(Photos) Beyonce Steps Out In Figure Hugging Dress After Rumors That Her Belly Was Fake!

#RunYourErrandsInATightDressSoIKnowItsReal — After rumors spread like wildfire that Beyonce’s belly bump was fake, Queen Bey subliminally gave her haters the two finger snaps when she stepped out in NYC today in a dress that accentuated her pregnant tummy. And might I add that she looked damnnnn good!! I’m currently praying to the pregnant Gods that one day, when it’s my time, I will look this AMAZING! Hit the jump to check her out!!

Wendy L.


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  1. Pffft on October 14, 2011 at 10:22 pm

    I b

  2. Pffft on October 14, 2011 at 10:23 pm

    I believe her. Not to mention that her boobs have doubled in size!

  3. K on October 15, 2011 at 6:35 am

    If u look at the pics closely, u can see her baby bump. And I agree her boobs are huge.

    • Pshh on November 3, 2011 at 4:43 pm

      But She Still Culdd Of Putt A Fakee Baby Bumpp! Dahh!!

  4. rnsone on October 16, 2011 at 1:21 pm

    This don’t prove shhhhh.the only way she is going to dispel rumors is by showing that belly.the way that bump bent and the look on her face when it bent looked fishy!

    • kiss36 on October 18, 2011 at 10:10 pm

      she prego…. if u had babies u know, alot of people are hateing they dont want her to be get out of her life…..and stop being mad haters god dont like ugly nor pretty u go girl

    • Chrisstian Nicole' on November 8, 2011 at 7:04 pm

      Im a huge fan of beyonce & have been since destiny child..but I honestly don’t believe she’s pregnant, I havent seen a pic of her pregnant belly yet & thats quite odd, jus bcuz her breast is large doesn’t prove anything cuz she could have breast implants!!!!!!!! Besides beyonce is a natural curvy woman shes to skinny,to be,that, far gone shes doesnt have a glow,at all!!!!!!! NOT PREGNANT

  5. Dannee Shawdae on October 17, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    Im sorry but people really need to leave Beyonce alone. Whether she is using a surrogate or what have you that’s her business her body.. If is using a surrogate hell I wouldn’t tell you all a$$3$ bcuz your gonna harrass, hound and stalk the person doing just that. It’s her body her business let her enjoy mother the way she chooses. Report how are we going to fix a crippled economy.. To the media you #FAIL

  6. HONEYBEE1 on October 17, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    plz bey!!! stop dressing like a slut…your a wife and now a mother

  7. HONEYBEE1 on October 17, 2011 at 12:36 pm

    dat baby gon get sick wit them tight ass shortass dresses she be wearing…and put yo tiddays away!!! smh

    • Kat on October 18, 2011 at 2:40 am

      women should b able to wear whatever they choose without bein hated on & judged to be a “slut”. Bey has a killer body and if that is a real bump she’d be proud to show it off!

  8. HONEYBEE1 on October 17, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    she the classiest lookin broad who really doesnt have class….any other woman walking round in that shit wood be talked bout so bad!!!

  9. HONEYBEE1 on October 17, 2011 at 12:40 pm

    @dannee u fail!!! read another blog for dat!!! sillyrabbit tricks for kids school for dummies plz enroll

  10. Dannee Shawdae on October 17, 2011 at 12:58 pm

    @Honey your a hater and maybe you need to enroll because your the one spelling words wrong. Make sure they get you up to speed on The US Constitution as well, #FREEDOMOFSPEECH. Have a great day :))

  11. ro on October 17, 2011 at 4:39 pm

    This don’t prove sh!t! She could be wearing a baby bump pillow underneath her clothes like last time! If she want to prove it then take a pic in a bikini with yo middle finger up!

    • lady pooh on May 27, 2014 at 2:49 pm

      One thing I got to say if she is prego guess who got to take care of it neither one of yall broke hoes anit gone take care of the baby so leave that girl alone!

  12. Jay on October 17, 2011 at 5:00 pm

    shes a mom an wife dont put your self out there any more this aint the destiny child days where you wore wat you wanted she needs to start dressing like a woman who is expecting a child not a teen or a slutt

  13. sara on October 17, 2011 at 6:27 pm

    she have to show me when she bout 8 months to prove that she is, cause her nose is still skinny and pregnant women nose b the first to spread

    • Enter your name... on October 18, 2011 at 8:31 pm

      First of all every women carrier there baby different if u got kids u would know that and I got one and everybody was like ur hands will be swollen ur back will hurt ur face will get fat I mean I herd all kind of stuff and none of that stuff they told me was nothing like my pregnancy so she might carry her baby a lil different then other

    • lady pooh on May 27, 2014 at 2:53 pm


  14. Kim on October 17, 2011 at 6:38 pm

    Ugh people get a life she doesn’t have to prove anything to any of you .. She looks magnificent !!!!

