Obama Cuts Food Stamp Program By Billions!


I would not want to be in the shoes of the president right now. Barack Obama is getting major backlash for signing a bill that means over the next ten years, $8.7 BILLION will be cut from food stamp programs around the U.S.

Hit the jump for more details.

JaaiR (JR)
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800,000 families will lose about $90 a month in food stamp benefits. President Obama came to a compromise with the Republican party. If it were up to them, they would reduce the benefits to $25 billion, making eight a considerable favor.

In addition to these cuts, Obama had to place immigration issues on the back burner. With more than 400,000 cases on backlog the President announced that he has tried to use his position to make a better way for changes in immigration policies. This move, however will give the Republican party the upper hand. They would, “concentrate their attacks as an effort to paint Obama as an imperial president who overreaches his authority,” says Rolling Out.

At this point, the lower class communities as well as immigrants are not too happy with Obama.

SOURCE: Rolling Out



  1. Joachim Ogodi on September 8, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    …exactly why I would never want to be President. No matter what you do, you’re accused of being a horrible person. Still, if I were President Obama, I would say eff it and do what I promised to do when I was elected and re-elected…but he has to wait for midterms to be over before he can really stretch his muscles.

    • Jeff on September 8, 2014 at 10:00 pm

      Things like close Guantanamo bay, end the wars, have a transparent administration or not fall prey to Wall Street, oh, the bank bail outs. He has a list of things he needs to work in before 2 years.

    • nikki on September 10, 2014 at 2:14 pm

      This is how u take from the rich stop buying expensive clothes buying name brand sneakers and paying to see a movie etc us as people beg for what we need and buy what we want we need to invest in our selves and not make the rich richer

  2. charles on September 8, 2014 at 10:19 pm

    800,000*90*12 < 1 billion. This article doesn't make sense

    • Marina on September 9, 2014 at 2:39 am

      On average. Some will lose more & the working will probably lose all of the benefits. The question is ‘why does the poor always have to be the ones that suffer?’

      • Marsha on September 10, 2014 at 1:57 am

        Marina, don’t you realize that’s the name of the game …”Ah this thing of the Rich, to keep the poor without!

    • TJ on September 9, 2014 at 8:59 pm

      Over a ten year period !!!! Reading is fundamental !!!!

  3. KiKi on September 8, 2014 at 10:26 pm

    You forgot the “over 10 years part”….then it will equal 8.7 billion

    • Sharon on September 9, 2014 at 10:57 am

      You forgot to multiply that by 10, since it will be over the course of the next 10 years.

  4. Mercedes Pristell on September 8, 2014 at 10:30 pm

    So I guess now it’s right to take from those less fortunate fucking sad won’t never vote again

    • MELISSA on September 8, 2014 at 10:44 pm

      Are you serious this is not his fault it’s those fault that misuse and abuse the system everyday. Stop blaming him he’s making the best decision he can make right now and its a good one by my take it’s about time that they pay and get up and work for thei food like everyone else. I feel sorry for those less fortunate who really need the benefits.

      • Nicole Augustine on September 9, 2014 at 12:55 am

        You are so ignorant and clueless it’s insane. So because there are some people whom abuse the system, everyone should suffer?? How the he// does that make sense to you?! There are other ways to fix the problem of abusers. Like monitor what they purchase, make exclusions to what and where they can buy things… And not to mention if he is trying to recover funds or save money, I can come up with quite a few ways. Like take it from the millionaire politicians, or maybe people who make millions on playing a game (athletes), singing a song (musicians), and pretending to be some one else (actors). No… Instead lets take it from folks already struggling to survive. Look at statistics my friend… The majority of people getting food stamps are the elderly, disabled, and WORKING families that barely make the rent… Not to mention the forced medical insurance… Pull your head out of your a$$…

      • qc on September 9, 2014 at 5:46 pm

        shhh… you forget all those people who worked their whole life, paid taxes, and are now on Social Security! They also get foodstamps!

      • Pinky on September 10, 2014 at 6:46 pm

        Last I checked the elderly/disabled that receive a income of $650 per month, only quality for $35 per month in foodstamps. So let them keep theirs and put a CAP on the people that get $1000 per month in foodstamps and sell $800 of them.

