guy for doing something YOU wanted him to do. “Omg he embarrassed us on national tv” PLEASE! The city of Cleveland was non-relevant until Lebron James came. Now he’s gone and yall are still getting talked about BECAUSE OF HIM. 7-10 doesn’t get much attention does it? Hardly even see Cleveland on Sportscenter now. That’s because YOUR CITY SUCKS! Your economy relied on a man playing basketball….THAT SHIT SUCKS! I could go on but I don’t feel like it. You all just need to realize your thoughts are fucked up to turn on someone who made a decision to better his career.

  37. Celtics & Lebron Fan on December 2, 2010 at 1:58 am

    @Cavs fans YOU ARE THE WORST FANS IN THE WORLD! MOST SELFISH FANS IN THE FUCKIN WORLD! Didn’t try? Embarrassed in front of TV? You EMBARRASSED YOURSELF FOR YEARS BEFORE LEBRON CAME AND EMBARRASSED YOURSELF NOW! LeBron leaving just made it clear to the world that no one who wants an NBA career should go to Cleveland to play bball. Mo Williams, Antawn, Anthony Parker, etc. Their careers SUCK! Lebron would’ve been an idiot to stay and be mocked for having rings after 7 years in the NBA!

  38. chris on December 2, 2010 at 8:04 am

    snackz is an idiot

  39. nick s on December 2, 2010 at 8:05 am

    Nice chants love the creativity, but its unfortunate that nobody will have the stones to follow through on all these and make cleveland a “living hell” for lebron everyone claims…you guys might even cheer for that turd, after all he did bring you guys two great regular season records. That’s better than the indians, and browns have ever done for you. At least baltimore didn’t steal this franchise from you too! Cheer for the poor guy he just wanted a better life

  40. mm27 on December 2, 2010 at 11:16 am

    This mess is retarded!! For all u Clevelanders to even put all your faith in one person is stupid. He aint ya brother, he aint ya daddy, and he aint ya friend! He dont even kno uuuuu. Get over it Cleveland. It’s a game and so far he is winning and yall are losing terribly. #bitteradults

  41. J Dub on December 2, 2010 at 1:00 pm

    Sorry but some of these chants are Funny….just a little payback for dumping on cleveland on national TV…

  42. Seth on December 2, 2010 at 1:16 pm

    its quite funny because cleveland doesnt have a ring either. haha. you ignorant fools.

  43. Donny Reeves on December 2, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    Hope you enjoy the game

  44. Youngstown on December 2, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    Here’s why we feel this way – I’m not made that he left he did what he had to do but dont lay down – that is a slap in the face

    My First Game
    200 for ticket now this I swear
    Another 100 for jerseys for pride I wear
    Mvp trophy was hoisted in air
    Please don’t be the elbow because we really do care
    Garnett, Big Baby and Pierce we play
    Can they beat us with the King – I think NO WAY
    Championship game this year we will win
    Until we find out Lebron isn’t in
    Up and down the court no bounce in his step
    Mo is the man he tries to present
    The game is over by 20 you know
    Because he already knew to the heat he must go
    His decision was broadcast live on the news
    A town left in turmoil and completely confused
    You laid down in front of millions buts its your cross to bare
    Your glory and pride in this we don’t share
    The Cleveland cavalier with pride I still wear

  45. Paul Levy on December 2, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    LOL check this out! I knew Pat Riley was involved but didnt know he would stoop to this!
    Riley put the Inception on LeBron James check that link its the truth!

  46. Third_Island on December 2, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    lol at these comments.

    I’m just curious to see how this all plays out. Go T’Wolves!