  15. SweetD on October 17, 2011 at 7:04 pm

    Erybdy need to get off her shyt… Whn yall start makin beyonce money… Thn maybe u can b concerned bout wht she doin… If she lyin or not who cares as long as she still makin music… Cuz Dats wht we knw her 4… She not jus famous for gossip… Music wht made her the eye of the media!!! Congrats bey if u are… N if u not… Hurry up n drop antha album!

  16. AJ on October 17, 2011 at 10:17 pm

    leave the Queen alone…haters!!!!

  17. Aj on October 17, 2011 at 10:25 pm

    Fuck y’all mad at Bey for
    y’all don’t even know what she been through
    Bey play chicken w/ a MAC truck
    y’all mu’fukkaz would’ve been moved

    Bey swim waters with great whites
    y’all mu’ fukkaz would’ve been food

    she hustles with vultures late night
    y’all mu’ fukkaz would’ve been food

    Fuck wrong with these fools…

    ‘get em B!!!!

  18. Shaville on October 17, 2011 at 10:54 pm

    I love how everyone thinks this is any of their business. For the dumba$$ who said she needs to show her stomach to prove she’s pregnant, how invasive is that? So because ppl are doubting her that means that she should give up her rights as a human and do what the public wants to appease their curiosity. Shove it. And for all of the other ppl who believe her outfit is not what a pregnant woman should be wearing, or a woman who is married, I also say shover it

  19. pmc on October 17, 2011 at 11:02 pm

    Wtf does this pic prove? I thought her belly was out. This could be the same situation diff dress. Duh! Pub must have told her to do this. They really must take the public as fools.

    Personally I cud care LESS but since its in my face ill comment. I believe they having a test tube baby with a surrogate mom. And they just fakin the funk.

  20. u dum dum on October 17, 2011 at 11:06 pm

    @shaville the entire purpose of this was to prove somethin which she FAILED to do! And if she didn’t want her business out she wud have kept her trap closed. So now that it’s n the public eye we have the right to comment or believe what the hell we want! So kick rocks!

    • whatsurproblem on October 18, 2011 at 2:43 am

      What world are you living in. Bey didn’t set out this day to prove that she was pregnant……that’s the topic of the media topic. Why in the world would anyone who do not know you, would set out to prove anything to you?

  21. Toy on October 18, 2011 at 12:00 am

    People need to leave Bey alone. I think it would be foolish if she wore a fake belly. I don’t think she would do that. People need to grow up and stop being so ignorant this is a grown ass women. Let her do her and y’all do you.

  22. @skinnieminnieme on October 18, 2011 at 12:33 am

    Who carries that low ?!

  23. Chantel on October 18, 2011 at 12:47 am

    Is it just me or can I not even see bey face in none of the pics where they showing her belly then they decide to throw in a random face shot at the end like that prooves something in no pics does it match the belly with her face.. #fail

  24. The One on October 18, 2011 at 1:21 am

    Look at her face….it has gotten rounder…look at her breasts they have gotten fuller…if u ask me, all of yall #fail…except for Dannee…I’d rather them fix the economy than determine whether Beyonce is pregnant or not. Don’t get me wrong, its all entertainment…but when Bey’s baby bump becomes a national priority…something is definitely wrong….

  25. Rose on October 18, 2011 at 1:23 am

    Y’all need too leave bey alone. Ppl just mad cause they not prego… Damn let the girl breath

  26. TDizzle on October 18, 2011 at 6:11 am

    Not that I’m really into all this.. but has anyone considered that maybe she had some type of protection covering her baby bump? The world is crazy as we can all see from many of these comments..maybe Becuz she’s BEY, and travels all over the world she decided to take further protection of her growing baby..maybe that is what the dress was made like..and probably what a lot of her clothes will be made like!..I was just thinkin..maybe it did bend and that’s probably the extra protection or some type of maternity what ever that was in front of it.., Damn.. I’m not gonna judge anyone on there comments a lot of people don’t have lives of there own so they depend on media like this to fuel their world..*shrugs*.for some this type of thing is their life*Shrugs*..its all blahhh..I wish her all the best no matter what her personal situation is!..Luv her music.:)

  27. DatLafiTafi on October 18, 2011 at 9:02 am

    Bey is one of the most talented women of our time, stop hatin on her. She’s no different than the rest of us, we all carry different but thats it. I have 5 kids 4 boys and 1 girl, I carrried high and low, my nose never spred and my breast just got bigger. She always has been an up standing beautiful black woman so ask ur dumb ass self why would she put herself out there like this, if it was a lie, duh, dummy bcuz its not! Bey and Jay are the most talented,
    sexi, lucrative married couples of our time. We need to be learning something from them instead of worrying about whether or not a bump is real. So stop ur hatin, and start congratulatin. God bless us, everyone!!!