    • comon sense on September 10, 2014 at 12:05 am

      U are stupid.That’s ten dollersvevery year well milk and foodbgovup thebminnum wage goes down y y y oh ill tell u y cuz REPUBLICANS WON’T UP THE TOV11$

  5. jus on September 8, 2014 at 10:52 pm

    F$!k Obama he’s just a terrorist in the White House he doesn’t care about the ppl nor how food stamps helps ppl why don’t he cut government pay and staff pay first no he hits the ppl who need the help. And immigrants shouldn’t be deported and let there own help them and using our money

    • carrie on September 9, 2014 at 10:22 am

      Couldn’t have said it any bett er..I personally am a single mom awaiting surgeries and stay with chronic illness and pain. Fs is the only thing that gets us thru and even that runs short sense food prices went up but now u going to cut it more? But next year ur going to give brand new cars to welfare recipients? Lmao..so I guess I dont deserve it huh? Im just lazy and dont wanna work. Thank about what you say before you send it..this president has no absolute idea how to run this country and for all u Obama pushers, hold your bible near cause Obama will be here to push at our endings.. The anti Christ is here and the prophecies are being carried out and ur president is helping. I’ll pray for you all…God bless..

      • Sharon on September 9, 2014 at 11:00 am

        Wow, really? Did you even read the article, and if so, did you understand it? The republicans wanted to cut it by 25 billion, he had to compromise and he got it down to 8 billion. Obama cannot just do As he pleases, if you understood how our government works, you would know this.

      • Whitney on September 10, 2014 at 12:16 pm

        When is his year over! He just messing up the economy more than it’s already is! And this is coming from a black person!

  6. Luis on September 8, 2014 at 10:54 pm

    It’s the bodega store owner that are allowing the ppl to misuse their food stamps by allowing them to buy ciggerates,beer and etc!!! You know what they say you give them permission and they will go for it

  7. jose on September 8, 2014 at 10:56 pm

    People need to wake up and realize sooner or later they’ll won’t be no more food stamps its sad to to say people wait every month just for free money instead of going to school or doing something better with your life ..I don’t blame president Obama for this

    • Shyy on September 8, 2014 at 11:10 pm

      Not all people on the food stamp program CAN work or go to school and “do something better with their life” as you put it. Not all sit home and “wait for free money” either. There are sick people who are not ABLE to work or go to school that benefit from the food stamp program. There are single mothers who DO work, care for their children, and STILL cant seem to make ends meet after paying bills, providing for their child(ren), and making sure they have a roof over their head. You cant generalize everyone into one category when everyone doesnt fit in said category. Take into consideration those who came back from fighting for this country and now have some sort of ailment that keeps them from being able to work, or those who have worked for the better part of their lives and after retiring cant even afford to feed themselves. Yes, their are people that abuse the system. Those people need to be stopped and ought to be ashamed. There are also business owners (as previously stated) who allow the nonsense to continue. Those who actually need the help should not have to suffer the consequences brought about because of the actions or poor assumptions and accusations of others.

    • Sharon on September 9, 2014 at 11:05 am

      Well, I’m in school and trying to do better with my life. My husband graduated with honors and got his degree in computer and electronics engineering….. He’s disabled now, not something we planned for but it happened! And do you have ANY idea how expensive post secondary schooling is?!? Not to mention those who already are struggling to afford care for their children while they work, how do you expect them to afford care for another 10-15 hours a week? Oh and my sister in law has her degree in criminal justice, she’s making a whopping $15 an hour, so it’s not like going to college is going to make it that much better financially when companies don’t pay very well and then you have to pay back on loans as well as try to afford to live.

  8. Gretchen on September 8, 2014 at 11:00 pm

    WELL,SINCE HE WILL DO THAT … Ill just have 1 more baby to make up for what he’s cutting. Tadow!! Problem solved !!!

    • kevin stevenson on September 8, 2014 at 11:05 pm

      Hell yeah Obama keep cutting,make these sorry birches work

      • kevin stevenson on September 8, 2014 at 11:06 pm

        Work bitches, haha! Keep cutting, keep having babies and be homeless

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:11 am

      If u have another baby thats another mouth to feed so how are you gaining unless you not feeding that new child

      • JR on September 10, 2014 at 10:28 am

        If we just stopped giving food stamps to illegals that would kill two birds with one stone.cut 25 billion in ten years easy.and less incentive for people to want to cross our borders;and have kids just to collect the free bread.

  9. Heaven love on September 8, 2014 at 11:08 pm

    Many people work 2 jobs to support their families and still can’t feed them without the aid of Food stamps. Let’s stop judging the people and look at the government a bit closer. If they would raise the minimum wage to at least match the price of living in, let’s say NYC, then perhaps there would not be so many middle class families in need of aid from the government!