  47. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    Everybody dissing Cleveland needs to shut the fuck up. Do you live here? No. Do you know how we feel? No. Do yo even know why we’re so mad? NO. We’re mad becuase he promised he wouldn’t leave Cleveland untill he got us a championship. He said he’d never leave his home. &Plus it’s obvious that he made his decscion illegaly, he broke NBA rules & that will be proven soon. I have a question for everybody who’s dissing Cleveland, do you know how it feels to have someone like LeBron leave your team? Not a lot of you do & if you did, you wouldn’t be dissing us. &Don’t even say that us Cavs fans are horrible, we’re NOT horrible. As I said, we don’t all hate LeBron so much for leaving, it’s the way he did it! Z left us for Miami too, &do I hate him? No i don’t, I’m still a fan of his becuase he’s a nice person. LeBron is a good player, but is he a good person? No he isn’t. To all of you Miami fans, what would you have said or done if D Wade left you? You ALL would be pissed off too so basically all I wanted to say is to shut the fuck up if you don’t live in Cleveland. K thanks 😉

  48. As the LBJ turns on December 2, 2010 at 3:28 pm


  49. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 3:33 pm

    Well I’m speaking for most of the people that are mad at him, not you.

  50. lax08 on December 2, 2010 at 3:59 pm

    who really cares. people are making such a big deal about lebron leaving. i would have left if i was him to. he was the only person on the team that could do anything. cleveland was depending on lebron to win the playoffs for them.. Why is it his fault? why couldnt the rest of the team do anything to help? Just leave lebron alone, he is good and now cleveland fans are just mad because he left.

  51. musicfan on December 2, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    This is pathetic and some of it is completely uncalled for. I’m not from Cleveland so no I don’t completely understand what you are all going through, to feel betrayed by one of the biggest sports icons in your city’s history. I don’t like Lebron for the way he defected from Cleveland to Miami and it was wrong for him to do that, but you are all making yourselves look shameful and are a disgrace to your city. You think purposely attempting to hurt the man through these chants will do anything? What is a chant like “Delonte” going to do for you? That doesn’t even have anything to do with basketball, you’re bringing his personal life into a sport. I know not all Cleveland fans are like this but to all of you who think this is a great idea and are willing to lower yourselves by chanting this stuff, more power to you. You guys have a lot of class, bravo to you. Utter disgraces.

  52. Henry on December 2, 2010 at 4:14 pm

    who the fuck said Canada hates lebron? I’m Canadian and a proud lebron fan. The king is still the King even without an effing ring. Not to mention the only reason he didnt get a ring is cause he spent 7 precious professional years of his career in frigging Cleveland.

  53. john moolsey on December 2, 2010 at 4:14 pm

    CLeveland GET THE FUCK OVER IT! atleast you still have a team.

    R.I.P. Seattle Supersonics </3

  54. Lin on December 2, 2010 at 4:17 pm

    I am certainly not a fan of LeBron, and I think the way he handled leaving the Cavs was ignorance at it’s finest, BUT, why would anyone think Akron/Cleveland would be any young superstars ultimate dream? Get over it people. He did have a right to leave. Move on.

  55. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    I agree with most of ‘musicfan’s comment but don’t tell people they are a disgrace to theit city, that’s disrespectful & you have no right to say that. People are only doing these chants cause they think it’ll hurt LeBron as much as he hurt a lot of people here.

  56. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Plus, LeBron was the only person on the team doing somthing cause our coaches depended on him too much, he could win a game by himself & some of the good players would sit out almost the whole game so don’t blame the team for that.

  57. musicfan on December 2, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    Ok you’re right, that was out of line, but all I’m try to say is that cleveland fans should handle it better, the man clearly understands that the city is upset with him, they burned his jersey as soon as the decision was made. It’s terrible what he did to Cleveland, the way he left a team he played with for 7 years and a place he spent most of his life in, I don’t know all that the fans could possibly be going through but stuff like this does not paint them as the greatest people either so I can’t help but feel a little irritated by something like this. If the fans want to send a message to him, just boo him, don’t go through this long detailed chant list and bring stuff up like Delonte West into that. How do they think people watching the game at home are going to think of them? That’s all I’m saying. Sorry for the disgrace comment.

  58. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 4:36 pm

    It’s okay, and I agree with you saying that the fans won’t look that great either. Some of this irritates me too. But I’m still thankful that LeBron won so many games with us. I just wish he would’ve kept his promise, that’s all!