  28. Sam on October 18, 2011 at 10:03 am

    Most of these threads are so dumb that I can bet idiots wrote them. Half of you need to stop worrying about Bey and what she’s doing and learn some grammar. I mean, it’s 2011 and you retards still can’t differentiate between “your” and “you’re”. Clearly Bey is not the problem.

    • Zan on October 21, 2011 at 9:16 pm

      I totally agree with you. I could care less on whether she is pregnant or not. She doesnt sign paycheck. Sometimes it is unfortunate to have fortune and fame because it comes with a price…no privacy.

  29. monalisa on October 18, 2011 at 11:24 am

    Most pregnant women can’t wear heals while they’re pregnant for any length of time. Also, pregnant women’s ankles tend to swell a little or alot. The baby and the water in the sac keeps the pregnant woman off balance a little as to why most can’t wear heals. Most pregnant women can’t sit down the way she did at the Australian interview. Pads can be used to make the breast appear to be bigger. After having said all of that, it still doesn’t mean that she isn’t pregnant. She is a very athletic woman and in shape and may be able to handle walking in heals while pregnant. She may want a child, but either can’t get pregnant, jay can’t produce or she does’t want to mess up her body or other theory for not wanting to publicize how she and jay want to start a family. If she wasn’t really pregnant, I certainly if I was her, make it into such a media frenzy by announcing her pregnancy on the vma’s.

  30. Lisa. on October 18, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    Every woman carries her pregnancy different from the next. Her nose doesn’t have to swell and neither does her ankles. I have had three babies and didn’t experience either of the two. Also, I wore heels up until I delivered. I would hope that someone with the money she has could afford a belly that wouldn’t “collapse.” Please live this woman alone. I believe it was the dress not the belly. Women who have had children should know that your belly will look different with each outfit you wear. Also. How many pregnant women have looked down at their belly and noticed that it looked deformed or collapsed on one side. People are way too obsessed with this woman’s pregnancy. And no she doesn’t need to show her bare belly just to prove something.

  31. Clara Brown on October 18, 2011 at 4:55 pm

    Please stop this nonsense Bey is doing her! You do you! We need to know that JZ & Bey need our moral support and not hating on them because they are people who need respect just like you want RESPECT!!!!!!!

  32. Katrina on October 18, 2011 at 6:36 pm

    Ppl need 2 stop being so damn judgmental and mind your own damn business. If she wants 2 walk around wrapped up in just a scarf it’s her business and she gas every right 2. Her pregnancy or lack there of is also HER business. So I say “Get a life and get out of hers”

  33. Cora Hayes on October 18, 2011 at 9:47 pm

    I am so sick & tired of people thinking that stars are moe than human BEINGS! wake up people………They are people who has been blessed with talent. Beyonce…pregnant or not, it’s her and Jay Z’s business.
    Leave her alone and let her be!!!!!

  34. angie on October 19, 2011 at 1:32 am

    umm just becuase you watched a video doesn’t mean anything either they be messing with pics and videos so they can make anything look fake. it’s her business what she’s carrying in her stomach yall don’t matter so she she don’t have to prove herself yall non motha fucking factors to her she don’t have to prove nothing to yall wtf get a life and stop worrying about the one that’s in her

  35. Basic_Li on October 20, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    That deflating belly was suspect, I have two kids and at that size I couldn’t have bent forward that far, period. I don’t know anyone that far along who could have bent forward to sit down without being in pain. On the MTV awards her tummy looked way larger than it did in those bikini pics a week later. She is either lying or padding. I personally think she is padding to make it look bigger. Lying about your pregnancy and secretly using a surrogate is seriously beneath her. One other thing is it me or is it a little out of character for her to announce her due date, this is the same woman who kept the public out of the loop about her wedding for months.

  36. KaLaRenay on October 21, 2011 at 12:25 pm

    Yall need not to be dissing my favorite idol the way yall are. Ok Beyonce is pregnant, so what! When I found out that she was pregnant, I was very excited. And for all of the people that say ” her baby bump is fake”, you are nothing but HATERS! Leave Beyonce/ my favorite idol alone!!!!

  37. Kimesha Michele on October 21, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    bigger boobs? PUSH UP BRA!! this proves nothing. But for the sake of Beyonce’s fans and sponsors I hope and pray that she is not faking a baby just to raise her stats even higher. if so shame on you 2!!!