    • Yariemami on September 8, 2014 at 11:53 pm

      I agree some PPL need to work or go to school so they can get a good job instead of collecting food stamps and changing them to buy shit theses PPL mess it up for the ones who really need it like single mothers who work and still can’t make ends meet or for mothers who have a child that is disable and has to stay home to care for the kid I mean everyone shouldn’t assume all PPL collecting food stamps are lazy and staying home doing shit because that’s not the issue at all and most states if your not working you have to go to school or get job training to collect food stamps they won’t give it to you to stay home so some PPL need to learn more before judging.

  10. George Pierce on September 8, 2014 at 11:57 pm

    Why don’t he stop his wife from buying$600 shoes and when he takes a vac n he has to fly his dog to where the are if he wants to cut something maybe he should look at his self I get a big $15.00 a month I only make $1308.75 a month and with everything going up and nothing down y don’t he look at the shape the US people are going thru and we got to put up with him another 11/2 years by then we won’t have any cloths to wear. WHAT A JOKE

  11. tiny t on September 9, 2014 at 12:12 am

    Im a single mother work two jobs, and still having a hard time. I was on foodstamps at one point in my life. I wish I could get them now.

  12. tanya on September 9, 2014 at 12:21 am

    Smh..well ppl gonna do what they gotta do to feed their kids..meaning more prostitution ..robberies ..killings..etc….fuckin sad

  13. Beth on September 9, 2014 at 1:14 am

    I can’t even believe some of these comments. I am a single mother of four who is in Severe chronic pain and am ,in no way lazy. I was involved in an auto accident which was NOT my fault and it caused irreparable damage to my back. I also have several other diseases that cause pain and illness. I would LOVE to work and LOVE to return to school however, this just isn’t possible for me at this time. I have never sold,abused misused, or purchased anything that wasn’t allowed with my food stamps. I feed my children like a good mother does. I run out of stamps usually two weeks into the month relying on other funds needed to pay other bills to provide food. Life isn’t always what we planned it to be ,that is for sure. I have the knowledge and drive to become a physician or any other occupation I would consider obtaining a degree for however again, I am in severe pain. Obama needs to take the money we are spending fighting wars that we had no business getting involved in in the first place. I say withdraw the troops and atom bomb the whole middle east. Problem solved. It would be very sad for those not causing issues but it is an unfair world we live in and whoever cared about hurting or harming us?! God bless good ole America!

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:45 am

      People do abuse the system only people who need it key word need is disabled and eldery u dont have to post if your disabled it does not apply to you if u are were talking about the ones who claim they cant work but manage to make it to clubs and partys people that are capable and able to work i know a lot of people that do take advantage

  14. kels on September 9, 2014 at 2:09 am

    You say you can’t believe the Comme ts people are leaving and that everybody on food stamps don’t abuse and should not suffer but then you say nuke the whole middle east and o well to those who are not involved in the bad things…..

  15. Amanda on September 9, 2014 at 2:37 am

    Please read to inform yourself before passing judgement or assuming that all families will be affected. The bill passed only effects certain states and closes a loophole to prevent overpayment of foodstamps to those claiming untility payments as an income redubction that they dont actually pay.
    The following article explains in detail.

    • Amanda on September 9, 2014 at 2:37 am

      Sorry about the typos..

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:38 am

      The news will always make it look like it taking people off that need it but yet in still people get mad instead of trying to get a better job in the meanwhile foodstamps is suppose to be temporary not for life except for the people thats eldery or disabled and kids are not a disability and to many people say they want work bc they have kids but manage to go to clubs and find a babysitter for that smh

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:48 am

      The head line should have said. Obama closed loop hole and saves fofoodstamps program billions but that would make him look good he need to explain what he does instead of just signing bc someone else always get the credit when its something good