  59. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 5:01 pm

    Henry, shut up, you see the Miami Heat? He did better here in Cleveland, thankyou very much 😉

  60. clevelander on December 2, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    all you people who keep commenting saying that cleveland fans need to let it go well until you have lived in cleveland and been in the position where we pretty much got laughed at by everyone in the country for the way that he left then you can say something. if wade left the heat miami people would feel the same way so we can complain and do and say whatever we want and will get over it when we are good and ready of you dont like it dont watch the cavs and dont come to cleveland

  61. Celtics & Lebron Fan on December 2, 2010 at 5:52 pm

    Mosgirl you’re just a pathetic bitch. If LeBron stayed none of this would be happening so why do you care if the man promised your city a ring and didn’t get it because he was playing 1 v. 5 EVERY GAME! In case you didn’t notice he had a triple double in his last playoff game. The next leading scoring I think had 10! 10! Cavs are a terrible team, and if I was Lebron I would’ve split too. It’s his career, not Cleveland. Cleveland had it’s shot, and they failed. Not Lebron, he did all he could. Put the city of his back, and now he’s tried of carrying a city. It’s not his place to be the next MJ, or Bird, or Reggie Miller. He wants to be the next Lebron, and this is the Lebron story. Rings to come, and none will be in Cleveland.

  62. HollyWood Stylez on December 2, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    phuck cleveland and what they smell like…The b*tches

  63. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 5:59 pm

    Okay well, when LeBron was with the Cavs, we had the best winning records, or close to it anyway. &The Heat’s is just a little better than the Cavs. To have 3 stars on your team and to have a record like yours, it’s pretty bad. You guys won’t be winning a ring anytime soon, I hate to break it to you. Cleveland AND LEBRON failed, incase you haven’t noticed (: Don’t blame it all on Cleveland, LeBron was apart of our team meaning he failed too.

  64. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    He obviously wants to be the next MJ. First he’s #23 and now he’s #6. C’mon & use your brain. It’s so obvious.

  65. LoserLeBron on December 2, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    People in Cleveland, at least I, could care less that he left. People in Cleveland, and obviously around the rest of the country care that he made himself look like the biggest douche with “The Decision”. Also, everybody seems to forget that he said, ” I will stay until I bring a Championship to Ohio”. I understand he has hopes and dreams, but he sure is making a ton of enemies on the way, and has disrespected his hometown, and state, which I know no longer welcome him nicely.

  66. Athick on December 2, 2010 at 6:54 pm

    I love the Delonte chant, you goofy Cavs fans don’t realize… he left too.

    These chants, Dan Gilbert and the Cleland Cav fans are as pathetic as their record will be this season.

  67. Danny on December 2, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    I honestly am happy Lebron left. He wasnt going to win a championship in cleveland and he knew that. so why should he stay..its about love for the game of basketball. this chant sheet is the most stupid thing ive ever seen, come on just watch a good basketball game and cheer for your home team thats all.

  68. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    We know Delonte left, people just like him for bangin LeBron’s momma

  69. aeonsage on December 2, 2010 at 7:31 pm

    mosgirl..i can see you are a very dedicated fan and i respect are not in Lebron position, you are not in his shoes, you do not play on the same court as he do, and you DO NOT have the same ambitious as he do.. yes he promised you a ring, but that was his rookie season and any other player would say that..look at charles barkley he played for the 76ers, suns, and rockets and he do not have one finger got to put yourself in his position

  70. aeonsage on December 2, 2010 at 7:33 pm


  71. mosgirl on December 2, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    Yes, I know that I’m not his shoes. I just think he shouldn’t have said that. No rookie should’ve if they don’t really know if they can keep the promise or not. That’s just my opinion on this situation though. I know a lot of other people will think differently.

