(Video) SMH: Lindsay Lohan’s Fiance Tackle Her For His Phone


You know what they say, if your partner fights you for their phone…something’s up. Lindsay Lohan and her fiance Egor Tarabasov got in a bit of a scuffle after he tried to get his phone back. Hit the jump to watch.

Bri: Instagram + Twitter

If someone needs their phone back this badly, obviously there’s something you shouldn’t be seeing. This isn’t the first time Lindsay and Egor have made headlines because of physical altercations. Maybe it’s time for Lindsay to give Egor the boot.


IFWT Staff


  1. John Mayor on August 5, 2016 at 10:49 pm

    Many years ago I happened upon a book titled, Ends and Means, written by the late author, Aldous Huxley! In it, Huxley explores a concept, that… at the time of my introduction to the work!… I had never personally realized before (at least, in the form, the book addressed!)! And that is, without GOALS (Ends), we will have no FOCUS for our existence!… and!… without the TOOLS/ resources (Means… physical, and informational!) to effect our GOALS, our realization of our respective GOALS may be impossible! But, what was most instructive in the work, was that more important than simply settings goals, was our need to choose our goals wisely!… and!… having done so, to then choose ONLY those tools, that would accomplish the realization of our wisely chosen goals!
    And to paraphrase Aldous Huxley on the concept:… “Our ENDS do not justify our use of just any MEANS; as the MEANS we use, will D-E-T-E-R-M-I-N-E T-H-E V-E-R-Y N-A-T-U-R-E of the ENDS produced!” In other words… and and to borrow from a similar theme found in the New Testament of the Bible:… and to paraphrase!… “One REAPS, what one SOWS!”
    And to frame this concept in a simple manner!… if one is wanting to make a CHEESE CAKE, it would be best to use CHEESE, as opposed to using (for example) CHOCOLATE! Now… this isn’t to suggest that chocolate should never be used in conjunction with cheese in the creation of a CHEESE CAKE!… but, simply, to convey the point, that having predetermined to reach the goal (SOUND GOAL!) of the creation of a CHEESE CAKE, the inclusion of any other ingredients than those that would be conducive to achieving that goal, would be to arrive at a goal, that is then OTHER, than the goal of one’s choosing (AND!… PROVEN, WISE CHOICE!)! And so!… although it is perfectly fine to create a CHOCOLATE CHEESE CAKE (IF SUCH IS YOUR PROVEN, WISE CHOICE!), it is not– strickly speaking!– a CHEESE CAKE! In other words, can the use of CONFLICTING/ CONTRARY means ever be justified, in the attainment of a given goal?… and, for example, the use of VIOLENCE, in the attempt to achieve PEACE!… or the use of a DRUG, to achieve ENLIGHTENMENT! Or!… is the use of CONFLICTING/ CONTRARY means simply COUNTERINTUITIVE/ PARADOXICAL (the latter!… something that appears to be a contradiction, but– in reality!– is not!) in many instances?… and must, therefore, be examined more thoroughly, in our effort to PROVE the CONSISTENCY of our means, with the ends we’ve selected (and for example, our use of SEEMINGLY CONFLICTING/ CONTRARY glaze coloring, when applying coloring to pottery, before firing in a kiln!… the pre-firing raw color of which, will be different than that manifest, after firing!)!
    But, here’s the rub!… how can we know with efficient, effective, and sufficient certainty (and compounded, by the reality of the Uncertainty Principle in Quantum Mechanics!) which goals we should strive to attain? And– likewise!– how can we know with efficient, effective, and sufficient certainty, which tools we should strive to employ, in our effort to accomplish our respective goals?