  16. Jessen on September 9, 2014 at 4:24 am

    Foh I get food stamps an I’m a nurse I work over 70 hours a week an my husband an I work extremely hard we still struggle to make ends paying rent electricity car insurance house hold necessities like saop tooth paste dish soap wash clothes not to mention clean clothes an I still pay food with cash so foh on anyone who thinks mofo is lazy an wait for fuckin free money we still have a hard time making ends meet we have 2 children we take care of as well I even had to drop out of college that I HAVE TO PAY (5,000 per semester) just to keep money in my pocket an pay bills paid.NO we will not have more kids cuz its so fuckin hard an FYI mofos who don’t get stamps BUY them from ppl who do get then so THEY CAN HAVE FOOD and the ones who don’t make that much money sell them so they can pay for shit they can’t afford. MAYBE if they FUCKIN RAISE the fuckin pay of HARD WORKING people Such as my husband and I nobody would have to suffer NOBoDY who works over 40 hours a week SHOULD NOT be LIVING IN POVERTY!!! So stfu you don’t know the struggle of working hard every fuckin day still have little help an still not be able to just barely make it. I be damn I be on Public assistance an live poor as fuck. Fuck no I work for mines an yes I’m not ashamed to say I still need help who gives a fuck I’m far from lazy I can’t tell you how many things I worked so hard for such as 3 laptops all my jewelry an even clothed just to keep my bills paid material mean absolutely NOTHING to me. I work hard every year an I have to end up selling shit just to make it SO only speak wtf you know an I hope the ones who talking all that shit is prepared when you get older cuz all that shit applies to you too. All the clients I work with that had money at one point are now on welfare an paying for there own meds an shit they shouldn’t have to many were in the war an still get treated like shit. Not everyone was born with a fuckin silver spoon in there mouth . I damn sure didn’t so watch your fuckin mouth on the bull shit that comes out your mouth saying ppl who get stamps are lazy I don’t get cash assistance just stamps an I barely get that an yes it does help food is expensive as fuck.

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:18 am

      Stop lieing 70 hr week plus a husband that work even if u make 10 hr thats 700 week 2800 month plus his income you dont need foodstamps you probably have a Benz to people like u is the ones that abuse the system

      • Frank on September 9, 2014 at 12:33 pm

        She is lying, no way she works 70hours a week and get food stamps. My wife is a nurse and makes 90k a year working only 40 hours a week. We got two cars, 2 houses and credit cards. Plus if you a nurse you already have a college degree.

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:50 am

      Easy come easy go keep working hard it will pay off and when its all said and done u wont need it

  17. Chuck on September 9, 2014 at 5:30 am

    Seems people want to cut pay and benefits of government workers to pay the support of others but not cut their pay and benefits. As a government worker making less than 25K with 3 kids, you can all move to China if you think I am paying for your food stamps. The system is not abused by a few, it is abused by the majority. I refuse to take any handouts and teach my children to do the same,

  18. Richard Miner on September 9, 2014 at 6:36 am

    Obama is a real terrorist…. Impeach this fag… Poor people deserve equal opprotunities as well as people who are working and disabled as well…. Impeach…impeach… Impeach….

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:21 am

      Foodstamps is not a equal opportunity understand if u can work being disabled of elderly but most of them has the means to get a job they just lazy

  19. Christine Phillips on September 9, 2014 at 6:54 am

    Its the Republicans! !!!!!

  20. Tom Sawyer on September 9, 2014 at 7:06 am

    Hey, everyone that is complaining….YOU VOTED FOR HIM ! Mainly cuz u thought healthcare would be free. What a joke. Were fucked. Btw…I didnt vote for this muslim.

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:28 am

      One he is not a Muslim and if he was what that got to do with policy he never said free health care he said affordable health care you the type that believe everything u hear instead of getting your own information

  21. Kathy Spinuso on September 9, 2014 at 8:26 am

    Just one question…. what is he doing to the RICH? How will they suffer or sacrifice?

    • Billy on September 9, 2014 at 8:30 am

      That comes through tax reform which the republicans dont want to close the loop hole

  22. Peri S. on September 9, 2014 at 11:18 am

    When are we gonna hold this man accountable, when are we gonna stop blaming the next man for your short comings…Man UP. You don’t get a pass because your black.

  23. Peri S. on September 9, 2014 at 11:22 am

    “That comes through tax reform which the republicans dont want to close the loop hole” As an FYI, take a look at the list of big businesses posted on yahoo that avoided paying taxes this past year. Then ask yourself, who do they support. Stop blaming the other man, it’s time to man up and hold this guy accountable.

  24. Peri S. on September 9, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    I think we all agree that racism is not dead. But as a black man, it’s not enough to just gain a position you have to do something with it. But when your over your head and all you do is blame the next man. I have to now question you..Stop falling for Jesse Jackson effect.