  72. Cheryl A. Johnson on December 2, 2010 at 7:40 pm

    For Christians, we worship only one King, Jesus Christ. Jesus, our Saviour, is the witness to the world. Jesus showed compassion and love to the world. The first commandment states “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Lebron is a person. We may not agree to his method of leaving, but he is entitled to live his life any way he choose to. We must ask ourselves, are we “perfect”? Have we offended someone, based on their sex, race, religion, or ethnicity? Have we judged someone, without learning the contents of their character? Have we declared someone quilty, before they could prove their innocence? I pray that your life is lived in such a way that God is glorified and Jesus is magnified. Give all the praise, honor, and glory to God! Ask Him to help you to let go of these feelings toward Lebron, and live the wonderful life God has predestined for you.

  73. aeonsage on December 2, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    I am a Lebron fan….always was always will be….BUT….it did seem type disrespectful how he did ya *and for the record towards everybody, the mass majority of the time, i may slip up sometimes, but i say LETS GO LEBRON NOT LETS GO HEAT so i am not a bandwagon*

  74. Alfred on December 2, 2010 at 7:58 pm

    Ppl who are saying the Cavs didn’t put a good team around him are ****ing blind and/or legally stupid. You don’t get 66 & 61 win seasons back-to-back on your own. If that was the case, why are the Heat only 11-8 with Lebron (AND Wade & Bosh?).

    Not to mention the Cavs went to the finals & Lebron couldn’t finish, or did people forget about that too? And the Cavs had a great chance last year but Lebron CLEARLY gave up on the team after 4 games in the Boston-Cleveland series.

  75. The Truth of Cleveland on December 2, 2010 at 9:10 pm

    Ok ok so LeBron left Cleveland….we understand that. I encourage him do continue his “business” and what he loves to do but you don’t walk out the way he did. He smashed it in our face and basically said screw you Cleveland, Miami is better. He gave up on Cleveland and we have every right to be upset but do it with class Cleveland. Were better than that. And for all of the haters on Cleveland, you probably have never been here and don’t know the energy of Cleveland and the pride we had in LeBron and what our emotions are. It’s one like no other. He was the only thing we had and he well knows that. The haters on Cleveland talk about us talking smack on LeBron and you guys are doing nothing better. You then are just as bad so you have nothing to talk. Just saying it like it is.

  76. Sissy on December 2, 2010 at 10:01 pm

    Aw c’mon… We Clevelanders need something fun to do! And we are chanting As*~hole whenever he has the ball. That boot lip knew he was leaving a couple of years ago. The Heat enticed his black butt to leave. Anyhow, who give a flying f*@k what you non-Clevelanders think. It’s a ball game in which ALL of the players make outrageous amounts of cash to put a ball on a hoop. Boot lips @ that…

  77. AzzSandwichMoFo on December 2, 2010 at 10:05 pm

    Boot lip mfo@ker…

  78. aeonsage on December 2, 2010 at 10:19 pm

    if ya gonna be mad….@ least play better #imjustsayin

  79. Rene on December 3, 2010 at 11:43 am

    Cleveland needs a hobby. They need a hurricane or some real disaster to remind them what is really important. I can’t imagine how many of those nutcases skipped work to come up with those worthless signs and shirts. Lame a** chants. F**king retards. It pissed me off to see how a** backwards these losers are. Get mad about the economy or something that matters. Lebron did his thing and said what he had to say on the court.

  80. Rene on December 3, 2010 at 12:02 pm

    It’s funny how those idiots put all that effort into hurting Lebrons feelings like he was going to give a flying f**k.

  81. Athick on December 3, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    all i gotta say is HAHAHAHAAH Cleveland.

    TRASH team in a TRASH city !!!

  82. Lee on December 3, 2010 at 8:22 pm

    F*ck Cleveland and all its wack fans.

  83. ItsMe on December 5, 2010 at 6:45 pm

    Wow! What A Chant For A Team That Got Their Ass Whipped By The Main Person They Were Targeting! Lol! Grow Up Man! None Of Ya Know This Dude Personally! None Of Are Even Playing On The Team! You Take This Shit Way To Fuckin Serious! C’Mon Son (Ed Lover Voice)!

