(Video) White Girl Explains Why Black Men Date White Women


White Girl Explains Why Black Men Date White Women. So two years after this controversial article here about why Black Guys prefer to date white women caused a huge commotion, a white girl decides to put the words into a video format. Click after the jump to watch the video.

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She basically summed it up with these five points: (1) They actually care about their men (2) They listen to their men (3) They support their men and let them wear the pants in the relationship (4) Anddddd white girls give head and love to try out different things in bed (5) They have real hair. Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, you know you dun f*cked up right? Look everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect it but you don’t come at a whole race simply because you haven’t come across everyone in that race so you simply can’t generalize. There are a lot of black women who do care about their, who listen to their men, who supports their men and lets them wear the pants in the relationship, black women who love to give head and have real hair. These are all just stereotypes you may have seen in movies about black women or black women that you see in your area Hannah. You don’t see black women making videos about how white girls can’t cook or don’t have asses, why? Because it’s a stereotype that’s not true.. Sorta (I’ve yet to see a white girl with a fat ass that isn’t fake but sleeeeeeeep though). Anyways my lovely, strong black women, let me know in the comments below how you feel about this video and topic as a whole.



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  1. Mika on March 8, 2015 at 5:41 am

    Idfwu you ole stupid assssssss

    • Alita Simpson on March 9, 2015 at 5:09 am

      my good lord! The majority of you truly need to SHUT UP! Have a read back through all you narrow minded and frankly dumb comments, it’s ridiculous! We are in the 21st century and you are all allowing race to continue to divide us (both women and men) shame on you. So what you are essentially doing is endorsing all the segregation and oppression caused by slavery and allowing it to flourish. If those you are that made any comments condoning what the women said about Black, have any mixed children I seriously suggest you taking a long hard look at your mindset and motives, because that child has a grandmother who is Black and makes up the very core of who they are, therefore you will be abusing them and there heritage with your stereotypical views. And lastly, do you know that the “Black ” man that you date has a mum and guess what she is “Black” -so you are also desrespecting his mother and the very essence of who he is! Lastly this women comment are not widespread thankfully, all it shows is insecurity in herself to pose such stereotypical views, I mean come on how many Black women do you think she has in her circle to know any of those things for sure?! Foool! Lol.

      • clarissa on March 10, 2015 at 10:32 pm

        I completely agree with you. Very well put!!

        • keymonger on August 9, 2016 at 11:10 pm

          I am a black man. I am educated. I have an opinion on this matter. I like to watch the world and look at things and take notes of the events that I run across. I like white women. recently it has been coming over me at how much I do like white women. for one they are beautiful. but that is not enough. all women are beautiful. but what has really been dawning on me is that when I encounter a woman that is in my peer group, the white woman gives me a different feeling than the black woman. whit the white woman, I am not held up on an invisible superficial standard. I can relax with her. I can be myself. and I work best when I’m in my comfort zone. with the black woman, she makes me feel tense. she gives off signs and gestures that I don’t fit up to her physical attractiveness. I agree with the girl in this video. these things are fundamental to building a household.. a home. whose houses are thriving and whose houses are not? let the reality answer.

      • Freeze Money on January 27, 2016 at 1:59 am

        The truth of the matter is I think the matter is that all the bw angrily commenting on this post sees some type of truth in what this ww is saying. ….. and believe me it is some truth and I am a bm who has never dated outside of my race ….. but to the bw who says she is lying ….. is in complete denial…… and no not all bw are like that …. and they are not the ones commenting either because the woman in the video is not talking about them so they have no need to speak on the matter. Now I don’t know how ww treat bm nor do I care…. it’s one of those if the shoe fits wear it things … bw wanna get mad and diamiss it as stereotypes but if it was that it wouldn’t be such a common subject now would it??

        • jackie on February 28, 2016 at 3:20 am

          i think it is boggish. I see alot of trailer where im from and wonder why black men date white gurls then. They are non human than us and will suck eggs, i mean kiss a sorry ass black ass, let me remind you we as color dont mean shit we all do the same thing, cook may not know how , some may have hair some are bald, some are classy others are hoes or trailer trash in my nigro voice and alot of color may suck a dick and may have some respect for themselves. i would advise keep ya mouths off any creature! its germs and degrades any woman of color!

      • jason on February 21, 2016 at 7:50 pm

        Is the reason spiritual?

        Okay listen there are many reasons, including the one that I like the best, which is the ones who would go with African American are not at all prejudice and want to live all people equally, with that said, there is another reason people never even heard of. African men belong to the 12 tribes of Israel ( I can’t prove this but that’s my belief ) I believe that they are the leaders of,the Israelites they are the closest representation of God, Jesus was from the tribe of Judah. The point that I am making is that I think white women have a desire to be with a black man because they have a subconscious yearning to be closer to God.

        I’m open to talk more on this subject

        • REAL LOVE on June 14, 2016 at 5:32 pm


          • Erin on June 22, 2016 at 11:46 pm

            I have know problem with black men dating white women. I’m a black woman whose children of mixed race yet white women still feel I have some kind of additute toward them. Stop judging except others personality traits. Most black women don’t care. We realize you can’t help who you fall in love with

        • Lynnette on July 26, 2016 at 11:50 am

          I don’t think I agree on everything you are stating. Although the blacks are from Israel tribes too, I believe they were grafted in. Which that takes nothing away from them. I know Moses married a Cush (Ethiopian) I believe Adam was dark in pigment. Science has proven we ALL have a DNA code that traces us back to a black African tribe. Also you see back couples having white children. It’s a pigment thing. Whites will and cannot produce pigment and have a black child. So we are all the same. This doesn’t change some people don’t find some races or color attractive. My father is a Jew and some women would be turned off by his Jewish features. My father is not attracted to really red haired ppl and dark black women. Is he racist? Hell no! He could love a black grandchild.

          White women are NOT dating blacks because of God. That’s so far off. Being a Christain I’m trying to be classy when saying… Black men keep their body’s better than most whites. They do treat their woman respectful. As long as it’s not hood rates, sorry guys but there’s a lot of black me with 4 baby mamas. Just like more whites a serial killers. White women are kinky but Asians get the kinky crown. Asians are also yes women. Not white. Every mixed couple I hang with is white woman black man all black men are all “yes ma’am” The black men worship the women in my group. The black men all have great paying jobs and the women stay home with kids or have a part time job. The white women I know are not passive silly women. They’re strong and they love hard. I find black to be very attractive but I don’t find black women attractive. But that doesn’t take away from BW. That’s all dolph lundgren dated when he was younger. And dolph is the sexiest of all celebrity men. There’s some that doesn’t like me… But we need to stop calling ppl racist because they have a type.

      • Rickyhall on June 3, 2016 at 10:15 am

        Wait till your nigger rapes a white girl bitch there fucking animals there breed to work and if it wasn’t for the white man bringing there savage ass over here you wouldn’t have your so called man god didn’t intend us to fuck outside are race your fucking disgusting hold on to your nigger no self respecting white man would ever want a busted out cunt next time one if your nigger buddies is in the welfare line getting state founded assistance that white men work for and pay taxes for think about that you probably don’t care because your nigger president is taken care of y’all but your free rude is over in November sut GI fuck that monkey and enjoy yourself bitch

        • Fuck off dick face on June 21, 2016 at 8:34 pm

          U need help and know U r going to hell!!! U and all your pretty little daughters will be there getting raped by niggers for eternity! Asswhole!

        • MsSmiff80 on October 8, 2016 at 1:26 pm

          Lmaooo wow the hatred you have, I am a STRONG black female that will pray for you ! I just hope when the time comes you are able to answer for the evilness in your heart …How can you be this angry at the color of someones skin, oh wait you said someone was raped well I am sorry that happened, however you do realize that other races have been convicted of that very disgusting thing aswell Or do you only think black men are capable of crimes.. are you unaware of WHITE men raping black female slaves years ago well if you didn’t know now you do…anyway Have a nice day !

        • Chris on May 5, 2017 at 5:01 pm

          Wow! Not one punctuation. Very intelligent. :-)))

      • Shawn on July 15, 2019 at 8:31 pm

        Dude she didn’t need to be dogging on chics hairs. But please, all black people do is dog on white people. Not just in everyday life but in songs, movies, memes. You ever seen a black comedian? Don’t be a pussy.

    • Kym on November 26, 2015 at 9:58 pm

      First I would like to say. If you think you know what black women are thinking or feeling you are dead wrong. You must walk on our side of the street befor you can IDENTIFY with our thoughts yea thats another thing you are not equal to identify with us you draw your conclusion on the fact that you have a black man. So what girl. We dont care. What you dont know is your brother, uncle, cousin are trying hard to hit on us black women. It’s the sign of the time. We dont care about thoes sell outs. One more thing did you know he comes back to his black women…..every chance he get?

    • Kym on November 26, 2015 at 10:00 pm

      First I would like to say. If you think you know what black women are thinking or feeling you are dead wrong. You must walk on our side of the street before you can IDENTIFY with our thoughts yea thats another thing you are not equal to identify with us you draw your conclusion on the fact that you have a black man. So what girl. We dont care. What you dont know is your brother, uncle, cousin are trying hard to hit on us black women. It’s the sign of the time. We dont care about thoes sell outs. One more thing did you know he comes back to his black women…..every chance he get?

    • Thetruthseekerguy on December 14, 2015 at 12:14 pm

      She nailed it. I love my (white) girl left her a black woman for her I will never go back its heaven…she calls me king and I treat her like the queen she is (actually she’s a goddess)…expect you to have Donald trump money to keep up with their poor eating habits (TGIF RED LOBSTER) and weaves but they get a degree in sociology and get a government job and think their a prize simply for that..love my snow bunny yes she gives mind blowing ! Amazing felatio she’s not argumentative doesn’t yell and is georgeous

    • Janis on April 15, 2016 at 6:12 pm

      What’s wrong with a blackman wanting a whitewoman??

      I think its beautiful…., but to be honest, blackmen are macho and domineering…

    • donald louk jr on May 22, 2016 at 4:24 pm

      bull crap you don’t Stand By Your Man all white women do is complain and are very picky more picky than black chicks because all white women care about a spreading your damn legs wanting money and caring about fancy cars in looks that’s BS hoes don’t care about nothing but yourself because you’re too damn picky

    • Black Women on May 28, 2016 at 8:11 pm

      I dont believe color defines character or how one is treated. Most black women consider oral sex a treat, but it is no stopping with you.. Black women dont take do mess whereas its easy to get and do what you want with a white women. All my brothers are married to white women and this came from them…Again.Color does not define character or sexuality. Heard sex was better with black men because of size of penis? After he get what he want and gets tired his true love is the bla ck women. My Nieces are un relationship with white men. They love it…Would I date out of my color? Yes. In otherwords I dont discriminate or label…Your beauty and you is in your character. All have the potential to be what our man wants. Look at it individually if you are compatible. Muticultural, Multisexual, etc ethenicity. This is me.

    • Imari on May 30, 2019 at 1:21 pm

      This is sooo stupiddd!! As a black woman I can say that your being ignorant…and basically in this video you’re telling us black women that we are all angry and ignorant. Don’t ever add black women into one category, I treat my man like a king like he’s the best thing that ever happened to me, while also being able to stand up for myself and not be, belittled by a man…Why would I want to feel like an object like I should live to please my man, 9.1 percent of women that are abused are white women…do you think I want to sit back and be a part of that because I don’t know how to stand up for myself?? My man sets rules for me I set rules for him that’s how you stay stable🤷🏽‍♀️And another thing…you said “wHite WoMeN” are open to new thing in bed…I am very open I know how to please my man and he knows how to please me!! Do you think all black women are the same and do you think all white women are the same?? I know manyyy white women who have said they would never do half the stuff I do in bed!! All I can say is do you know why black and white couples may get the side eye by other whites and blacks…because first of all whites can be racist…and black women feel as if they aren’t shown enough love…as a white woman have you ever tried to date a white man that didn’t like you because your black?? Or try to date a black men who prefers white women instead of black…just because what they think all black females are like…I just want you to think about that shit…white privileged babygirl😴😷

  2. Freddro on March 8, 2015 at 10:28 am


    • jackie on February 28, 2016 at 3:27 am

      now days white bitches are the same as blacks just more quiet about it! if u ask me they think they are God and he has proved them wrong most nowdays are in jail broke and living in areas with us cuz we all human!

  3. $hizthagreat on March 8, 2015 at 10:49 am

    White girls have big asses now a days this isnt the 80s and 90s no more.She aint lying though. Now a days black women are stuck on this bad bitch era,so standards are definitely high, where if you trying to kick game to a black woman, they need your credit score, what you driving, whats your 401k looking like etc. White women enjoy doing shit thats fun adventurous, connected to business opportunities. Real Hair, and exercise more.

    • Linda on March 8, 2015 at 3:36 pm

      Excuse you? I don’t blame you because you are clearly narrow minded. Is it a bad thing that a black woman wants a man that can provide and protect? If you’ve come across some black women that mistreatd yoy then you wernt looking in the right places. The only reason why most black men go for white women is because they can be controlled & manipulated. Plus black men can use them for their credit & money. Facts! Sorry black women where created as QUEENS who will walk this earth proud and strong & will be loved by men and not controlled. You have a blessed day

      • Lucy Jones on April 23, 2015 at 2:23 pm

        I’m proud of being black woman thus it was God decision to create me in his image. I refuse be controlled, a doormat, I’m independent. Black women. Beautiful as any other races. To each his or her own. I prefer my own race. In the end it says it all to black men. Black women work hard get educated not so many in prison ok. We are queens. Black men. Need man up. Karma knock on their. Door then they hate alll white women. Do it to death I’m not losing no sleep over this for certain. Black men lol

        • Realtalk on October 20, 2015 at 5:41 am

          You black women never have Shit!! and always want us to be hip hop rich driving this expensive Benz and all that but have nothing but a price of ass to offer.. Literally !

      • Alkito on June 10, 2015 at 7:44 am

        Your no different by making these mundane generalizations. If it had been a black girl making generalizations about white women or black men, I bet you’d applause them, you hypocrite.

      • Kaydy on October 19, 2015 at 8:42 pm

        Why don’t you have credit or money, Queen? Lmao!!! Too funny…black women have good credit and money too and buy stupid ish for their men all the time. Stop playing.