  25. Anthony on September 9, 2014 at 12:57 pm

    Finally something is being done. All you dead beats out there get a effin job and stop wasting my tax money

  26. Eve on September 9, 2014 at 2:24 pm

    In the next 10 years there not going to be food stamps anymore and everyone will survive fine. The problem not the food stamps its minimum wage. Its 2014 minimum wage should be at least 13 dollars an hour. Obama do something about that. Obama’s low cost health care back fired. My best friend use to work 40 hours a week bus since this Obama care started she gets barely 22 hours a week. If they did increase mminimum wage they would fine some way to cut hours and fire people. I don’t know what is going to happen in the future but it don’t look to bright for poor and middle class. Obama is trying but no matter what you say its hard when you got republicans trying to tie your hands every step of the way. I guarantee once Obama second term ends and a Republican getss in office people are really going to be singing the blues. Its going to be a whole new American. Poor and middle class its going to look like skid row. Skid row is where dirt poor people live in Los Angeles.

  27. ricky and peggy sue white on September 9, 2014 at 2:52 pm

    he hurting people on food stamp bad. he need to cut the bank people and the rich people that get bigger raised

  28. Peri S. on September 9, 2014 at 2:59 pm

    Eve, have you and everyone else forgotten that he was given the Best opportunity of any president (he had both the House and the Senate) and did nothing with it. Call a spade a spade, if he didn’t accomplish his goals or made life better for the masses. Then it’s his own fault that he is a failure. ManUP…

  29. Peri S. on September 9, 2014 at 3:11 pm

    Minimum wage is Not meant for you to live off of. It’s for people entering into the work force but if you find yourself working for minimum wage then be encourage to get a better job or two jobs. Obama care has killed a lot of jobs and it will continue. There is a reason why a lot of his plans have not been implemented (voting season) as of yet but wait till next year. Have any of you ever ask yourself why the unions are involve in this fight…mmmmm

  30. Jacqueline on September 9, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    I can’t believe what I just read omg!!!!! What is going on with this world today. As much shit is going on and no consideration to the low income people. People who are looking for jobs and no freaken jobs because ever since this freaken PC was invented every freaken thing is Thur a website. And it makes it overwhelming for some off us. Now this shit with the food stamp like its bad enough the government took $11.00 bucks and now our president Obama is alouding this from the republican to take all our food stamp food. We can’t live on $100.00 bucks a month. This is freaken insane.

  31. Jacqueline on September 9, 2014 at 3:50 pm

    One other thing I was layoff from work 1 years and a couple of months and was collecting unemployment for only 6 months. My claim was taken away since December, and they who ever wanted us to claim every week and no money in my account. Until it was taken away without an extension. I’m looking for work sending resume filling out applications and no one calls or reply. Everything is going so sky high it’s overwhelming to some of us especially those that have children’s. And all the country is doing is building and building but yet there is no money, but yet they taking it from the poor people. That is why the world is the way it is with all this crimes and people doing terrible things. Now with this cut coming its a wrap!!!!

  32. Peri S on September 9, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    So question, are we better off today or are we in the same place as 5 years ago? Gas prices are still high, Rent going up, Utility service is high, more people are on food stamp.

  33. Anita Perry on September 9, 2014 at 4:15 pm

    That black bastard! My girlfriend & her autistic son only get 16 a month in food stamps. I am a vet on SSI and mine were cut from 200 to 51 dollars a month, how the fuck we supposed to survive on that? Bet he don’t go hungry, he is probably eating steaks and lobster everyday. Would love to cut out his fucking food supply!!

  34. P Double U on September 9, 2014 at 4:47 pm

    I’ve never seen so many people blame and depend on a politician, like I’ve seen with this current president. Black people who think Obama was going to pass laws just for black people. …. he’s the president of the United States, not black people. White people who acts if all this president had done was bad and negative just because he’s black. Granted I’m black and a middle class citizen, which president has done the most for me?…… not many of them. Democrats, republicans and all parties lines fight against each other in which it affects all of us in a negative then have lunch off camera cause they just benefited from the same argument. And for all you racist white people about minorities and the public assistance thing, the majority of people on welfare and food stamps are white, lives in the mid west and out number any other race of people. And the good old America have Jewish people of faith collecting welfare while there husband owns multi million dollar businesses because their arranged marriages isn’t recognized by the state. If everyone stop seeing color for once and do more of whats right, this nation. …. this world would bea great place.