  84. Onlinegeyik on December 6, 2010 at 7:14 am

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  85. Realistic on December 7, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    You people are crazy, and Alicia is a fuckin idiot. Lebron doesnt owe any of dick riding bitches anything. Acting like you own Lbj like he owes you bitches anything. Before Lbj Cleveland was nothing. He has generated millions into your economy as well as provided jobs for you dumb fucks as well as entertained and this is the thanks he gets. You all sound like a jealous female that walked in on her man fuckin the dog shit out of her sister. Lbj is gone so get over it. There was nothing wrong with the decision, except for the fact that it was done to generate a couple of million for charity. Dan Gilberts bitch ass had 7 years to get it right. He brings in an old ass shaq, and a hurt ass Jamison, don’t even talk about moe Williams cause he doesnt even show up in the playoffs. Gibson, disappeared once he left TX. So how did that ass whooping feel that the Heat have you mtfs?

  86. cyberjust on December 10, 2010 at 3:21 am

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  87. enamel on December 15, 2010 at 1:26 am

    lol his new sneakers are hot!

  88. kim on December 22, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    babe get your money go where your game goes.
    Not your fault they couldn’t understand you bussiness veiws

  89. Bounce on January 4, 2011 at 6:26 pm

    I’m so done with people thinking Lebron owes them something. Who even thought anything about Cleveland before he utilized HIS TALENT to make the place well known? If I were in his position, I would have done what was best for my family and future as well. Right on Lebron do your thing. I think I would have talked to the owner and coach first, but in the end it’s still his decision. Boo All You Want, It’s Not Gonna Bring Him Back And You Look Like Fools Who Spend Their Time Thinking Of Ways To Disrespect Someone Who Made A Decision That Had Exactly And Entirely Nothing To Do With You. And, the whole Delonte thing is disrespectful to his Mom. Why do you want to hurt her anymore than you already do, by Booing her son? You Guys Look Really Silly.

  90. Cavs Losers on January 7, 2011 at 9:38 am

    Thats why LeBron guys are big LOSERS.

  91. Cavs Losers on January 7, 2011 at 9:39 am

    Chanting that way really shows you are LOSERS..hehehe

  92. Lane247 on January 11, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    Cleveland has been having their period a little too long..

  93. StopCrying on January 13, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    I’m reading through these comments and I keep seeing mosgirl’s comments. I tried to ignore them but they’re too damn annoying and I finally HAD to comment. Seriously?! You wish he kept his promise?! You make Cleveland sound like a teen girl who is pissed off at her ex because he promised to marry her back in 8th grade. Get over it already. He wasn’t going to win a ring in Cleveland. He’ll win multiple in Miami. He gave you 7 great years and did everything he could. He was basically playing by himself out there with no help. Two 60 win seasons with NO HELP! Be grateful, not bitter. Be happy for him. I understand that he didn’t leave in the best way, but it’s about time to stop and be mad at Dan Gilbert for making Cleveland look like fools. Btw, the Heat needed a little time to gel, I think we see the results now. Ha! About 30 games together and they’re starting to reel off wins. I can’t wait ’til they have a couple seasons together under their belts. Go Heat!

  94. Lumps on January 14, 2011 at 5:11 am

    I believe all this is pure hatred because the Cavs have a whole bunch of people what’s one person got to do with the team. Oh wait! Lebron was the Cavs. Damn my bad keep hating. Srry Cavs fans

  95. Lebron fan 4ever!!!!!! on January 20, 2011 at 1:56 pm


  96. Lebron fan 4ever!!!!!! on January 20, 2011 at 2:08 pm


  97. Hoodz F on January 20, 2011 at 10:42 pm


  98. msmocha on January 29, 2011 at 12:07 pm

    This is amazing to me. Cleveland did not “own” Lebron, what is he a slave? He is a grown ass man that is free to do whatever he wants with his life and career. Just because he played for the Cavs does that mean he owes them his life. Get the fuck outta here, get over it and worry about building your city..oops my bad, that’s y they r so mad, the money pot has left. SMDH