  38. Dou6leshot on October 21, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    Not a hater just curious
    Okay she a bump showing here so what can u say about the belly popping in and out like that on video and my wife had 3 kids and her belly never did that #imjustsaying

  39. Darlean on October 21, 2011 at 3:18 pm

    who really cares if shes haven a baby or not ,the Question is: why do she want to have a baby? It is clear that jay-Z didn’t want any children and fight to keep it hidden really good(sike) well so what is going throw her head that he is going to do what he is suppose to if she is PG,is she trying to get what her little sister had first, you know career,husband,baby. it just seam funny, if she don’t want the question then she need to stay out of the lime light cause we are going to ask.

  40. Darlean on October 21, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Bey have money so she can buy one of them belly’s they were on TV. they can even swim in them, now who do she really have to prove it to , if she’s lying it will come out later on , she just better not say she had a miscarriage or stress made her lose it. that is what we don’t want to here, she wouldn’t be able to hided it after December.

  41. voxxy on October 22, 2011 at 5:39 pm

    celebrities know exactly what they’re getting into when they pick this job! No privacy and paparazzi everywhere. Its been happening since the beginning of time and its not going to stop just because it’s ‘beyonce’. True she can do whatever she wants…but so can everyone else! If they wanna be all in her business then they can do just that. People are always in everybody else’s business in normal life so its not gonna stop because it’s a celeb! After all she put her self out there, so all yall ‘pro bey privacy’ shove it. Yall get off her stories and headlines then, bcecause believe it or not yall are being nosy to have even looked this far! lol

  42. Faith on October 25, 2011 at 9:07 am

    I believe she’s pregnant, it’s in her face. I have 2 children & my stomach has done the same thing sometimes when sitting down. However, I believe that she is padding it too look further than she really is. I mean not so smart move to throw people off.

  43. Candace on October 27, 2011 at 12:04 am

    Every woman is different not everybody gets a fat face, fat nose, etc..I had none of that. I didn’t have to wear maternity clothes until I was about seven months didn’t start showing until five months. Some days I looked bigger than others and still look at the pictures and wonder how that’s possible. It has a lot to do with the positioning of the baby, etc…I have a pic at both five and six months and look way bigger in the pic I took at five months. Crazy as it sounds it’s possble

  44. eve on November 5, 2011 at 6:12 am

    Not being a hater but some of u guys are right about sum things like 4 1, beyonce never announce the due date that means we can b suppecting 4 about a year n yet not relizing she is still pregnant. 2, at the award show like 3months ago beyonce belly have not even grown he belly at all its still looking like how she announce that she was pregnant there no change in her belly. 3, belly do not bend ok of course it fake. 4, beyonce is a attention seeker she always want people to notice her so her pay can double up. 5, its all fake n there is a surrogate end off

  45. TK on November 11, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    These comments are pretty sad. SMDH at the negativity. People talking about her nose should be bigger, she can’t wear heels, her belly always looks different. First of all…NO WOMAN WILL CARRY THEIR PREGNANCY THE SAME AS ANOTHER…I have two kids. With my first my employer had the nerve to question the legitimacy of it cuz i was thin as a rail till the day i delivered. I was 5’4 and 132lbs when i had my first baby who was full and healthy. I was extremely fit and athletic so I really didn’t show to the world (i was huge to me but hey…)I showed with my second but not till i was 7 months. I was 8 1/2 months preggo on the day of my wedding. My wedding pictures are terribly confusing cuz i look HEAVY in some and just curvy in others and my belly “appeared” to do the same (collapse and disappear) but it clearly was my dress. I wore high heels and everything. I sat like a normal person till the last trimester. I feel for Bey (tho i know she could care less what the media thinks). This world is so damn ignorant. Girl enjoy your pregnancy!

  46. keshia on November 13, 2011 at 5:50 pm

    First of all, the medi should leave this woman alone. Second, as some of you mothers out there may know, not all women get the big, solid bellies when pregnant. A woman that works out alot and stays active during pregnancy may or may not get a belly. I don’t know if she’s pregnant or not, but leave this woman alone. It’s so sad when people have so little going on in their own lives that they have to intrude on and judge the lives of others. Congrats to Jay and Bey, no matter how the baby comes 🙂

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Mila J Reveals The Real Deal Between Her & A Rumored Beau, Plus Talks New EP, Diet/Workout, Her Mains & More!

Gorgeous singer/songwriter/dancer Mila J finally released her debut EP M.I.L.A. (Made In L.A.) yesterday, after years of trying out girl groups, various solo ventures, random day jobs and the like. She’s finally found her niche now though, and has seen success with her latest singles, “Smoke, Drink, Break-Up” and the Ty Dolla $ign-assisted, “My Main.”…

Adrian Marcel Gives 7 Tips For The Bedroom

Last week, I caught up with Mr. “2 A.M.” himself, Adrian Marcel. As it’s quite clear what’s going on at such hours of the night, I decided to get a few sex tips from the Bay Area native. Check out his 7 tips for the bedroom below!