      • Caramel on April 5, 2016 at 10:09 am

        So sad that black woman are hated on by white women that you talk only About your fake asses. Dummie you put the capital”H” in hater.

    • Linda on March 8, 2015 at 3:43 pm

      Directed towards $HizthagreatDUMMY & P.S – Black woman exercise too you are just to blind & dumb to notice. I mean how can you when your checking for white woman. Good luck with them when they turn 40. People would be asking if you were taking care of a nursing home patient because of how old they’ll look. REMEMBER BLACK DONT CRACK

      • Nicole on March 8, 2015 at 6:47 pm

        Aint u just delusional. White women aint as gullible as black women would like to believe. But whatever helps yall sleep at night. I dont let my man get away with shit. Sorry time to find anothwr reason to down white wome. And we are just as much queens as yall believe that

        • Tasha on August 20, 2015 at 8:06 am

          No boo you’re NOT a queen… You’re a footstool.

      • Notatroll on March 8, 2015 at 9:32 pm

        im a white woman and feel the same as you! I DO NOT get controlled…that’s why I have problems with men..admittedly only dated white men. I’m too independent. I CAN take care of myself and expect a man to be ok with that! White or black IDC. We as women need to stick together!

    • Leah on March 8, 2015 at 6:54 pm

      We are all equal regardless of race!!

      • Nefertiti on January 12, 2016 at 2:10 am


        • Special k on March 19, 2019 at 3:37 pm

          U r nothing but a racist. Men r men and they will fuck any pussy. Don’t matter what ur color. U probably sore cuz ain’t no white women want ur sorry black ass. And don’t think I’m predjudice cuz I date a black man.

    • lona on June 4, 2015 at 2:36 am

      To white women who date black men, they (white women) only want dick. Don’t forget your black man came from a black woman. Besides Katie will look like your mother in law by 28. Black women don’t want the black guys white women date, that’s why you guys are getting the few. And your relationships don’t last

      • Christopher Stevens on January 31, 2017 at 11:23 pm

        Nobody wants to date a broke Sec8 nigger with no job and six kids . that has an ass the size of my living room. That shit is disgusting as hell.. But some black women love niggerz who just got out of the pen, but you demand social justice for your fucked up mentality

    • Susan on October 28, 2015 at 3:51 pm

      I was with a black man for 19 years and I am white. I broke up with him over 15 years ago and would not want another black man

      • Ernest Steven White on May 22, 2016 at 8:37 am

        And now you want a white guy after you been f……g some black dude for 19 years. … youre tainted no white man in jis right mind should date you hoe.

    • sandy on January 25, 2016 at 2:47 am

      I think that white girls are weak and don’t stand up for themselves If a man is disrespectful. And want to always be with his boys. White girls he just might be with your black man loving friends cause being a push over for you shows them that they can cheat and play your dum ass so why you think that black women are all bad were just not stupid. And some of us may wear weave some of you are all burned up to be our color were natural also baby.

    • Anteyesocial on May 30, 2019 at 1:38 pm

      As a black women I disagree…I feel like men add all black women in one category…I have a majority white friends I’m the quite outspoken one, I could care less about money or a car or wether your credit score is good or bad…but it’s funny how men praise whites women and put them in this category of goddesses or some shit!! All my (past) white friends talk about how they wouldn’t date this person because they don’t have enough money to even take them out to eat or they would tell me how bad their car look and how they wouldn’t be seen in it with them…hold on, hold on…how about when they would go out and sleep with several men while they were dating someone…(usually black men) but you know white women are still praised…but just imagine me putting all the good white people in that category👀🙄and yes I’m still friends with white people no I’m not racist but every time I try to bring up the situation to them they don’t seem to get it…why black women are so hurt over white women messing with black men…because as a black woman ive been rejected by white men because they don’t like black women, Latino and Asian men usually stay in their own race, and black men don’t want to date black women because of the myths them put in there heads about them🤷🏽‍♀️I think black men need to get their heads out the clouds and stop praising white women

  4. Joya Ann on March 8, 2015 at 11:17 am

    As a black woman who doesn’t date black men, I think this is funny. I am not offended. Generally, the WW I see with BM… Look like trash (like this female in the video), and their “kings” look like a dusty hood that’s on parole. I am not threatened or feel the need to be less educated, successful or lower my standard to entertain BM. Instead, I was patient and met a man who met my standard. I am more concerned about my quality of life than being with a BM and having a fat jiggly derrière. BM are very basic: their standards and overall station in life reflect they have little to offer and need a woman to “hold them down” or “help them build.” Which means they aren’t bring anything to the table except long stories about the white man and the system and why they have failed. I ,generally, see them as failures. And yes, they are exceptions to the rule as Inwork with them. But if WW can be Capt save them hoes.. Let them. I wish them the best.

    • nikia on March 8, 2015 at 12:34 pm

      Super facts

    • Black Knowledge on March 8, 2015 at 3:28 pm

      Joya Ann, you are a pathetic excuse for a person, and if you really are a Black woman, you are a sellout, and you have deep self hatred issues. I don’t care who or what you date, but I can’t stand a woman of color who will shit on their own people, making ignorant generalizations about the men in their ethnic group. You sound like one of those jaded Black women that will run to a white man, but when he calls you the N word, or beats you (Like a lot of them do) you make excuses for them. Go back to whatever rock that you crawled out from under.

      • MissThat on July 13, 2015 at 8:40 pm

        Sorry, go on YouTube, and it’s full of black men straight making it seem like black women are the scum of the earth, as if they don’t have sisters and aunts

    • Darren on March 8, 2015 at 5:23 pm

      You sound just as silly and offensive as the girl in the video. Just say the black men you’ve dated don’t meet your standards. A good black man is not the exception, just as a good black woman is not the exception. People date different types of people for different reasons, but accessibility plays a key role.

      • clarissa on March 10, 2015 at 10:39 pm

        Darren…well put 🙂

    • Jay on March 8, 2015 at 7:08 pm

      your comment is very narrow minded and I wish Black women stop giving yourselves these self diluted titles the you are queens or bad bitches because you don’t deserve that title and neither should black men call themselves kings until as a whole race we are better people! Also you are definitely wrong about the reason why Black men date white women too!!! Black women for the most part are selfish this one the reason you guys wil be alone that means single, because you guys think it is all about you and you act like best thing in the world and while you believe that the whole world is passing you by!!!

      • mars on May 16, 2015 at 12:36 pm

        OK jay as a black young lady how dare u say black women are selfish I was raised to be caring and kind to everyone so that make u look like a fool and yes white Blake mexicen ect are queens women need to stick together and not say only one race of women r queens not just black and I think we can all agree on that we all have our different experience with different people but that does not mean to put that one experience with that one person and say that whole race is like that cause that not fair nor right and u know it

      • Kaydy on October 19, 2015 at 8:43 pm


    • Jay on March 8, 2015 at 7:21 pm

      Joya Ann, I feel sorry for you for real!! There are a lot stand up Brothers and more importantly there a lot of brothers doing well for themselves and we hold position of power maybe not the numbers of the white men yet!!! But more than than most Black women and that is facts!!! Research it if you will!!! Your attitude is the reason most Black men avoid you guys like the plague that you are!!! And I am not speaking about all Black women because the few that are true Black women are great women! Even though this white woman isn’t speaking of all the Black women however she is definitely right about 85 to 90% of you guys which is sad as hell! All you use the same tired cliche about why brothers date white women and how they look when they date them. Which is all lies too!! But I will say this if a fat white chick is chosen over you and nine times out ten she is married then it should make you so called queens feel very stupid because through all of your accomplishment you still wasn’t the ideal choice!!!

    • David on March 8, 2015 at 10:23 pm

      Joya Ann you are the reason why I don’t even look at black women. I am educated with a career as well as all of my black male friends. I normally wouldn’t even respond to your ignorance, but the black woman is losing there men because we’ve been split into so many ways by a system that most are too dumb to see. I feel sorrow and petty for black women with your attitude. The fact remains that my mother is a strong Black woman who raise five boys in the South Bronx and everyone of us are successful in our own right. Three out of five were screwed over by some crazed black woman who didn’t even know who they are, let alone their purpose in life. Wise up! You need a simple reading like, William Lynch’s letter, “How to make a Slave.” We’ve come to hate one another and it is a shame. But maybe it’s God’s way of bringing us back to one people instead of white, black and everything in between. Just a thought!

      • crystal worthy on March 9, 2015 at 5:20 am

        Oh you don’t look at your Mama? You can date who ever you want -but never put a black woman down – she gave birth to you…Also it’s up to a black woman to make a black man. We decided who your daddy is. So you and white women better thank us;-)

    • Erica on March 8, 2015 at 11:26 pm

      At the end of the day our character is built by our experiences and our environment. If this girl dated black men and they share stories about the black women that THEY have dated (not ALL black women) her perception will be skewed to negative thinking and vis versa. Just like if a black man dates black girls his whole life and gets a couple heart brakes he may say fu*k it I’m going to try something new whereas another person may stick to their race because they find them to be more attractive. The events that we experience in our life has a big impact on how we think. The way a woman treats her man has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the chemistry and expectations that you have of your relationship. As for the nonsense about caring and listening to men once again this is all personality not race! You’re either a considerate person or not your either a freak our your not you’re either willing to compromise or you stubborn. If the person isn’t exactly what you want keep it moving or make the sacrifices to make your relationship work period!

      • Alita Simpson on March 9, 2015 at 5:21 am

        You cite the “William Lynch ” letter and then open with the grandiose statement of saying “this is why you don’t even look at Black women”, and also state how your mother is strong and Black.
        I think you also need to have a more in depth look at “William lynch” letter, because from your opening statement , “I don’t even look at Black women” he may have successful manages to create a slave mentally in you.
        Very sad!!

    • clarissa on March 10, 2015 at 10:37 pm

      Joya Ann you are no better than the person who posted this video. You just did the same thing to BM that she did to BW…

    • Freeze Money on January 27, 2016 at 12:48 am

      I agree to some degree

    • Jay on May 23, 2016 at 1:11 pm

      Say, I am not a hood nor basic nor dusty. So, I hope your white male and his friends run a train on your basic dick sucking ass. There are more beautiful black women that get’s a black eye from bitches like this.

      P.S. Mr. White hubby, take advice from a black man that knows. This is the type of woman that was a slut and recreated herself because you know nothing about her. She will drip you dry because secretly she is a trifling hoe but hoes need love, too. God bless her

      • DAVID AVERY on September 11, 2017 at 12:09 am

        I BELIEVE ITS 60% A SEXUAL THING..!! Its an awsome Taboo thing as well.most of the white girls are told to”stay away from them niggers(pardon the slang)
        So naturally they dont..!!
        So when a younger even older woman does fool around..thares an extra thrill included espically when preforming a sex act with one…!! That tends to “really” add to their experience..!!!
        Its one of the biggest taboos any white girl or woman can do..!! To go against everything they have been taught or heard..!! Now i cant speak for this new generation..its kind of like a fad of somesort..!! But put any woman who was raised in the 50s. 60s. 70s. 80s. Even the 90s..on their knees open thare mouth and let.. Any black man put his cock in her mouth
        Ur talking…. Instant orgasism..and the longer it goes.. The though PROCESS gets deeper n deeper… It can be like a drug to them…!!! They cant get enough.so their fantasys are on going until.. New ones take over
        Which some never do..-!
        And some just get.. Deeper n Deeper… Then obession takes route… And then..
        . its all consuming…!!!

  5. Michelle bell on March 8, 2015 at 11:32 am

    Girl bye. You don’t know shit about why black men date white women instead of black women. First of all y’all are easy and they know when they get with us we don’t accept any bs and white women will put up with anything. Another thing is that we don’t nagg our men we encourage them to be better and we uplift then if you wanna call that nagging then call it what you want. You white women just get the sorry ass black men who don’t want to do anything with themselves so yes they will come back and bash us black women for being naggers. Girl stay in your white lane and don’t speak on something you have no real facts about. BYE FELECIA

    • fella174 on March 8, 2015 at 11:11 pm

      Lol… Ummmm wouldn’t you and hun be on the same spectrum…. I mean you don’t look at Blk women for whatever reasons just as hun don’t look at Blk men for her reasons… Smh… Same bull-ish… You just served urs on a different platter….

    • Naomi on May 23, 2015 at 3:30 am

      Ok ladies, how sad we truly are. Enough of the title bs. I’m a black women and i have dated both black men and white men. My ex husband is white, he’s a control freak and some how he could not control me. We both were the head of our house hold equally. I took care of him and he took care of me. I have 3 brothers that will only date white women or Asian women, in fact they married them. However, What I have noticed in their relationship is total control. My brother have a mail order bride. She’s Asian, he loves and respect her but she’s been controlled by him. The other two white women are controlled daily by my brothers. Sometimes I have to step in and put my brothers in their place. I’m a very vocal person and I can’t stand bs. Ladies most man are controlling weather their white or black pink purple or blue. The ugly truth is black men date white/Asian women because they are more tolerable. This has nothing to do with looks, in fact all these women are plain Janes and are extremely over weight. I have seen numerous black men with many
      over weight ugly older white women. But i haven’t seen any black women with ugly fat white guys. I wonder why? Tolerance is a bitch and we women need to be extremely careful of what we tolerate in our lives. The only truth you will be getting from this conversation is Black women take care of their men just as much as any other women. The other ugly truth is white women only date black men because they have bigger dicks. Plain and simple. So white girls if you want to put up with their bs, more power to you chica. ….! Because I cant…!

  6. ASTA on March 8, 2015 at 11:58 am

    Why blackmen date white women,
    You ever bend a white girl with a fat ass over and beat that shit to hell and back? Looks good doesnt it? Feels good too!
    Theres the answer to your question..

    • Crystal Joseph on March 9, 2015 at 7:49 pm

      Go Michelle

    • Lisa Rivers on January 17, 2016 at 8:15 am


      • Lisa Rivers on January 17, 2016 at 8:16 am

        Those laughing faces are to Astra. Black men love milky white soft silky sweet skin. They love whites and Latinas and we love them.

        • Coco on March 30, 2016 at 3:54 am

          Your love is the big dick,his love is knowing thats what you and white girls love is his big dick.Thats all nothing more and soon u will see that your not the only if you havent already

      • Coco on March 30, 2016 at 4:06 am

        sorry about the comments i made about you dont even know you.