    Well!… it turns out, that our inherent Cognitive Psychophysical Pattern Recognition ability (properly formed!… and unadulterated!) is efficient, effective, and sufficient to assess the parameters of both our goals, and the tools required to attain them! And the Cognitive Psychophysical Pattern Recognition ability we employ to realize these parameters, is called, CONSCIENCE (i.e., not the “philosophical meme” by that name!… but the “Cognitive Cortex” by that name!… see the Google result, Scientists Appear to Have Located the Conscience!)!… a feature inhere within our respective Cognitive Psychophysiologies (the, lateral frontal pole prefrontal cortex, specifically!), that can assess the most subtle aspect of any given goals, and/ or the tools, to reach those goals!
    To sum up… if I place a finger on the surface of a hot pan, and I hold it long enough on that surface, my finger’s ability to “sense texture” will be diminished! And such diminishment/ incapacitation, can be the case for every cellular structure that we possess (internal, and external!… thermally, or otherwise impacted!)! To cut to the chase!… if we entertain the use of substances that will “burn (in effect!)” the underlying Cognitive Psychophysiology of that which gives rise to CONSCIENCE, AND CONSCIENCENESS, we will lose the ability to “sense (perceive!)” the parameters of both our goals, and the needed tools to achieve those goals! Like the inability of one who is blind, to “optically sense” the colors, of one’s surroundings!
    ATTENTION!:… by this point, some may have mused in reading this prepared text, that I’ve been alluding to/ leading up to the “subject” of today’s topic’s past, and/ or present use of alcohol! No!… although!… used in excess, such can have a systemic impact on one’s Cognitive functionality! Instead, I’m going to be referring to certain of the “Psychotropic drugs” that Lindsay Lohan has admitted to using!… and, which has been “reportedly” used, by Lindsay! These!… and their consequences!… represent a greater health concern (for anyone!)!… as their effects, are like the damaged and/ or lost tracks, on which trains must run! And without such tracks, the infusion of more trains, is but a “trifling matter (and for example, merely increasing the supply of nutrient rich blood and glucose to damaged, and/ or nonexitent neuronal blood and glucose delivery systems, which have been affected by the very microcirculatory transport of Psychotropic substances!)”!
    This… and unfortunately!… is the present dilemma confronting Lindsay Lohan! BUT YEA, MANY OTHERS WHO HAVE USED– AND CONTINUE TO USE!– “C-O-N-S-C-I-E-N-C-E AND C-O-N-S-C-I-E-N-C-E-N-E-S-S ALTERING DRUGS”! And although “neural plasticity” is ever present (i.e., the ability of the brain to regenerate lost neural connectivity!), there is a threshold beyond which, the brain’s ability to compensate for damaged and/ or lost Cognitive Psychophysical functionality, is nigh irretrievable!… and so, requiring a MODALITY to “reinstate” that which has been damaged, and/ or lost! AND LET THERE BE NO MISTAKE!… THE USE OF “C-O-N-S-C-I-E-N-C-E AND C-O-N-S-C-I-E-N-C-E-N-E-S-S ALTERING DRUGS” IS N-O-T A “NATURAL PROCESS”!… AND WILL “R-I-P” THE FABRIC OF OUR RESPECTIVE COGNITIVE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGIES, A-P-A-R-T! AND IS, THEREFORE, NOT TO BE VIEWED/ LOOKED UPON AS SOME FORM OF “NATURAL EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOBIOLOGY”; BUT RATHER, AN “I-N-D-U-C-E-D PSYCHOBIOLOGY (I.E., OF A PERVERSE, AND UNNATURAL KIND!)”! AND ALTHOUGH “NON-DESTRUCTIVE PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES” MAY BE SAID TO EXIST IN NATURE (I.E., THAT WILL NOT DAMAGE CONSCIENCE, AND CONSCIENCENESS!… “T-H-E C-E-N-T-E-R O-F W-H-O, A-N-D W-H-A-T W-E A-R-E”!), MANY PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES WILL ACT TO “D-I-S-R-U-P-T T-H-E N-A-T-U-R-A-L O-R-D-E-R O-F C-O-N-S-C-I-E-N-C-E, A-N-D C-O-N-S-C-I-E-N-C-E-N-E-S-S (E.G., DISRUPT “SHORT TERM MEMORY”!); AND THEREBY, L-O-S-E T-H-E P-E-R-S-O-N OF THE USER, IN THE PROCESS (I.E., UNTIL– AND IF!– RESTORATION IS ACHIEVED!)!