  35. Dj Omc on September 9, 2014 at 6:46 pm

    When you read into the article you will see that the Republicans and GOP wanted to cut the Food Stamp Program by $25 Billion and Stop President Obama from implementing an Executive Order to help the Immigrants. Instead of the Headlines claiming that Obama signed a bill to Cut Food stamps It should of Stated that President Obama Compromised to Stop the GOP from Gutting the Food Stamp Program of $25 Billion and we should Stay Focused and Don’t get Distracted by the Political Games, The Misguided and Misleading information that The GOP/Republican Congress and Their Big Money Donors, Special Interest Groups and Conservative Media Outlets are trying to get you to focus on and to keep you from seeing that They have Nothing to Offer you and is Only working for the Interest of Corporations and Billionaires that Brought their Loyalty with the Undocumented and Untraceable 2010 Corporate Sponsored Citizens United Law that the SCOTUS allowed which now allows Corporations and Billionaires to Launder Money into political Campaigns and Buy Politicians.

  36. left d on September 9, 2014 at 8:29 pm

    If a republican president did this a lot of yall would be ready to crucify him. A lot of yall are hypocrites. Ignorant fucks

  37. left d on September 9, 2014 at 8:29 pm

    If a republican president did this a lot of yall would be ready to crucify him. A lot of yall are hypocrites. Ignorant fucks.. smh

  38. Peri S on September 10, 2014 at 11:51 am

    DJ OMC, please understand, this president has spent 7 Trillion dollars and has what to show for it…SMH. he is over his head and it’s a shame people are afraid to call him out because he is black. The poor is suffering under this president, we are a proud group of people that prefer jobs to handouts. We are becoming 3rd class citizen and you don’t see it

  39. johnc coaxum on September 10, 2014 at 3:09 pm

    We have regressed backwards…though there are more African Americans in powerful positions and great income and financial positions etc. but there is less unity now than ever in the history of our people and culture. Its a shame that with all that we have accomplished we are still enslaved. what we as a people must realize is that the 60 s scared the establishment to action. I look around and we hate and talk bad about each other whether we are doing good or bad. Our boys are turning into girls, our girls are taking wives, our men are too busy ducking responsibility and/or dying. our men are being incarcerated or killed at such an alarming rate and we walk around mute to why. the nation is returning to business as usual. the rights and freedoms others have fought and died for are being reversed or taken away. so many of our people that I talk to today don t even know their own history and how powerful we are and were. But quick to march or spit venom on social media. its a shame our daughter would rather twerk and gyrate in a club for money and/ or for fun. so many give up their most prized possession for some temp sense of worth and status. WHEN ARE WE GONNA WAKE UP…..schools are closing in the inner city like wildfire and still we sit by and do nothing. minors speak and act disrespectfully to each other and the adults around them. all i can do is teach the ones who listen and pray for the ones who don t. but where are we since this speech-worst off now than then. When are we gonna learn and change?

  40. Peri S on September 10, 2014 at 8:52 pm

    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision not to allow several charter schools to co-locate in the buildings of traditional public schools. It starts with education.

  41. Peri S on September 10, 2014 at 8:54 pm

    Harlem, no one spoke up.

  42. Eve on September 10, 2014 at 10:49 pm

    President Obama is trying to help poor and middle class. He’s fighting every step of the way.Once his second term is up in my opinion he gave it his best shot.And I’m not just saying that because he’s black. Next election I’m voting democratic all the way.I don’t care if he’s black white women or man. I just don’t want a Republican in office. Republican in office spells disaster. Republicans are going to raise taxes on poor.Reduce taxes on rich. Cut out any programs that help the poor and middle class. Anything they can do that is negative they will do. If a Republicans get in office crime is going to get higher. Rioting anything bad you can imagine that will happen. Republican says end of the world to me.

  43. barbara on September 12, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    that I cant belive this the tea party sucks they are the one that have Obama doing this madness

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Ok… We’re getting back into action and here’s a great start with the spicy HOODCELEBRITYY!! She’s petite but packs a an exciting lyrical punch.

Dj Drama | Jack Harlow | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle148

On our 148th freestyle, we received the great Dj Drama highlighting his latest treasure find Jack Harlow from Louuvile(Louisville KY) to spit some BARS on the Big platform!

Lil Baby | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle147

Yes Lil Baby is on promo run for sure, dropping freestyles here and there to promote his album “My Turn”. No Doubt dropping by the series with Actual Numbers was a top priority of his and his team!