  7. Sue on March 8, 2015 at 12:52 pm

    All this white, black is sad & exactly why race still stays an issue. Can’t we just be OK & supportive of people being with people no matter any other factors but their choices?! Every stereo typical statement I’ve read is so untrue, one person is not like another how can anyone not see that. I’m positive their are black women who care, listen & support their significant others & white women who have real significant rear ends & black men who are ambitious & take care of their own. Why the hate & envy?! Be happy with yourself & your life. Nothing else will matter.

    • BKbella on March 8, 2015 at 1:46 pm

      I agree 100%…all the hate and race separation must stop..Martin Luther King Jr. Is turning in his grave right now…people are only backtracking back to the Jim Crow days with all this ignorance and hate…date who you love and love who you date regardless of race..and respect others who do the same….I love all mi gente

  8. El Aemer on March 8, 2015 at 1:18 pm

    Despite these attempts to improve the system, the post-1989 system is in some ways as odd as its predecessor. The race of one’s father is irrelevant unless the mother’s race is simply unknown or not otherwise available. Racial status in this formal system is thus rigidly matrilineal. Within this system, race can never change or be escaped except by accident of sexchromosomal inheritance: only through male children can race be “changed.” A Black woman’s female progeny would remain Black for indefinite generations even should they marry Whites or even Hawaiians. The new coding system, like the old, effectively “re-starts” with each matrimonial self-identification.
    As a conceptual system, the new method is dauntingly peculiar, and at best has only an arguable connection to the sociological reality of race and discrimination. Irrespective of his self-perception, or society’s perception of him, for example, the child of a Black man and a White woman would forever possess a birth certificate classifying him as White.

    • PJ on March 16, 2015 at 8:02 am

      What are you talking about, there are words to describe children of interracial parents. Typically down south, one drop is all it takes to be labeled black; however most people use the term biracial nowadays.

  9. Zenobia Green on March 8, 2015 at 1:27 pm

    I Feel Like EVERYONE Is Entitled To Their Own Opinions! There’s No Reason To Bash This Young Lady! I For One Feel Like Some of The Things She Said Are True! I’m A Black Women And Up Until A Certain Point of My Life Some of The Things She Said I Did. So Girl Go Ahead With Your Bad Self!

    • Tina on March 8, 2015 at 3:32 pm

      Zebobia or whatever you call yourself need to get a life and have several seats like this uneducated young trashy girl that’s reading of side notes. JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE ONE OF THE RATCHETS SHES TALKING ABOUT IN THE VIDEO DOESN’T MEAN EVERY OTHER BW IS LIKE THAT. Not every black woman wears weave thank you & not all of them push their men around. I don’t know what you mean by go ahead with your bad self. Ain’t nothing bad about that girl but her hair. Good God SHE NEEDS WEAVE! She looks a hot holly mess. And we are supposed to be strong black women supporting ourselves. Shame ON YOU ZaKnowNothing!

  10. Earl on March 8, 2015 at 2:30 pm

    No she really font need to ho ahead and she ain’t bad!!! I have been on both sides of it and white girls ain’t no diffrent from black girls in my eyes!! We just do things differently!! So what that there are some black women that like to use weave in there head!! Ain’t no diffrent from white girl buying titties and ass!! And trust me it’s probably as many or more white girls that does that then blacks with weave!! The moral of the story is black men date white women cuz the choose that!! I’m one of them but I don’t just date whites!! If she treats me good and I do the same for her!! Idgaf if she blue!! To me that just 2 people that like, love, whatever you want to call it each other!!! No difference, they just do thing differently!!!

  11. corey on March 8, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    Guses we back in 1964… I’ve dated white women, black women, islander women, Latino women. Those of you that believe your Rabe is superior and should be days because of such, all I can say is ,LLOOLL… I’m a black male, successful, own everything, masters degree, enough money to not miss it. And I’ll Daye whomever draws my attention and has good qualities. There’s some sorry ass women of all races, and sorry ass men of all races. Best thing to due is eliminate rave add your clutch, and just find a human that suits you. People are so damn retarded, most of you on this post seem pretty narrow minded, racist and pathetic. Date who makes you happy, the skin color isn’t it, it’s a synergistic combination of qualities.

    • Lauren Mascia on April 18, 2016 at 10:48 pm

      Finally. A non narrow minded response. Why does it have to be that black girl or this white girl. If that’s you than stick to what your attracted to. If it happens to be the same race so be it. People go running to other countries and fall in love because the other person shows them a different life that may suit them. I’ve dated all different races. And it just so happens my husband is white. And I’m white. But if he was black or any color I still would’ve married him and had our babies. Period. Love is love and it’s the ignorant racist bastards likes all of these people that create race. Usually the first to pull out the race card is the most racist of them all.

  12. think.about.it on March 8, 2015 at 3:00 pm

    this is so wackkkk. first of all- she is reading from something at her feet/below the frame, notice how she looks down each time. second of all- if she is so dumb that she can remember a list of 5 things, things that are “her opinion” then I highly doubt that she formulated these thoughts on her own. leading to third- she is just parroting what she has heard from her mom and/or her boyfriend. i honestly considered the troll aspect but came to a swift conclusion that she is too dumb.

    don’t feed into it people ! i don’t discriminate and it doesn’t matter what race I am ! it’s 2015, if you’re trying to divide people and spread hate *you’re wack to me, take that ish back to the factory*

    mic drop

  13. Darius on March 8, 2015 at 3:10 pm

    Im a BM who use to date BW but got tired of trying to please someone who don’t wish to be please . But she is correct alot of bw nowadays have no ambition say they want a relationship but spend most of there time on social networks or in front of tv watching reality tv shows where women are constantly fighting and bitching with each other when they can spend that time reading a book looking for a better job continuing there education, also most spend there time trying to look good for men instead of themselves going out of their to brag about one noce thing they have on FB or trying to look better than the next bw striving to get more likes on there pictures, have no goals ambitions let alone drive to succeed on there own then they jump from relationship to relationship complaining about previous relationships , Idk about your previous bf, baby father etc. I There also looking for the easy way out by looking for a man to take care of them or them and there children from previous relationships there are alot of ww who do the same but the ratio is completely lopsided. When it comes to sex they complain about trying new things then get upset or call us freaks when we ask random sex questions then wonder why we look for love from someone who is willing to do what they wont.

  14. Ann on March 8, 2015 at 3:54 pm

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion but there is a big difference between a girl and a Women. A black women will love, support, encourage and provide her man with mind blowing sex even when she isn’t in the mood because a Women knows how to take care of her home and her man. The issue is not race the issue is girls being compared to women. Girls can never mental, emotional and psychological measure up to a women and that’s all I to say about this matter

    • Steph on March 8, 2015 at 8:12 pm

      This has been the most intelligent response I’ve read so far!!!!

    • Lisa Rivers on January 17, 2016 at 8:27 am

      @ Ann PLEEEASE BITCH!!! I am a Latina and noooo one can “take care” of her man like I can!!! Everyone knows Latinas RULE in the bedroom and are the BEST LOVERS OF ALL!!! TRUST ME THE BM KNOW THIS!!! They love how we treat them as our king and we pamper them and they pamper us. We are very affectionate and encouraging and supportive of them. We and white women have CAREERS AND WORK we don’t live off of government funds which is our hard earned tax dollars btw.

  15. Keith A BM on March 8, 2015 at 3:56 pm

    A fallacy is a mistake in belief based on an unsound argument; so, an ignorance fallacy occurs when a person mistakenly believes something to be true that is not, because he or she does not know enough about the subject to know otherwise. For example, an argument based on stereotype or hasty generalization is an example of ignorance fallacy. Such an argument is persuasive because the audience is ignorant.

    Simply put in layman’s terms:
    That bitch cray

  16. the Other Michelle on March 8, 2015 at 4:00 pm

    Just cause she fucked a black Dosnt make her an expert, , How dare her try to come for me.

  17. winston wedderburn on March 8, 2015 at 4:10 pm

    I don’t know why everybody is up in arms over who dates who. I am a black man with three daughters and I only want my daughters with men who will respect them and their culture. Black, White, or Poka dot don’t make a difference to me. “we can’t help who we fall in love with” and we certainly shouldn’t dictate who black men or black women date. I personally don’t care. I’m with the person I want to be with and Hopefully she feels the same about me. It is my opinion that some black men date white women for a few reasons. one being that they bring less drama, allow you to be the man and are less combative. Another reason is that white women were forbidden to be even looked at by black men not too long ago so for some it’s the ultimate form of getting back at our white suppressors.

  18. tdeberry on March 8, 2015 at 5:01 pm

    That is absolutely absurd,to think that we as black women don’t take care of our men…if anything I have seen alot of white women,be straight up pushovers to a black man,see they will do just about anything to keep our black men because when their man sees his queen he stares and he looks, and of course his momma is a black queen, its all the matter of choice,so white women don’t ever think your better then a black woman,its not always color,it could be preference,it could be a many of things,but not what your insinating,besides,wether our hair is fake,bought,rented doesn’t matter..its ours…..so stop thinking too highly of yourself because your with one of ours…because..we will and alwYs be beutiful shades of queens……..

    • Lisa Rivers on January 17, 2016 at 8:34 am

      @ Winston wedderburn BAM! I was “forbidden” to date black men by my parents. I dated one when I was 16 behind my parents back. He dropped me off one night after our date at the back door of my house in the alley and my mom came out chasing him on foot like a lunatic shouting. So insane and embarrassing. To make a long story short. I am now a grown woman and I was married to a successful white male for 12 years and I am now newly married to a black man whom I love beyond words. I had one son with my first husband he is in heaven. I shall bare 2 sons and a daughter from my now husband and I can not wait! I know these babies will be so beautiful.

      • Proud Latino on January 26, 2016 at 7:57 pm

        I don’t have a horse in this Race, but let’s just say I’m Proud to be Latino and don’t have to deal with the BS all you W and B peeps are talking about. Thank God. Lisa Rivers, to finish your Rant, you forgot to mention that you were disowned from your family for your actions. If you were my daughter you would be! DISGRACE. What ever happen to pure family trees!??

      • Coco on March 30, 2016 at 1:52 am

        River,River plz you even talking when your just as nasty as the white women the only real reason these black men r with you because if suck an animal dicks make love yo animals u will do anything in the bed cock roach rite.

  19. Kristina on March 8, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    I’m an Italian American, white woman who is married to a Haitian man. We have been together for 15 yrs, married 8 and have a 7 yr old son and a 2 yr old daughter. I find this article and video to be very ignorant. Im insulted that this girl thinks this way. It’s terrible!!

  20. cypresszeno on March 8, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    Idk what shes talking about..lol. and no white women are not push overs that get used..and we all dont look bad as we age. Its funny how some ppl here are insulted by what she said and insulting others at the same time. If white ppl say sumn its racist but blacks can say whatever they want. The truth of my ppl is I wud rather live in America and listen to this than live in a country in Africa and worry about warlords murdering and raping in my village. America is the only country that gives a shit about blacks. Ive been all over the world.

  21. Mel on March 8, 2015 at 6:07 pm

    I have to say that all her points are valid for relationships period. I’m black and I love, respect and support my man. I love beiing a freak in bed and my hair has NEVER been a hindrance for not getting it on. Chile please. NOW, I know women who are guilty of all the things she stated but there are white, latino, asian and other races who are just as guilty.
    To find out why men do what they do, ask a man. But in the meantime, take care of the one you have.

  22. Bufkin on March 8, 2015 at 6:16 pm


  23. Fearfully and Wonderfully made on March 8, 2015 at 6:29 pm

    Thats funny because you look just like the type where the black men that date white women, the white woman was very unnattractive mostly overweight and weird looking. The men are almost always riding on the passenger side living and taking advantage of their resources without offering assistance almost all the time cheating and making fun of them while thier at work. Real respectable relationships wouldnt be discussed like this. I wouldnt discuss why my mate married me over anyone because its obvious and will never have anything to do with race. But you are very ignorant and fearful and most likely unmarried. You act like the fearful people you probably came from always threatened by African Americans presence. I can understand your dilema a little some of your anceators may have been some of the many white women who had to be married to a man that raped and had lots of children with African women. While she watched she grew hate and fear. She tried to break that beautiful black woman who never wanted to be with that man. Your hate and jealousy is a generational curse. These words will never offend us sweetheart see our gorgeous moms had strength so incomprehensible we know God gave it to us. We know we are fearfully and wonderfully made it runs through our blood our black men or any man will always love us want us and we will prosper and maintain great marriages. Free yourself from your great grands misery and jealousy.

    • Jade on March 8, 2015 at 10:13 pm

      Preach It ! These white women have nothing on us

    • Dea on April 21, 2016 at 4:05 pm

      I’m white and I agree I like blacks and hang with them I don’t think I’m black or better because of that. Alot of black women are strong stand up for themselves. And don’t let a man use them. I see hella white girls like this dude said driving while the dude chilling she buying everything and thinks they are better then a black women. U wana know how crazy white bitchs are getting. They are actually thinkink they are 100 black they feel they better then whites. I will hang with a black women rather then a white one. If I was a black women I would def. Be offened.

  24. Thea on March 8, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    What a shame this young lady need to get her facts straight. She basically stereotyped a entire race of black women for all having fake hair. And mentions that black women don’t listen to their men. She need to take serveral seats. Get your life and stop trying to give a lecture to other women.

