ifwt_nicki alleged nude 1


  1. Zeke on September 30, 2014 at 11:57 am

    The last one is her for sure because she actually posted that pic on Instagram last year haha as for the first two… idk about that 2nd one but the first one, gotta be honest looks like her.

  2. Parris Weaver-Bey on September 30, 2014 at 3:05 pm

    hey it is what it is. She looks good tho and i loveee the first pic. Hope they ctch the hackers

  3. Ashley Butler on September 30, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    Looking at the tattoo, it definitely can be her. But hey she can do whatever she wants

  4. Detective254 on October 1, 2014 at 6:38 am

    Its her!!
    Check out the tatoo on the left arm and compare it to the first pic Here—-> http://www.hot97.com/news/ebro-morning/nicki-minaj-puts-nipples-display-new-wig-photo

  5. Zeke on October 1, 2014 at 10:42 pm

    Detective254 while at first glance, all of them are believable, let’s dig a little deeper. The last pic she actually posted in instagram, herself, so there’s that. The 2nd pic where she is lying on the bed, as someone posted on one of the other photos, that girl is actually a nude model on tumblr, and that tattoo is photoshopped, making me question the validity of it. Now I’ll admit, the very first photo does look like her, tattoo, jizz boobs and all. But knowing that one photo is photoshopped and the other she posted willingly on instagram, I doubt the 1st one is real.

    My verdict? While I wish they were real, they’re fake

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