Tee Grizzley | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle129

Tee Grizzley rejoined us like it’s his next ‘First Day Out’ in these streets! This time he brought Sada Baby to sit next to him as he delivers his bars to Funk Flex.

Bobby Konders Presents: Massive B Legacy, Vol. 1

Release Date: November 19th, 2018 Bobby Konders Presents: Massive B Legacy – Volume 1 is now available and includes ten features on ten tracks. Burro Banton, Vybez Kartel, Bounty Killa, Sizzla, T.O.K., Elephantman, Richie Spice, Chezidek, Chronicle, and King Kong. You can listen on Apple Music, Spotify, and Tidal.

#MusicStillMatters New Music: A Boogie – Nice For What

A boogie gave fans a snippet of this one via his instagram. Finally after all the request to drop the full version from fans – here it is. Check A Boogie’s version of “Nice For What.” Listen below.

#MusicStillMatters New Music: Dave East – Imagine

Dave East is set to release the 2nd installment of his “Karma” series, next week on July 27. Check out this new one off the tape called “Imagine.” Listen below.

#MusicStillMatters New Music: 070 Shake – Accusations

The G.O.O.D. Music rookie 070 Shake releases a new one called “Accusations.” Listen below.

(Video) Tony James – Sweat Slow

Toronto’s very own Tony James has released his major label debut single and visual for “Sweat Slow.” Tony says this one “Is about the one that got away, so we wanted to show the beautiful, happy women representing the ex-girlfriends of the men who took them for granted.” Look out for more from Tony this…

#MusicStillMatters New Music: Childish Gambino – Summertime Magic / Feels Like Summer

Childish Gambino aka Donald Glover follows up his video/song “This Is America” with not only one, but two records for the summer. The “Atlanta” creator tweeted “summer pack,” with a link to his songs, “Summertime Magic” and “Feels Like Summer.”

#MusicStillMatters Stream: Meek Mill – Legends Of The Summer

Meek Mill decided to treat his fans to new music when he dropped a new EP called “Legends of the Summer.” the 4-track tape features Swizz Beatz, Jeremih and PNB Rock. Stream below.

#MusicStillMatters Stream: Future – Beast Mode 2

Future links up with Zaytoven for the follow up to 2015’s “Beast Mode” titled “Beast Mode 2” which includes 9 tracks with a feature from Young Scooter. Listen below.

#MusicStillMatters New Music: T-Pain – Boo’d Up (Remix)

First it was Nicki Minaj and Quavo who put their touch on the track to mixed reviews. Then Fabolous laid his verse on the hit single. Now, T-Pain decided to give his take on the track. Listen below.


We Know What YG’s Next Purchase Will Be: This ALL RED Special Edition iPhone!

An all red iPhone is on the way – I’m sure much to the delight of the Bloods. LOL! A special edition red version of the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus have been introduced, in celebration of the 10-year anniversary of Apple’s partnership with HIV/AIDS organization, (Red).

(Video) Apple Unveils New Spaceship Campus Called “Apple Park”

One of Steve Jobs projects he left behind before his untimely death from pancreatic cancer, was the Apple spaceship campus. Take a look.

(Video) Cam’Ron Responds to Jim Jones Interview with Funk Flex

Rapper Jim Jones recently sat down with DJ Funkmaster Flex for an interview. During the interview Jim discussed many things including, the break-up of the infamous Dipset, his relationship with Cam’ron and many other things.

(Video + Photo) Meek Mill Is Back On Instagram And With A Cryptic Message

Meek Mill IG Screenshot Meek Milly is back on his beloved gram and might have dropped some potential cover art in the process for DC 4.5?

(Video) Lil Wayne Featured In EA’s ‘Need For Speed: No Limits’ Game

While we still have no Carter 5 in sight, we can at least get SOMETHING from Lil Wayne in the form of EA’s new mobile game, Need For Speed: No Limits. Players can drive as Weezy in the game, and both his voice and likeness are there for fans to enjoy. Tune is also working…

Sprint Purchases 33% Stake In Jay-Z’s Tidal

Power moves on power moves on top of power moves. Hov just struck a big deal for Tidal and the artists who have stake in the company as well, through Sprint.

(Video) Travis Scott Previews New Heat On Snapchat

Looks like Travis Scott is cooking something up…Astroworld this year?

Azealia Banks Has Been Banned From Facebook

AzealiaBanksVEVO Well, that took longer than expected.