  25. Leah on March 8, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    We are all equal regardless of race!!

  26. Ny on March 8, 2015 at 7:04 pm

    now this is to funny not for nothing we as black women dont always nag our men unless it’s a reason and I’m pretty sure you and your man go thru problems as well. just because you don’t get your point across doesn’t mean we won’t speak our mind… And another thing is black women don’t have thin shoe string hair like white women where you could just wet and brush back in place. Our hair is thick and healthy (not saying y’all hair not healthy IDK and wouldn’t know) …..every women (All ethics)don’t have a fairy tale story. It’s alot of women who has been cheated on and shitted on and still stuck by their man, so if their man was to say he was going out (she as a woman who went thru shit with him would question his where abouts). but I see your man is a God he does right by you

    • Jade on March 8, 2015 at 10:18 pm

      Lol no her man is a “god”in her eyes. She probably gets beat by her man like most white women do. Hell she looks it! Lol SHES TALKING ABOUT HAIR??? She means that wiry, stringy thing on her head? If that’s what she calls hair…I DONT WANT IT hahahaha She’s tired! Lol #haveseveralseats

      • MissThat on July 13, 2015 at 9:33 pm

        Studies said white people hair, blonde hair is a type of fur. That’s why they smell like dogs when they get wet. That’s why they all have dogs as pets, intercourse with them, and kiss them in the mouth

  27. Ishmael on March 8, 2015 at 7:21 pm

    the problem lies with black men who have self esteem issues self hatred and who seek the path of least resistance. Yes black women are more difficult but so are we as black men. We all are victims of this white racist paradigm. I’m not saying all black men pursue this relationships b/c of self hate, but the ones who solely target white chics suffer from white supremacist mind pollution, these poor brothas need a good dose of brainwashing. I should know I used to be just like you. But I’m drinking milk now… Black milk.

  28. FOH_winston_wedderburn on March 8, 2015 at 7:30 pm

    ultimate form of getting back at our white suppressors? ARE YOU FOR REAL FAM? its that type of shit that prevents progress in our communities… GET OVER IT !! were you oppressed? i doubt that, and i doubt anyone in your near family was … even if….

    … would you frame your whole life around it? let it determine your legacy? your future? you hate white people huh? why? is your life so hard? yes this country and many others have a history of slavery. yes our leaders sacrificed everything to pave the way for our freedoms today… but not for you to be saying sht like that …”ultimate form of getting back at our white suppressors”

    i bet you went to prep school! FOH!


  29. kim on March 8, 2015 at 7:52 pm

    All I have to say isit shouldn’t have nothing to do with black or white all woman just as all men choose what they are willing to accept I am a white woman I don’t choose a weak man who has nothing to offer or bring to the table a man needs to be a strong man black or white and bring to the table as much as I bring to the table he has to benefit me as well as I benefit him the whole black white thing is old already people need to grow up

    • Jason on December 28, 2015 at 1:26 am

      I used to date black women, it seem like to me, they only focus on there booty than their minds. Everytime they put on clothes, they look at their booty first. They sale themselves to the highest bidder and they always talking about meeting a baller. They live off of the government and have to many kids before marriage. They will want a good man when they reach their 30’s but it’s to late, they already been around the world by then. They wear these big Diana Ross wigs or long microbraids that’s bigger than their bodies or have a part in their head where you can see the weave. Black girls are just a waste of time. If you want good credit, stress free, a great career, nice home, nice clothes, nice car, great friends, just a nice life. Get you a white woman or any other race but not a black woman!

  30. christopher Glenn on March 8, 2015 at 7:52 pm

    Coming from a black man bitches is bitches women are women…bitches are slow and women dont judge by color..its 2015 every color man goes to jail and every color man is successful. Do your home work…you all sound like your still living in the 60s.Fuckin Dummies

    • Lisa Rivers on January 17, 2016 at 8:41 am


  31. michelle on March 8, 2015 at 8:02 pm

    In regards to this ladies videos I make my man feel like king everyday eleven years strong black men are going to date who they like I take no offense this lady does not speak for black men every where I listen yes and I support him in all his endeavors but please don’t think I won’t let him know if he is not on his game.He is the head of the household but I am the neck I just as adventurous I don’t broadcast it to everyone I can keep wild in the bedroom so whatever this lady thinks she knows about us black women she knows nothing.Bitch Please!!! Slept with a few black men now she knows what they are about

  32. Justice on March 8, 2015 at 8:32 pm

    GOD CREATED US ALL DIFFERENTLY. The bible says “women submit to your men” not BW or WW. Just women. Some women believe, some don’t! black or white love is for us all… The bible also says MEN love your women as Yahweh loves the the church. LETS LOVE EACH OTHER regardless of our skin color . All women must stand together and lift up our men’s spirit and love them regardless of their standards – because behind every good men there’s a strong women. My grandma used to says” to get into a men’s heart you must first get some good food in his belly” What about the WHITE MEN WHO LOVES TO EAT REAL COOKED FOOD? (They go for BW lol …just kidding or not…) All women have good quality – its between their legs, its powerful, and it can get any MEN black or white – trust that. It’s our gift from GOD TO ALL MEN. So please people let PEACE RAIN and REAL LOVE CONCUR because we have bigger battles ahead of us with the enemy and his plan of”new world order stuff…”
    Ladies let us unite and lift up our men’s spiritual thinking, let us all stand by them and help them understand in love for our children’s sake!!!!!!! Can I get a ” AMEN”

    PS : one love, one heart

    • Lola on March 9, 2015 at 2:48 pm

      That was well said

  33. DeCarlo on March 8, 2015 at 8:41 pm

    This is BS. It’s not White women are out here stealing all the Black men out here. That too,is a stereotype! Black and White women are both out here looking someone to take care of them. As for hair. It cost a pretty penny for them to get there hair done too. More importantly. What is white and what is black?!?!?!? I’m done with this ish.

  34. Yolie on March 8, 2015 at 8:55 pm

    I will smack dat dumb hoe. Bit@h u don’t know a damn thing about a sister. U white chics don’t know how to act when yall get black penis.. Ya damn psychos. I could stereotype & say all white ppl kill their parents for insurance $

  35. massey on March 8, 2015 at 9:59 pm

    I don’t see any reason for all this really people all have their own opinions people are goin to date who they want to regardless of race age religion or any other reason it was her bad for voicing her opinion online where everyone can see yes a white girl an I have very high standards but I only date in my race nothin against any other race its just who I am but I still have high standards for a man I want to be with because its not just me in my life I have to make sure for my kid to arguing over what white woman have over black woman or what black woman have over white woman is stupid in either I’m sure have there ups an there downs everyone is goin to live an make choices they see fit in their life no matter what anything is said in this so really this is making woman look childish is that what we want people to think that were childish cause I sure dont

    • j brown on March 11, 2015 at 6:22 pm

      This is hilarious she is very stupid she forgot to mention that she only loves him and wants him couse she loves big black dick lmao!!!!

  36. Ashley on March 8, 2015 at 10:06 pm

    A black man dates a white woman because he’s attracted to her…a white woman dates a Mexican woman because she’s attracted to her….an asian man dates an Indian man because he’s attracted to him…as long as these people aren’t trying to date YOUR man/woman GET THE FUCKING OVER IT. sincerely, white woman that’s not ignorant, pshyco,or sprung off some black penis dating biracial man for 9 years and not giving a Damn what black women or white men or anyone else thinks about it.

  37. Fearfully and Wonderfully made on March 8, 2015 at 11:40 pm

    I shouldn’t bring up ugly truths we have to move forward. We are humans and this type of ignorant comment doesnt deserve a response. All this hatred towards each other is awful. I shouldn’t have stooped down to her level because there are alot of beautiful and successful relationships between black men and white women and I am happy for thier success. I love all people especially my brothers. Yall are the strongest creative most beautiful men I have ever known and I know why men fear you and I know why women love you.

  38. Dina on March 8, 2015 at 11:52 pm

    Most of the statements on here are just as ignorant as the girl in the video. If you’re upset or mad about the things she says cause she is stereotyping, making comments like most white women get beat and let there men walk all over them is just as ignorant. To say that black men don’t date black women because they are queens or are in some way better is ridiculous. Some women may be better for a man than another women. My man is black and I treat him like a king. The difference is if I treat him like a king that translates to letting him walk all over me and being passive. I do anything I can for him as he does for me. If he’s happy I’m happy and vica versa. That’s what a relationships about. There are all types of women in every race and men in every race who like different qualities in women. Some want a woman to take care of to feel like a man, some want someone who needs them, some want an equal and some want to be taken care of. Those men come in all races and that’s part of their character, not their race. Same for women. The race has nothing to do with it and implying that all white women have these same characteristics an these are the ONLY reasons that black men date white women is just as racist and ignorant of a statement. Maybe the reason that you see more white women with black men is that there has been progress and it’s more socially accepted now. Maybe people feel more comfortable than in the past with dating who they are attracted to and who they decide they want to be with.

  39. Rodny on March 9, 2015 at 12:34 am

    Enlightening Perspective!!!

    This girl is telling a truth that many on the post are overlooking, under looking or blatantly ignoring. It’s like the disease that no one wants to admit that ether them, a family member or friend has been affected by it. So instead of considering the points she made I see some overreacting it or not even acting at all to address those points positively with reasonable opinions. Here is a white girl expressing some observations that challenge black woman. I agree that there some cultural influences beyond the limitations of attraction that cause black men to date outside of there race. How is it that a black woman can desire marriage which is based on the truth, and not be true to how God made her hair? If you as a woman is willing to play make believe in the ways you present herself than don’t expect someone to take you serious. The seduction of head and sexual assurances can be a tantalizing part of companionship. But some of all kinds of girls can juggle fluid from a man’s balls, it’s almost like a chine reaction when the lights turn off. What I’m concern about is how a black woman asserts herself when when the lights are on. It’s not a poor choice of words or consideration when speaking on the epidemic of self conscious issues inside of black woman and men. These issues have caused the development of artificial bonds that exist with lurking interferences that keep relationships off balance. The only repair tool for that is truth.
    When a woman cares that hug will last just a little bit longer, she’ll show you why the time she spends with you is important, and the power of emotional affection will be tailored for her mate. I won’t say that a black woman is incapable of these measures of love. But I can say experiences is exactly what gave life to the things this white girl was talking about. I have experiences of my own and I won’t pretend like I don’t know many others with similar ones to mine. Therefore I’m comfortable with sharing my opinion about some things I’ve witness black woman focusing on.
    1) Even before she meets Mr. Right she’s thinking of ways to keep him from driving her crazy.
    2) She’s more concern with the length of his penis than the depth of his conversation.
    3) Her standards tend to be used like weapons of defense instead of intentions of purity.
    4) Being so sure so right is treated and valued like cash in the bank instead of evaluated with consideration for a mans respectable leadership.
    5) Companionship is often exercised with disbelief instead of with faith.
    Those kinds of situational circumstantial evaluations are true about many woman that are black. Those are just some of the things that underline the areas where black woman are lacking in areas where white woman are willing to pick up the slack. Mr. Right isn’t the person that surfaces to the top just because you made a list of pros and cons. Mr. Right is someone you grow with in truth with every part of you you are as a woman. Now what I’ve said isn’t something I expect everyone to have the headspace to analyze. Prospectives as are like peanut butter, jelly, and bread. You make the sandwich the way you want to.

    • Kallmeti on March 9, 2015 at 2:50 am

      Oh please stfu lol your just as much a problem then them

  40. Kallmeti on March 9, 2015 at 3:00 am

    Look black women…learn who you really are and stop putting up the black queen shit it’s annoying, black men please stop showing how pussy you are and blind you are when even then white women are just as much acting, dancing and doing shit like black women now just more cause most white men don’t want them, dick size is on you some women on both sides can’t handle it and the ones that do probably have to do it cause they used to fist themselves before meeting you. I don’t date American black or white since the 9th grade, travel you idiots please look at the world then make your argument. I love Caribbean, I love Ethiopian, I love Brazilian, I love German, I love Italian, I love Russian, phillipino, Vietnamese, I just don’t like American women period

  41. Kallmeti on March 9, 2015 at 3:17 am

    American men and women are the worse in relationships, to much drama, not enough love, and so called black queens let me explain what a queen “WAS” she stood for everything not just some shit, she took her counsel with her man and even in the worst of times never fought against him because it was her duty and life to be given in the name of the king, this is an epidemic of black hate from black love lol wow, I date outside my race but the females are guess what still black or if not have features lol I don’t care about color just what I call stigma, black women are stuck as much as white women. White men don’t want them they want everything else, black women aren’t wanted because black men can’t get nothing more different then a white women because they don’t save and travel to see the world like white men do, the women in the U.S. Are just not worth fighting over or worth marriage because at the end it’s just bs coming. The women across the world love black men all over but only see white men for money and opportunity and it’s true. Black men are living on germany, Brazil, Africa, and across the planet. Italian men love both black and white, German men are boring but they love there women faithfully, it’s to much to name but trust me extend your arms and spread out and look there’s much better and more experienced to endure. Social media is bs unless you go see yourself this is for everyone…..stfu and go see what’s out that little box mind you got lol

  42. DJ Zulu on March 9, 2015 at 3:33 am

    If you a white girl come free me…..
    Snapchat – Skytower_fm

  43. Ashley on March 9, 2015 at 5:50 pm

    Hmmmm….I must say. That this young woman does not represent all white woman. There are plenty of blk woman and white woman alike who not only love to give oral…ehemmm….lol however do it well:) as far as hair is concerned…I don’t know about that! I think it is a pointless discussion to have really. Some black men adore their fellow blk woman and some prefer white…only they know their reasons and it may be as simple as they are just attracted to them:) and honestly …who really cares:)

  44. lookingforchangethatwillnevercome on March 9, 2015 at 6:24 pm

    Funny. You didn’t name nothing different that makes up for the reason black men date white women. No matter what ethic a women is she can still have all those traits as the next women does. I think the video was very weak minded do to your lack of knowledge of the black race. If I want to be ignorant as your self. I would say black men who rather date white women are weak when compared to women with color because of the “nagging” as you mentioned. Black men that rather date whites want to be able to do them without consequences which YOU basically say that white women allow when dating a black man. All in all genetically and just knowing history ethinic groups were not suppose to interbred. Thanks to the original world explorers, the world is in the trouble state it is in now. Heartless. Ignorance. Uneducated.