    Fortunately!… though!… today, there are both GENETIC (in the form of “induced dedifferentiation of damaged cells”, and “induced re-differentiation of induced dedifferentiated damaged cells”!) and DIETARY TOOLS (in the form of Dietary Neurotransmitter Precursors!… see, Dietary influences on the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain, by JH Growdon, and RJ Wurtman – Nutr Rev. 1979, May;37(5):129-36!), which can effect the restoration of damaged, and/ or lost Cognitive Psychophysical functionality!… and thereby, providing the means, whereby the ends of Conscience, and Conscienceness, can be restored!… and “Behavioral balance”, regained! Now… this is not to suggest that having used Psychotropic substances, the user has been forever banned to some kind of psychological “never never land”, and that normal day to day functioning is an impossibility!… but, only, that normal day to day functioning has been compromised (and the user has been “re-wired”!), and that the “behavioral balance” of the person so compromised, is in need of “realignment”/ “re-wiring”!
    Lindsay!… and other young souls such as she!… need our prayers!… AND L-O-V-E! And beyond this… they need SOUND “cognitive diagnostics (e.g., Functional S.Q.U.I.D. technoma, and Functional MRI technoma!)”, and, “Cognitive modalities (such as those, as aforementioned!)”!
    And re Lindsay specifically (re medical intervention!)!… not to mitigate some “psychic perturbations” caused by some current use of psychotropic drugs, or to mitigate the “general physiological perturbations” caused by some current use of drugs that manifest addiction (as I don’t believe either scenario for Lindsay, represents a present danger!)!… but!… to simply remedy damaged, and/ or lost Cognitive Psychophysical functionality that has occurred in Lindsay’s past!… the absence of which, has impinged, and impinges on Lindsay’s very ability to “generate” full and proper Conscience, and Conscienceness; and thereby, her full and proper behavioral balance! And!… which has led to intrapersonal and interpersonal blindspots (e.g., a failure to assess properly, the latent behavior of others!… and, the necessary response, to such behavior!), and obsessive compulsiveness!… and which– in turn!– has led to her O-C-C-A-S-I-O-N-A-L misuse of alcohol, and tobacco (as a form of self-medication, to address distressing intrapersonal and interpersonal stress!)!
    But!… certain of the “social reading/ interpretation” of Lindsay Lohan!… and, certain of the “social responses” to Lindsay Lohan based on this reading/ interpretation!… is another matter, altogether! And!… is deserving of it’s own, MEDICAL INTERVENTION! The “BLAME GAME” is not about restoration!… it’s not about healing!… it’s about bullying a target/ victim into self-destruction, and/ or, into destroying something, or someone else through proxy (see the Google entry, When Passive-Aggression isn’t Very Passive!)! What is IMPORTANT to achieve here, is the bringing of a soul into behavioral balance!… and if a soul needs WISE, AND SUBSTANTIVE ASSISTANCE in achieving that balance, then the WISE would indeed be WISE, in facilitating such aid, and balance! And!… words of instruction, alone, may not be a sufficient treatment!
    Lindsay!… wherever you are!… you are more valued, and valuable, than all the gems on all the planets, circling all the stars!… in all the galaxies, in the whole of God’s created universe! You are God’s little girl!… and His precious, and gracious gift to us!… and to His Kingdom to come! And!… for whom, His Son paid an awesome price! And His love for you shines brighter than all the beacons of His Holy Realm combined! And it was for Him!… and for those who would be blessed through you!… that you were born! And I!… am one so blessed! XO∞!
    Please!!… no emails!

  2. ATLien on August 6, 2016 at 5:00 am

    Damn that nigga wrote an essay to a bitch who probably don’t even visit this site, let alone knows it exists.

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HOT 97

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