  99. T on February 5, 2011 at 11:02 am

    The way he left was wrong….but look at it like this. Bron had himself and his high school team on ESPN like he was already pro. Then he jumped straight to the league. So he was missing those years of being able to have a big announcement about what university he was going to attend, so I think that had a part to do with it. But to still be hating when your team has lost almost 30 games in a row, an owner with a SLAVE MASTER MIND STATE, (read his letter again if you don’t believe it)and the fact that LEBRON took an entire team from the bottom to the top within a few years with no real help, you should be happy he stayed as long as he did. Get over it, tell your owner to get a full squad and actually make some moves!! I do wish I could have watched him and D-Rose play together though in the Chi!! Midwest all day….D-Rose=2010-11 MVP!!!!

  100. jcalo on February 11, 2011 at 11:43 am

    fuck prince james and fuck clevland

  101. Bigbellyman on February 20, 2011 at 11:52 pm

    Ok all the talk dissin LeBron on how he left is stupid. He left; he owes NO explanation. How should he have left? He did what HE had to do. Get over it. He did his job while there. It’s not about how he left Cleveland is just mad BECAUSE he left. The cash cow has left the building! That’s the whole reason they’re mad. What else put them on the map? LeBron! Now the party’s over…

  102. Listen to this! on March 6, 2011 at 4:11 pm

    @ Alicia saying “and we worshiped this man for years like he was royalty”…See now this is the effin’ problem, before you go worship the Almighty God, you here talkin’ about worshiping a MAN. Y’all r so damn dumb, you keep on dwelling on 1 person to get a championship when it takes a TEAM.
    This is the nature of the business, u make moves to better ur career and if u were a true fan u would respect where he goes.
    Regardless if he went LOUD or quiet,the fact is he was still leaving, so STFU already about embarrasing this & that over it being televised, who the F cares.
    U Dumbos have no reason to be talking @ this point after making an ass of urselves by burning his Jersey & all the
    extra madness, go read a damn book or something if you can’t get the F**k over it! #Lebron did him, now do U!

  103. Dash on March 8, 2011 at 3:43 pm

    Its crazy how ppl suck mega balls… ALL THE PAST NBA GREATS BOMBED LEBRON 4 HIS “DECISION”
    I don’t know why u ppl are bombing the Cleveland Fans… they have every right to be as mad as they are… how are u one of the top players in the league 2 time MVP and your team had the best record in the league 2 yrs running.. only team 2 win 60 games twice in the last 3 yrs… and u go and just give up on that… if they were the raptors then its ok to leave… but Cleveland was a contender and for Lebron to Pussy out like that was very cowardly… If Lebron would’ve stayed and brought a championship to Cleveland than he would have been immortalized … he could’ve ran 4 prez if he wants… now he’s at Kobe bryant post rape charge status.. smh.. and he’s crying in Locker rooms… he can win 10 back to back in MIA .. it will never amount to one chip he would’ve brought to his home town cavs….

  104. Crunkatlanta on April 18, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    the CAVS need to zip it …. they so sorry and have so much hate in them its too funny. When LJ get that ring someday they still will hate. CAVS can kiss a monkey @ss

  105. Ketjip on April 23, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Lebron is laughing all the way to the bank after this..

  106. Tami J on June 25, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    If Cleveland keep this up they are going to wake up a sleeping giant and he’s going to go the fuck off. But ain’t that some Bullying Sh– I’m just saying.

  107. Olijawon on July 11, 2011 at 2:44 pm

    Its a damn shame that cleveland fans use all their time to do this. how about you cleveland people get over the loss and move on. yall were the mistake by the lake before lebron and are restamping that title to this day. get ur economy up n stop using lebron as ur vent to all ur daily life struggles……

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HOT 97

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LGP QUA | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle151

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Lil Baby | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle147

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Tee Grizzley | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle129

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Bobby Konders Presents: Massive B Legacy, Vol. 1

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#MusicStillMatters New Music: A Boogie – Nice For What

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#MusicStillMatters New Music: T-Pain – Boo’d Up (Remix)

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