  45. Tonie Luke on March 9, 2015 at 6:45 pm

    I really have to think… that this is the basis of how a person who considers himself a man to think and tell a white woman so she can feel extra brave for a video

    The 85% of black men, just rolled over his D##K, before leaving a black woman, To Turn himself into a pu##y, you certainly giving head but to a woman This women is talking about lesbians

    Do you really think I am suppose to take this stuff seriously…….. get over yourself………………. Giving head was an African experience they never believed in monogamy which is a European lifestyle,as slaves brought to the Americas they gave up their African culture to be more European centric…………… if black women are boring White WOMEN CAUSED IT…… because it was believable…..for class….money…and dignity

    Maybe you should have told them you stop believing in monogamy, to make such a video you must sleep around………….. that black man was stupid for saying you was even half-way good at it
    You can not seriously even like or care about a black man in your heart of hearts to even say this about him and not your own experience of being with white men why leave him out
    I’ll be interested in hearing the difference, enlighten me who is better white men or bm

  46. cThy on March 10, 2015 at 12:25 am

    I didn’t watch the video because I think it was made by a stupid person will comment thou, I have always heard that black girls have drama, they r this and that with their men. But wait until u date a black man don’t judge drama is coming ur way. These guys if ur ain’t strong enough these guys can put out the worse in u. They r never straight about anything. These days I just watch tv and laugh at them white guys learning the drama. Girl its not the women its the men ur yet to find out

  47. Crystal on March 10, 2015 at 12:54 am

    People you are giving this chick way too much knowledge!!! Stop giving heror whoever posted this bs power… I’m a black woman and a lot of you have already said what I wrote, reAd, erased intellectually and with morals as we were taught. Remember these white trSh Americans have no culture and will try and fit in any melting pot. Once in watch the devil appear, Always extra friendly ones in your neighborhood beware yall took us out of Africa with a gun and bible. You also need a forum to be a asshole or actress and I wouldn’t doubt this isn’t another census from good ole Uncle Sam checking how people still feel about the inevitable. When all races are no longer pure are we going to bring back in light skin and dark skin smh. We are stronger and will prevail, all white women want that big black forbidden fruit lmao

  48. cthy on March 10, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    Thinking about it if these black men r looking for women because of hair, then we still have a serious problem. I thought a real man looks for a woman’s interagency, strength and the rest. I was raised to believe a man is the head of a house hold but all black men I have met educated and not have proved to me to be babies while am the mother. Black men r scared of challenge, they want security and they believe dating a white girl makes them secure financially since its easy for an educated white girl to have a job. Since these bros want to be feed and feed they will go where they r more feed. I have seen so many black guys holding hands with white chics but 99% of the time I see fake love, first they feel superior dating a white girl, why in the world would I want dating some one define me. I want to feel good about me not because am seen with some one. Black men that’s all we see, u trying so much to be recognized. But when I see a white guy with a black girl I see pure love. Black guys stop dating white girls to fit in. Try being real to ur selves and to the girls

  49. clarissa on March 10, 2015 at 10:30 pm

    There’s so many things wrong with thus video. Not only because of the obvious reasons, that I’m a black woman. I’m all for interracial couples! I love them! I think they’re a beautiful thing. The thing that irritates me the most is that this, among other videos, generalizes a people as a whole. She missed one KEY reason. How about black guys date white girls bc…oh I don’t know…they’re just attracted to white girls. For the most part of high school I only liked white guys….SO WHAT! I didn’t think white guys were superior, that’s just who I was attracted to. I don’t like the ignorance behind this video.

  50. Diamond Elroy on March 14, 2015 at 2:26 am

    If you want to change the world, start by yourself!

  51. Shelby on March 14, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    Well, i asked my Black friend why he dates white chicks and he pretty much said the same thing as the woman in the video. Some Black females are exactly like Most Middle class white people. Those black females tend to have real hair and wear clothes all over their bodies. they don’t need to show off their bodies to attract men. I feel like people wearing CLOTHES that cover up tend to have longer relationships. It gives something for people to imagine. Where I’m from almost every black female is walking around almost naked and have horrible relationships And tend to be off and on in relationships. Even white girls who walk around naked have horrible relationships. So, all in all, its not just the color of our skin its the actions that come naturally in the race and areas that your raised in.

  52. Shelby on March 14, 2015 at 6:06 pm

    Just, my Black friend said nothing about hair. I got soooo off topic just then lol

  53. Amanda on March 18, 2015 at 8:24 pm

    I don’t understand why there has to be some underlying reason why people date out of their race. Its just a person preference, the same way a woman likes a tall man or a man with dark hair or how a man likes a blonde woman or a short woman. People always have to make it seem like there’s a negative reason why a white woman dates a black man.

  54. Rah on April 26, 2015 at 9:14 pm

    Dum ass white hoes wanna be black ad ass hell at black women because you’ll never be us.. Go lick the shit off the ground bitch

  55. En on April 26, 2015 at 9:17 pm

    you black people on hear that’s buying this shit from this crack whore is just dum as that stank pot is

  56. Nikii on April 26, 2015 at 9:20 pm

    Jealous white ThirstywwhitehoeThirstywhitehoes. You wish you was black bitch !

  57. Nikii on April 26, 2015 at 9:22 pm

    Little ugly ape face flack. You little white ugly clowns get a idenity before you ever come out ya ape face and talk shit bout ma race bitch

  58. Nikii on April 26, 2015 at 9:26 pm

    Don’t nobody wanna date no nasty trailer park trash stank crack head. If you nasty white stank hoes that smell like shit date black men then they the stank trash as you ! Don’t nobody want HIV aids cause all yall white stank crackers got it

  59. Kay on April 26, 2015 at 9:27 pm

    This bitch won’t say that shit to no black women’s face she need to get her ass whooped

  60. alaura on May 6, 2015 at 2:49 pm

    Im a white woman I’ve dated white men, black men an mexican men. No race is more special then the others and race shouldn’t matter who you date. I fell in love with a white man after about a month of dating(never thought it would happen so fast) and married him, when ppl found out I married a white man it was hilarious because people were so shocked. But I am one of the least racist people ever. My three bestfriends are all black, Laquita, Melissa,and Dominique.

  61. febb on May 12, 2015 at 8:10 am

    As a black woman I really don’t care I prefer white guys mixed with native American anyways lolz so white woman can have the black guys. I’m happy to say I’m fully natural and I hope the woman who posted this has real boobs cause white woman tend to get fake boobs lol so yea I think a man rather be with a girl with fake hair than boobs…………………………
    Plus white girls have gross thin hair black girls got natural thick hair plus I’m not weak I’m not going to let no one boss me around or try to control me if black guys need to control then yea of course white girls are the best for that job lol. Bullshit I just brought my man 4 gifts id say that spoiling him. Of course white girls are dumb weak bitches they will do anything

  62. Nene on May 12, 2015 at 8:13 am

    I don’t agree with what she said but everyone has their own opinion no need to freak out about it.

  63. Maria desanto on May 19, 2015 at 2:57 am

    Big ass black chicks ..have oily face and frizzy nappy hair ..animalistic…big ass smells like poop no matter what…yuk

  64. Maria desanto on May 19, 2015 at 2:59 am

    Omg ..and black women have smelly crotch..so many men tell me that…frizzy hairy and thick ass smells 2 minutes after shower…filet of fish anyone…….lmao

  65. Maria desanto on May 19, 2015 at 3:02 am

    And further more…men all men love sexy silky shiny hair not burnt cotton…ewwwwwww..white women pure sexy hair at least it moves when wind blows..weaves smell like chitterlings

  66. Maria desanto on May 19, 2015 at 3:04 am

    And real boobs saggy oranges in socks are ugly eyesores…saggy boobs smell like sweat and r f.u.g.l.y…

    • Lisa Rivers on January 17, 2016 at 9:06 am

      OMG MARIA DESANTO LMAO ???????????????????????

  67. Tim Brewster Jr. on May 19, 2015 at 2:40 pm

    Black women are either too fat, too loud, too mean, too ghetto, too argumentative, too needy, too materialistic or carrying too much excess baggage. I stopped dating them.

  68. TheTruth on May 27, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    Most white women these days are very Disgusting.

  69. paul on June 9, 2015 at 5:39 am

    There are good and bad women from all races. I live in London and I have been told twice by different black women that I am not black enough to get a nice black girl, maybe they are right. I have a degree, a good job, I know how to wear trousers properly and I’m a single father of two. Black women aspire to date the local drug dealer so someone like me who works hard to achieve something would have to date a white woman to get an equal.
    Both my kids are black and I have never dated out of my race but now I know why black men date different races.

  70. febb on June 10, 2015 at 6:16 am

    Maria shut your ugly ass up stop hating on us beautiful black women and please bitch u got that gross ass thin hair I’ll take my beautiful curly bouncy hair any day ugly ass hoe

  71. febb on June 10, 2015 at 6:21 am

    How you know how black women smell down there sounds like you jealous bo bo sounds to me like your a fucking lesbian bitch. Tim your confused and stupid white women are needy and lol needy explain how dumbass

  72. febb on June 10, 2015 at 6:26 am

    Funny thing is that this dumb white bitch is saying this. Hope she not planning on getting married to him cause then her children are going to be mixed dumb white bitch

  73. febb on June 10, 2015 at 6:31 am

    What Maria you got fake boobs bitch is that why you getting so mad Bo Bo sounds like it too me well I’m happy to say I’m real in everyway sorry your fake Maria sucks for you.

  74. febb on June 10, 2015 at 6:36 am

    Omg and Maria you dumb bitch white women get extension omg omg your fucking stupid and please learn English first Jesus Christ you can hardly write omg you’re soooooooo slow fucking moron.

  75. febb on June 10, 2015 at 6:40 am

    And Paul if your theory was right then why do some black women go to white man who are working? Learn your facts Bo Bo

  76. febb on June 10, 2015 at 6:56 am

    Wow Tim that rude very offensive not all black women are like that and materialistic other race of women are like that to. It sounds too me like Maria you’re hating Tim and Paul you been by the wrong black women needless to say both of you matter of fact all three of you are rude. First off the only people who had the right to say anything was us black women because like always white women have to be threatened by us obviously like this women was or she would have never said what she said. So yea it sounds to me like you all are hating and what you said Paul made no sense because as I said if that was the case why are so many black women now a days going out with white man. I was making good points you all come out hating though we have a right to say what we want because that was rude of this women and of course instead of saying all over race she comes at black women typical white women trash cause I’m not going to talk about white/native man since my man is white/native.

  77. febb on June 10, 2015 at 6:59 am

    Ignorant people you all are white trash ignorant people

  78. paul on June 10, 2015 at 11:52 am

    Good black women date white guys because all the black men around them have no motivation to better themselves and good black men date white women because all the black women around them are only looking for thugs.
    That is my opinion and i can say it because I live it and see it every day.

  79. kat on June 10, 2015 at 4:34 pm

    Am white I have posted over 100 reasons why I prefer black males. I don’t think the point is white women vs. black women. It’s more of why white women prefer black males over white males. At least that’s where I’m coming from.

  80. Febb on June 10, 2015 at 10:16 pm

    Okay well other white woman and the white woman in that video are disrespecting black woman that’s my point, First off not all black woman act that way and its actually very ignorant to think that. Just saying other race of woman cheat as well and if we really want to start being racist at that school shooting that was a white man who shoot all those children and white people are the one’s who are always trying to keep it segregated just because they feel they have all the control. That’s why slavery happened and still to this day a lot of white people act like that so yeah for her to come at black woman like that shows low self esteem. I’m not dating a white man to better myself I’m the best me no matter who I am with I am going out with him because I love him and I don’t have to down other races to prove that I said what i said because all those white woman were agreeing with the woman in the video which just proved my points of whites trying to start by making everything racist again.

  81. Febb on June 10, 2015 at 10:30 pm

    I see you’re point Paul but at first in what you said before you were pretty much making it like all black woman are the same and only want to date the thug type of guys when its where you are. That was another point i was making its like first impression if you meet one person of any race and that person does something bad you’re going to think that whole race is like that and that’s an ignorant way of seeing things. I’ve mean’t so many bad whites i meant so many good white and black and Latinos and Asian and so on and so on it doesn’t mean all of that race are bad. I’ve went into this store that an Asian man owned and just because of what whites have told him of blacks or maybe he dealt with a bad black person anyways he watched me the whole time in his store and my friend who was with me was mixed but looked more white did he watch her of course not he only watched me. So my point is how is that fair that just because I am black I am being watched i had money I was planning to pay how is that fair how is it far for this woman to say bad things about us black woman and so many people to agree how is that fair at all it isn’t.

  82. Febb on June 10, 2015 at 10:35 pm

    So yes as I said before only us black woman should be commenting because of course the other white woman are agreeing and we have a right to be mad and say what we want she only coming at are race so yea that’s my point.

  83. Charles on July 7, 2015 at 9:26 pm

    Please i know whitr men who hate black women and white gurls whi hate black men everything not what ut seems the nedua put out subliminal telling us whi in charge usally the white nan but wgi cares black men will rise and you’ll see us dating sexy white girls which i usally do and sexy black girls etc

  84. layla on July 12, 2015 at 3:57 am

    Most black men who hype up white women do this because they do not value marriage…..many of these men grew up in households without fathers so they didn’t see what a true marriage was like…the truth is if you ask many black men whether they would marry the same white girls they boAst about they would say no….white women ARE The sides chicks……most marriages between blacks and white in Hollywood is motivated by money and his need for arm candy not real love….its just an image….I used to believe the bullshit this girl says in the. Video but black men liking just use white women for whatever they can get….its easy to do because white girls dont know them like that….black women can see right through them….white girls are getting played…its so sad because there fucking over as many females possible

    • Carlos on August 4, 2015 at 8:36 pm

      Sorry you sound dumb! As being a Black man I agree. You don’t carry yourself as women any more( ur Thots) no man wants a women that’s puts him down( insert soft not black joke here) say he’s not a man and then threat him him like he’s not one what do you expect. Done with sisters. Put on a pair and reconise your losing. “A man has to be a man”

  85. huh? on July 15, 2015 at 3:50 am

    Nah na na na na she’s talking to me like I’m dumb, shoulda knownx I shoulda left that bitch alone….. nananaaanana

  86. Sherman on July 16, 2015 at 9:00 am

    Keep in mind that only in America,is interacial dating seen as a promblem.

  87. Febb on July 23, 2015 at 6:12 pm

    I don’t understand how wanting you’re guy to stay inside with you instead of hanging with his friends is a bad thing that shows wanting to spend more time with him and thats showing caring so yea. I’ve seen more cases of white woman cheating then any other race of woman so i guess other race of woman are more fateful then.