(Video + Photo) Ariana Grande Got Her Own Character In “Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius” Game

Soon you’ll be able to play as Ariana in Final Fantasy and she broke the news to her fans yesterday.

SoundCloud Makes A Major Update That MANY People Will Be Happy About!

When SoundCloud first came out, it quickly became a hub for DJs, uploading their mixes and gaining a decent following because of it. However, as labels became more hip to the new site, they began issuing copyright infringements left to right, and DJs began leaving the streaming website in droves – especially because their accounts…


Marisa Mendez x Jamal x Tunisia – Marisa Explains It All [Episode 16: “Holiday Hangover”]

We’ve made it to episode 16 of my podcast, Marisa Explains It All, and I finally decided to share it with you guys here. LOL! On this episode, we pre-gamed before the Ebro In The Morning holiday party…and uh, yeah. Drunk talk and feelings were at an all time high. Our music picks are as…

Behind The Lyrics: Lil Wayne Admits To Botched Suicide Attempt As A Child On “London Roads”

Lil Wayne has long recounted a story of “accidentally” shooting himself when he was 12, playing with a 9 mm handgun. Thankfully, an off-duty cop was around to help young Tune, and he survived to become the rap star he is today. Apparently, that wasn’t the whole story, though! On “London Roads”, a song from…

(Video) Machine Gun Kelly Finally Opens Up About Amber Rose

Machine Gun Kelly is one of my favorite artists and has been a good friend of mine for years now, so it was double the blessing to make my Hot 97 interview debut with him on Ebro In The Morning today! The Bad Boy rapper stopped by to discuss his new single and its powerful…

Behind The Lyrics: Wiz Khalifa Comes For Amber’s Neck On “For Everybody”

Last night, Juicy J dropped his Wiz Khalifa-assisted single “For Everybody,” and boy did Wiz have some choice words for his ex Amber Rose on the track! And to drive the point home, they included a photo of themselves at his wedding to Amber as the song’s artwork.

(Video) Honey Cocaine Plays A Hilarious Game Of Taboo

Toronto-bred raptress Honey Cocaine made her rounds at Hot 97 a few weeks back, promoting her latest mixtape Like A Drug, and its 2 singles, “Gwola” featuring Kid Ink and Maino, and “None Of My Business” with Kirko Bangz and Constantine. Following her dope interview with Jen From BK for Jen’s “Ladies First” segment, I…

Interview: Machine Gun Kelly On Debut Film: “I hope that it kind of strikes a social issue…” [PLUS Details On Sophomore Album!]

This Friday, Colson ‘MGK‘ Baker will make his big-screen debut, starring as Kid Culprit in the romantic drama, Beyond The Lights. Since his 2012 Bad Boy/Interscope debut Lace Up and his breakout single “Wild Boy,” Kells has toured the world and shot not only Beyond The Lights, but two more as-of-yet unreleased films as well.…

Elijah Blake Gives 7 Tips How NOT To Act Around A Celeb, Plus Talks New EP, His First Big Check & More!

Singer/songwriter Elijah Blake has worked with a majority of the biggest names in the music business from Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Usher, Mary J and more, either having written for them or being featured on their songs. Now with his recently released Drift EP (available on iTunes here,) the talented Def Jam signee sat down to…

IFWT Exclusive: Maino Gives Us The REAL Story Of What Happened With The Porn Star!

Maino is currently being sought out by the NYPD for questioning, after an adult film star accused him of assaulting her inside of his truck after they partied at Griffin on Monday night with Drake, Ashanti, JR Smith and more. According to the police report filed by the porn star, Mellanie Monroe, “he started punching…

Mila J Reveals The Real Deal Between Her & A Rumored Beau, Plus Talks New EP, Diet/Workout, Her Mains & More!

Gorgeous singer/songwriter/dancer Mila J finally released her debut EP M.I.L.A. (Made In L.A.) yesterday, after years of trying out girl groups, various solo ventures, random day jobs and the like. She’s finally found her niche now though, and has seen success with her latest singles, “Smoke, Drink, Break-Up” and the Ty Dolla $ign-assisted, “My Main.”…

Adrian Marcel Gives 7 Tips For The Bedroom

Last week, I caught up with Mr. “2 A.M.” himself, Adrian Marcel. As it’s quite clear what’s going on at such hours of the night, I decided to get a few sex tips from the Bay Area native. Check out his 7 tips for the bedroom below!