  88. james on August 5, 2015 at 5:12 pm

    Look I’m a black man married to a white women raised by my single mother to b loving caring and always handle ur business I’m am not controlling but demand respect like any human person would no matter what race u r I married my wife because she was who i chose not because of any black women now my mother was the biggest queen i know she all three kids with strong convictions now I came from drug dealing and gang banging now who ever said we don’t work hard blame the system well I blame the system to a degree but at the same time will never let a women or any system stop me from being a successful Blackman i came from nothing and now married with three kids one in college the other two straight A student’s i do not control my wife we are a team growing up as a black young man it was about family so all this Bullshit is retarded i luv strong black women i don’t care what color u r if ur a bitch that’s why ur alone i am very smart i was never raised to c color only judge someone by how u act if u act like a shit talking controlling bitch then that’s why ur single I’m not offended by any comments cuz I don’t give a fuck i like women of all racist if u act like a women with class i look and go dam she awesome if u have attitude and act like ur shit don’t stink then maybe women should check themself at the door now men what’s fuckd up is we treated women that were good like shit so they became hate because ladies we all know men can b dick heads and ladies their r women that treat good guys lik shit then they become hateful so then when men and women move on they carry that hatred i was raised not all women r the same so fuck what that white girl said now black ladies even tho I married outside my race but I admire any hard working successful women of any race as long as she’s not about retarded shit and handle themself with dignity so let’s cut out race we were all born equal all women r and should b treated like queens i realized that behind every good man is a good women and yes I have had my share of nasty white black Hispanic u name it so it’s not just one race women and men alike can b fuckd up as whole it depends on how u grew up or if u even give a shit about anything so black ladies white ladies Hispanic ladies u guys do ur thing cuz I know guys that talk game and drop kids and keep going wrong it is but true its all about if u believe in ur relationship not cuz she white and easy or she black loud its about two poeple who want the same thing yea u have problems but its not what happens to u its how u handle it when shit happens to u I didn’t marry any one cuz of being easy i never met a nice black girl at the time i just happened to meet my wife funny thing is I dated mostly Hispanic women most of my life and ended up with a white girl go figure lol well ladies to all the queens doing ur thing I got much respect and to all the retards god bless u maybe one day u will get it without women their will b know us and ladies their are still good Blackman and white men out there

  89. lovemyman on August 30, 2015 at 9:37 pm

    All of you are crazy. Love who you love and forget all the negative people in life. I love my man for who he is as a person not what color he is….

  90. zahara dhuhul on September 4, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    Hey, ms snow white its plain to see that you daddy aint black that tells you right there you wish you were a woman of color. nerver think that a sista fears you with our men their just using you for what you are worth sex. u take care of them house them and anyway what woman would even want a man that looks for their counter part to take care of them. you cant even produce babies of color without us, you burn in the sun girl please go get some business even white women wear extensions so what your point when u spoke on sex you spoke right cause thats all you want a black man for besides providing you with a baby of color. the ones that get you is uncle toms and dont know they self sweetie. you white women is easy and that’s all it is to that. you can you try to be like us but us cant why because your skin dont allow it. they are us and we are them and aint nothing you can do about it. the gold since the beginning of time has been to separate you tried with slavery now you try thru sex and inlurement. just know that every black man aint feeling you like that those are the wise ones they see thru you just like i do. i could care less if you really want to know the truth about however i got four sons and i bet my life that they aint liking you like that as a matter of fact that cant stand you lose white women. i bet you we can stay in the sun and wont be affected by it can you say the same thing not!

  91. Zing on September 9, 2015 at 10:48 am

    I believe black women should stop caring about these people. No one is forced to date us. Even when black guys date white girls, we’re still the topic of every conversation. Because, they really want us

  92. Alex on September 11, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    You sound really stupid. Your getting all caught up in your words waving your hands around like a ghetto black person you look stupid. this is exactly why white people and black people should not mix. It looks really stupid when a white person looks ghetto. Your video did not help people realize that white and black people should be together, it made people realize that they shouldn’t be together. Thank you for your dumb ass video.

  93. Mental slavery on September 18, 2015 at 5:43 pm

    I see here that we are not looking at what is happening. I firmly believe that black men suffers from an inferiority complex.In their hearts , they honestly believe that whites are better than blacks and that they have arrived , obce they date a white woman. Look how proud they are when walking with a white woman. check it out, they always hold hands walking down the streets. Not to mention the pride in the bm’s eyes,He follows your eyes to see if you are looking at him with his white girl LOL… its always a joke to see the reaction of the black man with his white woman. I think it is a sell out and I think it is an inferiority complex. Bob Marley sang “IMANCIPATE YOURSELVES FROM MENTAL SLAVERY, NONE BUT OURSELVES CAN FREE OUR MINDS”. Stop looking for excuses why you prefer white women, its way deeper than those damn stupid excuses.

    • Ro on December 16, 2015 at 3:47 am

      Just because you date one race doesn’t mean you don’t like the other. God made us all. Lonely people are looking for answers to their single life.

  94. real ni**a on October 9, 2015 at 3:37 pm

    I think ol girl hit it on the head a lot of what she was saying was real and no not all but a lot of black women don’t support they man and nag all da time and can’t for something reason let there man wear the pants

  95. Truth on October 13, 2015 at 7:13 am

    Very common nowadays, no surprise there.

  96. Lilly on October 28, 2015 at 12:22 pm

    I am a white woman from Scandinavia that is married to a black man for 5 years. Both me and my husband have been dating black and white in the past.
    I think this race problems you all have in the US is too much, when are you all gonna see that we are all related no matter what color we have on our skin. I couldn’t care less if a white man dates a Black woman – I get proud!
    Many of us in Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden and Denmark don’t get how it can still be some much race talk in the US still..?? It’s 2015! Mix people, get to know different people, travel.

  97. John Baker on November 14, 2015 at 9:21 am

    I am a white guy and don’t mind black men dating white women. You cant be a guardian of white women because it takes the effort of more than a few good men to do that and no one is doing it except for a few Nazi skin head types, heh.. excuse my dogma.. Personally i don’t date white women who like black men or have dated them because they appear to be messed up mentally somehow.. It’s some kinda of color sexual perversion they got flowing in their veins i don’t know. But i do know that the white women who don’t date black men and never will, have better personalities to me and that’s attractive.

  98. Cream on November 17, 2015 at 1:37 am

    Oh noes. Black men, the men with the highest percentage of incarceration, sexually transmitted disease and poverty, don’t want to date me. How ever shall I proceed with life?

  99. Olympia on November 27, 2015 at 10:45 am

    I am a black woman and my only response to the video is this….WHO CARES? If a black man prefers to be with a white woman (for WHATEVER reasons) that’s his right and none of my business. I am only interested in men (of ANY race, not just black) who are attracted TO ME and appreciate MY personality and beauty.

    The men who reject all black women based on race alone without ever getting to know the unique INDIVIDUAL black woman ARE racist and ignorant BUT, again, that’s their problem, not mine. I love me. I know that many black men will choose a poor white trash or fat or ugly white woman over an educated, financially successful, fit, beautiful black woman since they place a very high value on whiteness. I know because I see it everyday.

    There are many quality black women who are single as a result of black men ignoring them just because they are black, which shows the weak mentality of those black men. When you despise someone who looks just like you, you really do hate yourself.

    Ladies, focus on the men who focus on you and ignore the men who ignore you. The only men who matter are the ones who can SEE just how GREAT you are.

  100. Mightyqueen on December 4, 2015 at 8:20 am

    Let me go back in time…now they love black men? Yet most of them use to say the blackmen rape them, actually they still acuse the blackman falsely!! They might be more passive aggressors, trust and believe they settle their disagreement in court!!! Lol and call the police as soon as they have an argument! Whats her point? Nobody is perfect and false hair originated from Caucasian and they go under the knife! !! What a man think of himself thinketh of another!!

  101. D on December 11, 2015 at 12:24 am

    Do any of you, white or black, know how to use the English language properly? You all sound like fools.

  102. Lamont Adams on December 12, 2015 at 9:21 pm

    Really…….. Well this is the truth and I basically summed it up with these five points: (1). Dogs care about their master. (2). Dogs listen to their master. (3). Dogs support their master and let their master be the only Master. (4). And Dogs always lick their own Ass and anyones ass that bends over and will always try something different as long as you give them a reward. (5). They do have real Fur…………

    White women are more related to a Dog than any other race in the world. They smell the same when they get wet, they listen to their master, they have lice and they have Fur not hair.

  103. Seriously on December 18, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    How very common these days.

  104. Andrew on December 20, 2015 at 12:59 pm

    Brothers go back and forth, but sisters with white guys dont go back. My neutral experience with both: white girls are kinder, loving, well rounded and know their role in a relationship/marriage. Sisters hav’nt much to offer but sex as commented above–which gets stale over time; are mostly materialistic and superficial. I guess history and background play a huge part in their demise (slavery/lack of supportive black men.) Sisters however are very strong women who nowadays dont know what to look for in a man, and settle. It’s EVERY woman’s desire to be taken care of; however white women of same financial status generally do more. It’s pathetic about sisters and the veave, but white girls have asses too (mostly southerners like TN.) And are more sensual/affectionate in bed and out. Stereotyping is wrong as there are exceptions to every rule.(sisters now have implants: Nikki Minaj/K Michelle etc, while white girls have real butts/full lips) I love my sisters but they’re so hard to work with, hense switching is needed. She has to be of foreign origin to be with because only then is there stability steming from observation in a two parent home as normalcy which is more likely. To each is own but nobody matches a black womans strength in withstanding adversity. However a brother with a white woman by default has a better life, thus hardship will be minimalized while inside a blissful and peaceful homelife.

  105. Stacey on December 31, 2015 at 3:26 am

    Wow, and she has a black dad. He clearly has been feeding her this as long as he has been with her mom…Just wow. He’s been telling her that she is better the whole time so why are we surprised she made this video.

    It’s only black men feeding black women this bs and then telling us that they still love us so I blame them 100% for her antics.

    I’ve heard Flex himself say that beautiful women will be at a party and mentioned every race that will be there besides black…so, this is really an ironic posting.

    Black men feed this bs to these white girls then they still want our support with their stuff. Black women are leaving and dating other races now, so be careful what you ask for. Even in my area, which has working class people, I see many black younger girls dating Spanish guys and Asian guys. They look happy.

    I’ll be damned if I date the same guy that told this white girl that she was “special” because she can get her hair wet.

  106. Cjmacintosh on December 31, 2015 at 4:30 pm

    I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Democratic-voting black community and their culture to our society.
    Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.

    Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.

    Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature.

    Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation—presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis TN, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let’s not forget Detroit, MI, the tourism capital of the world!

    It’s ironic that black lawmakers are now lamenting the flaring of racial tensions since Obama took office, but they’ll never admit that perhaps things would be progressing if the first black president wasn’t an inexperienced, incompetent hack who drinks from “the cup of bitterness and hatred” that Dr. King warned us about 50 years ago.

  107. lindsay on January 1, 2016 at 6:34 am

    I’m mixed and have been married to the love of my life, who is white, for 13 years. I have never dated a black man because besides being unattractive to me, they are truly loathsome creatures that live up to EVERY stereotype. Lazy? Check. Ignorant? Check. Violent? check. Deadbeat fathers? Check. Black men are bottom of the barrel and black women should feel lucky that they are (mostly grossly obese) white women’s headache and burden now. Black men honestly remind me of animals-savage, completely uncivilized, dumb as f*ck, and willing to stick their dick in ANYTHING. I have a fat white friend that dates nothing but black and is forever dealing with cheaters, slackers and losers and I feel so bad because I know she sees the way my white husband treats me and desperately wants it, but knows that as long as she looks the way she does, she’s stuck with black men. And that’s the thing – most big fat white women (and what other kind of white woman do you ever see black men date) that date black secretly want a sophisticated, handsome, hardworking, intelligent white man that will spoil them, but to avoid not being completely alone, they “settle” for Black men. This has even been admitted by a BLACK MAN on “3 reasons black men should not date fat white woman” AND on “is this true? 18 reasons white women date black men”. I know you BM think your mandingo sexual prowess is the reason white women date you, but think about it. The ONLY women you can pull are fattie white man rejects, unless your a millionaire athlete. Coincidence? I think not. Very few ATTRACTIVE woman would ever willingly choose a worthless black man.

  108. Anounimuhs on January 3, 2016 at 6:57 pm

    Those points are any fucking valid and besides you are fucking racist against black women

  109. Black man on January 8, 2016 at 2:47 pm

    White girls got natural hair (like don’t every woman got natural hair?),
    Black girls got natural booty (like don’t every woman got natural booty?).
    so, i’m working on merging a black girl with a white girl to produce my dream Chinese woman. Here in Nigeria, black men prefer those same faces Asian girls 😉

  110. Sunny on January 9, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    Stereotypes, Racism………when will we be free of it?
    I choose to be colorblind when it comes to skin color, who is with me?

    On 08.30.15 lovemyman said:

    All of you are crazy. Love who you love and forget all the negative people in life. I love my man for who he is as a person not what color he is….

    I fully agree with you lovemyman, I love mine too.

  111. Michael on January 20, 2016 at 6:20 am

    I dont date black women anymore. Back in the day they were pretty cool. Today they only care about money.. most are attention whores and the majority of them cant cook and they stink.
    I mean they truly stink!
    Both down there and ESPECIALLY attitudes.

    I dont care for white women in general either..( why do so many kiss dogs on the mouth)>>

    Latina ladies are my choice because they take care of their bodies AND tier men and they arent focused on having kids and money.

  112. georgina on January 25, 2016 at 10:05 am

    My boyfriend and I broke up 3 weeks ago. he started acting strange, he was ignoring all of my calls and won’t speak to me at all, i wanted us to be back together forever and work through things as a couple. I just could not picture my life without him. i felt so rejected when i discovered that he was cheating on me. it made me go crazy because i took him as the love of my life, my best friend, my soul mate, after making some research i found DR EKA on the net that he can restore broken relationship and i gave it a try, after using his love spell, my boyfriend came back and since then I definitely believe (dreka14demons@gmail.com) is real, I must admit, the result was perfect, wonderful, this caster DR EKA is real. you can contact he via email (dreka14demons@gmail.com) for urgent help

  113. Courtney on February 6, 2016 at 9:59 pm

    I been with a black man for 2 years and he just told me today he’s doesn’t really like white women!!!!smh

  114. Jim on March 5, 2016 at 2:16 am

    White women who date black men are whores, simple as that.

  115. Jb on March 6, 2016 at 4:24 am

    I’ve always wondered why almost all bm want ww, at least it seems. All women love the color green, I do know that.
    never thought about it till recently. Most all my friends have always been brothers growing up and even now. My roommate that I consider blood, is. But looking back every black dude I’ve been tight with over past 30 years only wants or have married white women. Never even thought bout it till a girl I loved left me for a brother, thus me being on this site. He has more bread and can take her more places, and buy her better things, and provide for her kid better, so I get it. Whoever said its dick size… Lots of wm are well equipped. It’s stereotypically our poor Asian friends that weren’t blessed in that area. U got better rhythm tho, I’ll give u that. Really the whole US is messed up. 55% divorce rate and average marriage is 7 years. Social media and dating sites are making it worse. I don’t think it’s all race. A lot of it is the country & times we live in. This generation is dif for the worse. The long marriages and loyalty happened in the generations before us. Non Americanized women are most loyal and lowest maintenance. i don’t think I’ve ever met a bm that didn’t want ww. It’s a mystery. Ww aren’t that great. Most are about her and hers. But I think it Raises tension mainly between the sexes. Bw mad at bm and wm at ww. But whoever said at 40 ww look old quick and black don’t crack is right! Black women have beautiful skin. I’m a white male, so prob shouldn’t comment on here, cause I’ll be the first one ppl play the race card on. Race doesn’t matter to me… It’s all about heart and chemistry

  116. Michelle Williams on March 20, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    No You white Bitches Weak Minded And Easily Manipulated And Put Up With A Man’s Bullshit Thats Why They Fuck With You. A Strong Black Woman Isnt Gonna Sit At Home While Her So Called Man Out Running The Streets Looking For Weak Bitches Like Yourselves To Fuck. Dont Get Shit Twisted.

  117. Mrs. Mrs. on March 31, 2016 at 12:02 am

    Here in America most of the Black men with white women are due to his having a lack of power. He is the weakest most unloyal man, BM are being shot down in the street like dogs, by EACH OTHER and the police and they assume having a WW will help them have a better life.

    Yes, BM are weak, look at them on Youtube, Facebook and blogs, dissing BW as though they have something serious to offer sounding like lunatics. Other races of men notice this and notice how violent and selfish BM are, most just want to breed out of wedlock, smoke dope, play games, no motivation, selfish.

    Most Black American men who are with WW want to be WM and are upset they are the least powerful man. They use the WW to try to get back at WM but sorry Jerome, WM are still running shit, period. You will never be ‘the man’ except with weaker women.

    It’s a lie, they aren’t the best lovers.

    It’s a lie, they aren’t the most protective.

    It’s True they are the most selfish, the poorest, the men with the most AIDS and STD’s.

    BW have high rates of STD’s and STI’s cause most BW only date BM.

    I have BM friends, they were raised in two-parent households. I have nothing in common with BM who had no daddies who CHOSE not to help raise them.

    Fatherless BM are a big problem in the USA. I advise all women to ignore them unless they are rich. The poor ones, which is most of them, are drama queens.

    Frankly, most Black American men are seriously mentally ill, and breeding with WW doesn’t help, it just erases him. Look at hip hop, Drake is half white, he’s the top rapper, Justin Timberlake, Justin Beiber, they have made Black men obsolete.

    I see Black USA men as damaged, stuck in victim status and complete narcissists, focused on their penis. Last time I checked, penises don’t pay the rent unless he’s a porno star.

  118. Sergey Morgunov on April 19, 2016 at 5:02 am

    Interestingly, most white women who date blacks are fat, ugly, ghetto, hippie, drug-heads, or come from bad families. I see some attractive ones who chase rich, wealthy blacks because they are easy money for them . Blacks are easily blinded by gold diggers. And you often see porn stars and prostitutes with them. But this group with have sex with anybody who pays them.

    Most white females who sleep with blacks use them as sexual toys. When I ask why did you stop sleeping with a black, she often says, “well he is not that great and his size is not what they say..”However, they should not forget that a normal white man would not accept a woman was touched by black, even once. So think twice. I rejected 3 white females who slept with blacks in the past (they were all attractive and dated WEALTHY only blacks). Under any circumstances, I would not be second after a black. Plus, many of them have HIV etc. It is too risky to be with a white woman who slept with a black in the past.

  119. Sergey Morgunov on April 19, 2016 at 5:12 am

    Interestingly, most white women who date blacks are fat, ugly, ghetto, hippie, drug-heads, or come from bad families. I see some attractive ones who chase rich, wealthy blacks because they are easy money for them . Blacks are easily blinded by gold diggers. And you often see porn stars and prostitutes with them. But this group with have sex with anybody who pays them.

    Most white females who sleep with blacks use them as sexual toys. When I ask why did you stop sleeping with a black, she often says, “well he is not that great and his size is not what they say..”However, they should not forget that a normal white man would not accept a woman was touched by black, even once To a normal white male, it says a lot when a white woman slept with a black. So think twice. I rejected 3 white females who slept with blacks in the past (they were all attractive and dated WEALTHY only blacks). Under any circumstances, I would not be second after a black. Plus, many of them have HIV etc. It is too risky to be with a white woman who slept with a black in the past.

  120. the reject on April 26, 2016 at 9:16 am

    Im a black man. And black women would just pass me by all the time. At least white women say hi. Black women have become inhumane on a social level. Fuck that i’ll be alone before i deal with that dysfunctional shit. So yes a white women is ALWAYS an option. hi Becky 😉

    • Gario on September 6, 2019 at 9:04 pm

      I m Haitian black man I like a lot the white woman I m a handsome boy when the woman sees me she looks a lot and much love of me she looks at me a lot also love in the street and the miss of the school also loves because I m beautiful I m student I m so sorry white man

  121. Robert D. Rice II on May 16, 2016 at 10:43 am

    I am a seasoned, freelance writer. I would like to submit my article on interracial relationships as a feature article . To what address so I send it ?

    Robert D. Rice II
    Blog.robertsstories. Com

  122. naomi on May 17, 2016 at 9:08 am

    Am a nice looking black woman who dates white and I have dated ugly and cute white guys and I have dated a few brother and men are men dick size no different and money same thing no different and all blk women are not gettho I grew up in Iowa I live in Ne and I’ve had more money some of the white guys been with and some of the black me had more money then some of the white guys people are people and we should stay out of people bed room beside white men say they only date white lie black men say they only date black lie and white say I love black but cheat with a white woman and black men will say I only like white women but have kids by both race

  123. bernadettecolon on June 8, 2016 at 7:15 pm

    my boyfriend is black I am Hispanic not all black men are the same as I read in the statements above my sons father was different than my present boyfriend my sons father was black he was totally different in personality and the way he was raised my present boyfriend had good grandparents that raised him my sons father had a stepfather that abused him that affected him in his adult life

  124. TheVerySadTruth on June 10, 2016 at 8:20 am

    Then again white trash women are Everywhere these days Unfortunately.

  125. Ha ha on June 12, 2016 at 11:59 am

    White girls think about black women too much. Many are bisexual and lesbian. Many black women are Heterosexual and don’t think about white girls or who they are with. Why be all up in black women’s business? We are not thinking about you. Go to your shrink, stop smoking marijuana and method(that’s why you have the boy you are with you know where the drugs are). I will take note that you have not mentioned anything about love. Therefore it is still a slave/master mentality to stop white girls from feeling weak, insecure, and inferior to the real black goddesses. You fear black love. You wish you were black. You chase, molest, and ruin our good character and lives as you are envious of any Man wanting and desiring us. We can see your desperation from how you advertise white girls as if you are simple objects. Good things aren’t easy. That’s why you are. Insecurity, low value, and ignorance may attract the lowest. That is why white girls get the criminals, drug addicts, uneducated, mentally ill, the leftovers we don’t want. Make up all the excuses you want. Evil sticks together. We hold our own and do not make time for weak, sorry little boys, no matter what they have. We always get the best! I sleep very well at night. It is a shame that Men do not think well enough of you except for what they see and what you let them do to your flesh. They constantly cheat on you looking for someone better as a result. Your sad relationships are less than desirable and have no cause for envy. You can keep thinking that if you want. White girls have to settle. You definitely are not lookers. Might as well do what the more attractive women don’t. That’s the only way a white girl can get a boy. True love will never be more than skin deep for white girls. You don’t have what it takes. The ugliest of our species has to go above and beyond when they are horrible lays. That is why Ashley Madison and other sites were created due to white mates not being satisfying enough. White girls will never be enough. Other races wouldn’t be here if white girls were! Save the bs ads of yourselves and go wash your hair. Your man wasn’t even by your side in this video. We know whites are envious of us. I’ve had to deal with white peoples envy of me all my life. Always in my business and molesting me, etc. I don’t want you either. And stop trying to get me to be a lesbian or have interracial relationships. Stop bugging me! I am not ever interested!!

  126. Queenfuckinghatedumbpeople on June 26, 2016 at 10:53 am

    ypu comment is valid among all races so saying that the reason why no… my black bros sit on the block and talk about how they like to fuck dumb white bitches cus a brother trying to reach some where and the white women easy. Look with all himan being the reason differs. The white women like the big blcks docs period and the insecure ones who cant get a decent white man try black I come from a blended home and my dad is black and is awesome. Talking about you support your man and let him run the house. You insure fuck not knowing whe to throw the trash when your man is cheating everynight. LOL Dumb ass white girl with shorter hair than a black girl talking about weaves your ace invented it used them in movies for centuries do the math uneducated bitch.

  127. Queenfuckinghatedumbpeople on June 26, 2016 at 10:55 am

    sorry for the typos i am using a tablet and this bitch got me heated, main thing you got the point and it hurts doesn’t it. I bet you are not even reading these comments!

  128. Reality on August 11, 2016 at 2:03 pm

    Then again, white women like them very big these days.

  129. Angel on August 12, 2016 at 9:41 am

    As a black woman all I want to know from the black man is are you looking for a wife or a momma? Self-esteem and confidence are things you should already have when you meet me. If you have low self-esteem and want your ego stroked all the time then maybe a white woman is who you need. I can’t help that black men suffer from low self-esteem and have been every since slavery. I’m raising two black boys to be strong, confident and loving. They don’t need to go to white women for anything other than love. If you marry white because you love her and can’t live without her then that’s different. However, if you marry non black because you see white as better then you hate yourself and there’s nothing I can do for you. You have the Michael Jordan Syndrome.

  130. Mike on August 28, 2016 at 3:52 am

    I find it interesting that white women that a white male wouldn’t actually be seen in public with, one who blatantly shouts I am a whore with her false breasts and hair extnsions, along with slutty clothing, is considered a catch, even arm candy. I suspect that many women who are sluts or whores attract black men, and they in turn use these men as substitute, steady, white male boyfriends who wouldn’t have anything to do with them in the glare of the light of day. One of the most famous of course is Coco, wife of Ice T. What self respecting white male would want to be seen in public with her, but Ice T seems ok with this. Kardashian and Kayne are another couple that fit the bill. Most of the couples I see remind me of Times Square in the 80s. The only attractive black woman I have ever seen was a mix of Chinese and black, but like black men, I don’t find bw attractive.

  131. JW on September 1, 2016 at 4:38 pm

    Well there are a lot of white guys these days dating black women too.

  132. Joe Shmoe on September 12, 2016 at 12:29 pm

    I made a fake profile with a black guy on a dating site, and I’ll tell you the truth, it’s all about sex, he got a sex hookup in 20 minutes and I tried to pick someone the same height weight , looks. I have more education, make more money, and am probably better in bed than most anyone. I have been told many times. But somehow I was alone for the last four months, reading (of the few that did reply) your not my type, your too this, not enough that, the blacks profile I made was scanty to say the least. So why don’t you white bitches fess up that you think your gonna get a bigger wanger if you get a black guy and that is ALL there is to it. White guys you gotta wake up to the fact it has nothing to do with love or we are all the same, thats liberal BS. Our race and theirs is being diluted by mixing the races. My wanger is the same size as an avg black guy by sudies. I still have a hell of a time just getting a date. This black profile I made. the guy had NO GAME, no effort required and I never had it that easy. So it IS ABOUT SEX AND COLOR. I hate you white bitches for being so sleasy and foolish to think a black guy is better than me cuz you believe you will get a bigger wanger. That is the truth, accept it or not. White men try doing it yourself , if you don’t trust me, white trash women who claim in their profile they don’t want sex, study their bibles, etc.. are LIARS, they are secretly contacting black guys sending them lewd pics and offering sex asking to hook up. Meanwhile they are giving you the brush as a white guy. This is BULL SH## !! Find out the facts before you offer any opinion, I did and it makes me sick. ITS ALL ABOUT SEX nothing more and it should offend you, especially with you white bitches lying about what you want and who you are, and doing the opposite on the sly. And I have not seen the STAND behind your man thing true either, my GF’s all left in the end for BS reasons. I was better to them than I was to myself, thats a mistake to treat them so well, don’t listen to womens lies anymore, they will leave you in your darkest hour, they don’t give a shi# about you. I might as well take the naked pics shes offering as proof. SLUTS

  133. The Truth Was Said Again on October 19, 2016 at 11:49 am

    White trashy very Pathetic whore women are now Everywhere these days unfortunately which the women in the Past really did put these Disgusting women today to Real Shame since Most of them were the Best back then. It is just too very bad that their all Gone now.

  134. Dre on January 1, 2017 at 1:30 pm

    This white lady said she has a black father so you know therefore she is not racist black women wake up I am a blackmail the things this lady is saying is true and you know it is time to wake up stop acting like this stuff is not true for some of your black women are majority of the black one I have been with a white Woman for almost 12 years And love her! #WAKE UP#If your MAD###Then its TRUE!!!##?????????

  135. Jim Williams on February 3, 2017 at 8:31 am

    News flash: Black men date white women because, guess what, white women like to date black men. White Girl is only telling half the story.

    Researchers have done studies. The sad truth for us white guys is that white women happen to think black men are sexy.

  136. Done on February 9, 2017 at 6:32 pm

    Well I live in WA state and all the black guys I see don’t have a penny to there name and the white ladies still go out wit them that I don’t understand. All you ladies that do. Why date someone that you have to pay for I for one will always pay a ladies way. And for most they wind up pregnant and on welfare. Yup you reap what you sew

  137. Joey B on April 9, 2017 at 7:20 am

    Hey now

  138. Joey B on April 9, 2017 at 7:20 am

    White Boy here with my own damn opinion!
    Stop generalizing fools everybody ass know people are individuals with they own mind dis shit is wack and out of line. Plenty white boys would love to have a chance with yall beautiful black females. Show you how a lady should be treated, you deserve that treatment.. For the dude above talking bout they think they all that with a degree and.a job, fr you cant be serious? They all that to begin with, thats just a plus. Like i said Give a white boy a chance, this white boy will help you around the house and we aint scared to eat that kitty mmh no what i mean.

  139. Marcus on October 28, 2017 at 1:23 pm

    I am a black man who has had a tremendous amount of encounters with women period. Majority have been white women! I personally agree with Hannah on all that was mentioned! Honestly I love and adore my black sisters, but generally in my experiences or circles as it has been mentioned. The black women I have share intimate encounters with have been highly educated and by no means ghetto. The most interesting fact about these black women has been none of them are serious about having a relationship. In fact all of them have always wanted our encounters to remain unspoken about! I am a God fearing man and through my studies I have uncovered the truth about interracial intercourse! Black men only exist for two reasons. Number 1. To take our race back to which it came from. The people God created to inhabit and of course inherit his kingdom. We are the original race and procreating with other races allows us to delete ultimately the worse sin man could create outside of murder! You see when God created man(black man) it was not Adam! As a start over God created Adam in the Garden. Adam was simply the first man in the garden not the first human. Besides to create a man from mud is truly where the racial slurs come from. Why would God create a race of people who could not survive in all conditions of the Earth? To some this fact up. Sexually immoral black men were raping and procreating with their own blood relatives. Mother’s, sister, cousins, etc. What this did was created a defect in humanity known as “Albinos!” Granted it is a pigment disorder that can also be created from non related couples, but is generated from blacks. As more and more Albinos were being created due to sexual misconduct, and the reality of how these poor unfortunate babies were being reproduced! It became an abomination to allow these children to be in society. As it obviously would show the immoral conduct of said household and families to everyone. Thus these children were cast out, exiled and sent to the mountains(Mt. Caucus.) Over time these children became adults, young adults and began reproducing and procreating amongst each other. Now due to the lack of pigment, and the fact that these folks would have had their own rules, regulations, lifestyles outside of the general black society that was mankind. These Albinos created a pigmentless race of people…Well you get the picture. White people! Number 2. Black men exist to entertain! As the supreme race created by God from the beginning also including Adam later. We were to create an incredible society of laughter, love, immortality, etc. So that Earth would be heaven! As you look today at our society, and the general world. Black men dominate as entertainers and have always throughout history. Sports, television, comedy, movies, music, inventions(watch “Hidden Colors” if you have not already), leadership, military, longer marriages, longer lives, etc! The point to all this and how it is relevant to Hannah’s video is innate, subconscious. You see when an interracial relationship begins it is sub-conscience to the white party to naturally give dominion over to the black. It is a feeling the white automatically without thinking their heart and mind succumbs to! Mainly the black is able to open the eyes of the white in regards to so much knowledge, understanding, and possession! I strongly believe that a white woman is still a virgin until she has been with a black man, Ultimately!!! That white woman’s subconscious duty is to return our culture, race, society back to it’s strong, durable, amazing foundation by procreating with a black man to ensure God’s chosen people once again return to dominion over Her Earth! We must not forget about “Pangea” When all of Earth was still combined. You could walk from Egypt to what is now Russia and so on! That means at one time the first people created would have had no problem migrating all over the world without needing suntan lotion, or heavy down winter coats. You get the idea! So many might ask. Then where does everybody else come from? Well, still black people. No matter how many times you mix and match other races to each other without a black in envolved you we never create a black! You see the Native American were created from the black and an albino, We already know where the Spaniards came from…Well since they were white in pigment. Yes, if you were not aware Cortez had white skin. It is his people, well followers who procreated with Native Americans to created hispanics. Hispanics procreated with white people to create latinos. Latinos procreated with Native Americans to create Southern Americans (Argentinians, Brazilians, etc.) South Americans procreated with all of the above with now a divided Earthly land mass. We have people being born below the equator(misspelled) Because of this the sun and daylight are reflected differently causing a dramatic squint in the eyes. Thus creating Asians that is simple evolution. Also let’s certainly not forget about all the treaties, trading, and exchanges that caused American black slavery! If blacks had stood their ground and chose life and freedom over coal, and gold and the kidnapping of their own daughters and sons…Well not only does American black slavery cease to exist, but blacks would by now have our rightful place as dominion over Earth and her animals! Appreciate interracial blending black people. We may not see it, but our race will emerge once again superior. The other races are on borrowed time. Also if anyone can tell me why white men exist truly! What do they bring to humanity that they do not need to be taught or learned? I am not racist, In fact I have 5 biological children. 3- bi-racial daughters, 1- one bi-racial son, 1- fully black son, 2- white stepsons in my household, and I have raised a total of 2 other white boys, 1- bi-racial girl, 3- bi-racial boys none of which were mine biologically obviously. They are all my children regardless and I love them all more than I love myself! Hannah if you read this. This video was very brave! Your intentions are wonderful! Next time if there is one. Just stick with what you have been through not what blacks that do see being with a white woman as a trophy or worse revenge for slavery! One more thing if a white woman decides to be with a black man who does not have a penny to his name. There is something that white woman sees in regards to potential from that black man or why would she pursue him. Give the the black man a chance, after all it is still innate inside of him to be what he was born and created to be…A King. He just might not of found that person who truly loves and believes in him enough to make the right choice and bow down so he may be knighted to eventually take his throne. I know because I was one of them men. It took a white woman who is now my wife to help me see what I was truly capable of when I had “NOTHING” not a driver’s license, not a job, 4 children by 4 different women! So if you see any potential in that man grab it, harness it, explore it, make it make you his Queen! Lastly remember all this began with black men. This is our purpose from God! No matter who we chose to love!

  140. Yahya B Mumin on November 4, 2017 at 9:17 am

    This is her opinion..she has a right to state her opinion.. Even if it’s stereotypical and not true. I have dated with different race of women (I’m biracial myself). I have been with arrogant black women and white women. I have been with good black women as well as white women. Even though I do not care for unreal hair (just a preference). Doesn’t mean I think a black woman (who wears them) is less attractive. Hell I know white women who wear fake hair. I think there are beautiful women of all races. There is no color better than the other. Black men simply date white women because they #1 like other race of women. #2 have a fetish. #3 Insecurities. #4 curious. #5 horny. Myth that all black women are drama queens. I have been around a lot of blk women who are not . I have been around many whites who I can’t stand to be around due to drama. (Vice versa). So my suggestion is to go with your heart instead of looks and stereotypes. You all have a blessed day.

  141. Mr. White on December 28, 2017 at 11:42 am

    The only thing you got right is that “YOU” give him head, but don’t put that 1st on your list of reason why a black man is with you, know why?? cause as bad as I hate to admit it there are other white whores that think just like you do and are willing to give him head too (probably your friends). . So back to what you were saying is, if a black man wants a white woman he just needs to find,…. a white woman thats a whore, or white woman thats a prositute, or a white woman with no morals, or a white girl that her self-esteem is so low shes ok with any man, or maybe a white woman that don’t give a shit that her man rather go out with his firends partying instead of spendinding time with you (reason: cause he’s with another white whore that gives him head also). I can keep going if you like?? It’s fine with me and women if that’s what you believe, but whats not ok is you think your speaking for all white. So maybe you need to make another video to replace this one maybe title it ” Stupid White Trash Women That Land Their Black Men By Giving Head” Oh and a little tip for ya, most men like any woman that will give them head so freely , so yeah your not that special…..


  142. Harold Carpenter on February 3, 2018 at 11:35 pm

    Seems like Marcus is really talkative here and has a lot to say.

  143. Rick on March 19, 2018 at 7:48 pm

    I’m so pissed off that white or asian or other race females that are attractive slim, beautiful, sexy.. are racist (YOU WHITE OR OTHER RACE FEMALES THAT “date “black”) YOU ARE STILL RACIST! You ALL ONLY LET DARK as hell black guys have interracial dating and sex and attractive nice body females and relationships, you don’t let ME, (a MIXED LIGHTSKIN black guy) ever in my lifetime have interracial dating or sex; a relationship, attractive slim sexy beautiful, a white or asian or ANY other race just not a black or fat unattractive female.. ever in my lifetime. No matter what I did or looked like. Its all the ignorant racist Mandingo and skin color IGNORANCE/RACISM.. that white or asian or other race attractive beautiful females ALL ARE. :””””( I hate being me, not dark… all I wanted was interracial dating and sex, a girlfriend..slim attractive beautiful pretty not ghetto and not fat. And other race females are ALL racist.. YOU ARE RACIST IF YOU ONLY LET DARK skin or NOT ALL SHADES OF BLACK guys. Im so pissed off!!!! I WISH I WAS DARKSKIN AND A JOKE AND NIGGA

  144. Charles St John on March 14, 2019 at 2:11 pm

    I am white, and I don’t blame black men. I wouldn’t want to date a black woman either. The idea of beauty and ugliness are universal (which is why everyone knows how to draw a monster, for instance). That’s not to say that all black women are not pretty, look at the new Dutchess of Sussex—a knockout! *swoon* But, the Caucasian race (all ethnicities included) just more largely encompasses ideal facial attributes/bone structures that align with what most people identify as pretty. Again, it is understandable that black men would prefer a white woman (at least superficially).

  145. Nathine Allen on March 20, 2019 at 12:41 pm

    I am a 64yrs oiled blackman,all the comment made by Hannah about how white woman are better for blackman is true,and that is why I have good love for white girls or woman,for all white woman or girls how would love to date,have fun and make love or have sex or fuck 64yrs oiled blackman like my Nathine Allen,call 1(269)906-7147 or come to my home 23559-M-140 highway,South Haven,MI 49090 anyday or time you have free.I Think You.

  146. Nathine Allen on March 20, 2019 at 1:16 pm

    I am a 64yrs blackman,l love young big tited white girls and woman,how l believe area good lovers for me,all girls and woman how would love to meet and make love to,call 1(269)906-7147 or come to my home 23559-m-140 highway,South Haven,mi 49090.i think you.

  147. Jess on June 8, 2019 at 3:26 pm

    A cock has no conscious!

  148. Shawn on July 15, 2019 at 8:40 pm

    After all the constant crap that black chics say about white women, I say WHO CARES!!. Y’all be hating white women for no reason cause you insecure. So even though this bitch is asking for it by touching y’alls hair, I still say who cares. Go fuck ya self.

  149. Proudwhitewoman on October 7, 2020 at 3:36 pm

    I’m a Swedish white girl and I’m so white that even my hair is pretty much white. I have very long, very shiny, very silky, very healthy,natural platinum blonde hair that is so long it reaches down to and a ways onto the floor. I also have very light, very bright piercing blue eyes and very fair skin. I’m married to black man and already have children with him.
    I love the contrast in skin color between me my husband and my child. Me being the blondest longest haired bluest eyed fairest whitest girl and my husband being the darkest black man everywhere we go we definitely stand out very much and having mixed kids who is also very dark makes us stand out even more.
    I do also love seeing how jealous and angry other black women get when they see me with my husband and children. It’s so funny seeing them get so mad and jealous. Nonblonde women, especially black women are very jealous of beautiful natural blonde blue eyed white girls like me anyway. Being with a black man and having black children makes them even more bitter and jealous.

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HOT 97

OT the REAL | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle152

Another Philly spitta spitting in NYC, OT the Real! OT has been on his been on his grind since he got out from his 6yr bid, and he likes to show his street side through his bars.

LGP QUA | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle151

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SMOKE DZA | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle150

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Ok… We’re getting back into action and here’s a great start with the spicy HOODCELEBRITYY!! She’s petite but packs a an exciting lyrical punch.

Dj Drama | Jack Harlow | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle148

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Lil Baby | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle147

Yes Lil Baby is on promo run for sure, dropping freestyles here and there to promote his album “My Turn”. No Doubt dropping by the series with Actual Numbers was a top priority of his and his team!



Tee Grizzley | FUNK FLEX | #Freestyle129

Tee Grizzley rejoined us like it’s his next ‘First Day Out’ in these streets! This time he brought Sada Baby to sit next to him as he delivers his bars to Funk Flex.

Bobby Konders Presents: Massive B Legacy, Vol. 1

Release Date: November 19th, 2018 Bobby Konders Presents: Massive B Legacy – Volume 1 is now available and includes ten features on ten tracks. Burro Banton, Vybez Kartel, Bounty Killa, Sizzla, T.O.K., Elephantman, Richie Spice, Chezidek, Chronicle, and King Kong. You can listen on Apple Music, Spotify, and Tidal.

#MusicStillMatters New Music: A Boogie – Nice For What

A boogie gave fans a snippet of this one via his instagram. Finally after all the request to drop the full version from fans – here it is. Check A Boogie’s version of “Nice For What.” Listen below.

#MusicStillMatters New Music: Dave East – Imagine

Dave East is set to release the 2nd installment of his “Karma” series, next week on July 27. Check out this new one off the tape called “Imagine.” Listen below.

#MusicStillMatters New Music: 070 Shake – Accusations

The G.O.O.D. Music rookie 070 Shake releases a new one called “Accusations.” Listen below.

(Video) Tony James – Sweat Slow

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#MusicStillMatters Stream: Meek Mill – Legends Of The Summer

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#MusicStillMatters Stream: Future – Beast Mode 2

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#MusicStillMatters New Music: T-Pain – Boo’d Up (Remix)

First it was Nicki Minaj and Quavo who put their touch on the track to mixed reviews. Then Fabolous laid his verse on the hit single. Now, T-Pain decided to give his take on the track. Listen below.


We Know What YG’s Next Purchase Will Be: This ALL RED Special Edition iPhone!

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(Video + Photo) Meek Mill Is Back On Instagram And With A Cryptic Message

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Azealia Banks Has Been Banned From Facebook

AzealiaBanksVEVO Well, that took longer than expected.

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SoundCloud Makes A Major Update That MANY People Will Be Happy About!

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Adrian Marcel Gives 7 Tips For The Bedroom

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